
Remind! It officially starts on July 15th

author:Ginkgo biloba
Remind! It officially starts on July 15th
Remind! It officially starts on July 15th

Dog days are the hottest, most stuffy, and most tidal time of the year

Three-pronged stickers

Under the theoretical guidance of traditional Chinese medicine "heaven and man corresponding", "winter disease and summer treatment", "internal disease and external treatment", "meridian flow injection" and "timely opening of acupoints", combined with acupuncture, meridians and traditional Chinese medicine, in the hottest "dog days" of the year, the traditional Chinese medicine is made into a paste and applied to specific acupuncture points, so as to encourage righteousness and enhance the body's ability to resist diseases, so as to achieve the purpose of disease prevention and treatment.

Remind! It officially starts on July 15th

Compared with other treatment methods, "Sanfu Patch" has the advantages of obvious efficacy, simple operation, low cost, and no obvious adverse reactions. After the drug is applied, the local blood vessels can be dilated, promote blood circulation, improve immune function, and enhance physical fitness.

Suitable for

Sanfu patch has three major advantages for children: first, it has good efficacy; second, there are few side effects; Third, it is easy to use. For children, the younger the age of "winter disease and summer treatment", the better, because the younger the age, the more imperfect their immune function, visceral function, and development, the easier it is to be corrected. Seize the good opportunity of winter disease and summer treatment, use the excellent conditions of nature, and cooperate with the three-dog patch treatment, which can enhance the physical fitness of children and reduce the occurrence of diseases, and children over two years old can use it.

Remind! It officially starts on July 15th

Summer is the time when the yang energy in nature is the most vigorous, and it is also the time when the yang energy of the human body is the most vigorous. The Department of Gynecology of Pizhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine adheres to the concept of "unity of nature and man" in traditional Chinese medicine, and concentrates on acupoint application during the dog period. Through the stimulation of acupuncture points by drugs, the meridian qi is stimulated, so as to achieve the purpose of removing evil qi, warming the uterus and dissipating cold, and has a very good therapeutic effect on various diseases caused by "palace cold".

Postpartum pain refers to deep pain in the body caused by various reasons after childbirth, such as low back pain, joint pain, etc. These pains not only affect the mother's daily life, but can also have a negative impact on the mother's mental health. As one of the traditional therapies of traditional Chinese medicine, Sanfu patch has the effect of warming the meridians, dissipating cold and relieving pain, and has a certain effect on the treatment of postpartum deep pain.

Diarrhea patch is composed of cinnamon, evodia, nutmeg, etc., with the effect of warm and antidiarrheal, suitable for all kinds of chronic diarrhea, such as you have diarrhea that does not heal for a long time, cold and warmth, eating raw and cold melons and fruits or blowing air conditioning diarrhea aggravation, or accompanied by hiccups, vomiting, spitting water and saliva and other clinical symptoms, diarrhea patch can be used.

Remind! It officially starts on July 15th

If the elderly suffer from chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, rhinitis, asthma, chronic pharyngitis, weakness and cold, cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder, joint pain, low back and leg pain, rheumatism and other diseases, they can also choose to be treated.

Remind! It officially starts on July 15th


During the application of the drug, you should pay attention to your dress and try to wear dark clothing to prevent the ointment from staining the clothing; In order to ensure the efficacy, the application time of an acupuncture point is generally 3-4 hours, just feel cool when it is pasted, after a while, there will be itching and fever locally, if there is no special discomfort, the application time can be appropriately extended.

Patients with sensitive skin should carefully observe the reaction of the skin during the dressing process, if the burning and stinging, itching and fever are obvious, the medicine should be removed in time, and the symptoms are not relieved, please see a doctor in time; It is best not to enter the air-conditioned room after the ointment is applied, because the cold will shrink the pores and affect the absorption of the drug; Also do not exercise, sweating can affect the stickiness of the ointment cloth, it is best to blow it in a cool place or properly with an electric fan.

After the ointment is removed, you can take a bath, but do not rub your back, and the water on the acupuncture points is gently blotted dry with a towel.

Remind! It officially starts on July 15th

Application time

1st Sticker: July 15 - July 21 (Monday to Sunday)

2nd Sticker: July 26-28 (Friday to Sunday)

3rd Sticker: August 2 - August 4 (Friday to Sunday)

4th Sticker: August 9 - August 11 (Friday to Sunday)

The fifth sticker: August 16-August 18 (Friday to Sunday)

6th Sticker: August 22 - August 24 (Thursday to Saturday)

Where to apply

The South and North Hospitals of Pizhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine are held at the same time, and different groups of people correspond to different departments, please go to the medical guidance desk for consultation.

Remind! It officially starts on July 15th


Dressing is forbidden in pregnant patients; Patients with colds, fevers or other medical diseases in the acute phase should postpone the dressing, or follow the doctor's instructions; Patients with malignant tumors, severe skin diseases (such as eczema, neurodermatitis, blisters, boils, sores, etc.), and people with severe allergies.

Additional Notes:

1. During the application period, avoid cold, greasy, seafood, spicy and other irritating foods.

2. Minimize outdoor activities during the application period to prevent heavy sweating.

3. It is forbidden to swim, rain or use air conditioners on the day of application. When bathing, it is enough to rinse with clean water, and soap, bath gel, etc. should not be used.

4. Patients with acute pharyngitis, fever, yellow phlegm and other acute and fever should not use this therapy.

5. Redness, slight itching and burning sensation on the local skin after application are normal drug reactions. Topical anti-allergic ointment can be, a small number of patients have light-colored marks on the skin application site, which can subside on their own after a period of time, individual patients have blistering, rashing, suppuration and other conditions on the application site, it is forbidden to scratch, erythromycin and burn ointment can be applied locally, and severe cases should go to the outpatient clinic.

6. The application time should not be too long, and the general number of patches can only take effect in more than half an hour, and it is recommended to be between 2-4 hours. If the skin is particularly sensitive, it will soon become uncomfortable, such as burning sensation and pain, and it will be necessary to remove it in advance.

7. Winter disease and summer treatment is a process of combining prevention and treatment, and three courses of treatment should be treated continuously (i.e., three summers), and do not give up lightly because the effect of the first winter is not satisfactory, the effect is cumulative, and attention should be paid to persistence.

Edit | Bu Feifei Editor-in-charge | Zhu Yu

Editor | Huang Yang Producer | Peng Yan

Remind! It officially starts on July 15th

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Remind! It officially starts on July 15th


Remind! It officially starts on July 15th

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