
The latest support project of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television is released! The Golden Eagle cartoon has been selected again~

author:Golden Eagle Cartoon TV
The latest support project of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television is released! The Golden Eagle cartoon has been selected again~

Recently, the State Administration of Radio and Television announced

"2023 Outstanding Domestic TV Cartoon and Creative Talent Support Project Evaluation Results"

Golden Eagle Cartoon was rated by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television

"Excellent Broadcaster"

The original cartoon "Yang Jiajiang (below)" was rated

"2023 Outstanding Domestic TV Cartoon". 👏👏

The latest support project of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television is released! The Golden Eagle cartoon has been selected again~

These two accolades are not only shown

Golden Eagle cartoon as

The strong strength of China's No. 1 children's TV broadcast platform

It also reflects the Golden Eagle cartoon in domestic cartoons

Ingenuity and perseverance in the creative process

"Yang Jiajiang" is a Golden Eagle cartoon

Production and broadcast of key animation projects

Selected into the "Chinese Classic Folk Tale Animation Creation Project" of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television

The latest support project of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television is released! The Golden Eagle cartoon has been selected again~

"Yang Jiajiang" revolves around the three key words of "loyalty", "family and country" and "struggle", and opens a new portrayal of Yang Yanzhao, a "Yang Liulang" born in history and extremely vivid. In the face of external and internal troubles, he still insisted on his loyalty, defended his family and the country in the Jin Ge Iron Horse, and guarded the frontier. This kind of loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness resonate with the feelings of family and country at the same frequency, and the fearless spirit conveys unique patriotic feelings.

The latest support project of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television is released! The Golden Eagle cartoon has been selected again~
The latest support project of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television is released! The Golden Eagle cartoon has been selected again~

At the same time, Golden Eagle Cartoon combines traditional shadow puppet art with modern animation art, and integrates intangible cultural heritage culture such as shadow puppetry and paper-cutting into animation production.

The latest support project of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television is released! The Golden Eagle cartoon has been selected again~

Animation 100 years, leaving many dreamy and beautiful memories for several generations of Chinese audiences, Golden Eagle Cartoon as a witness and creator, perceive the pulse of the times, and transmit positive energy in the future, Golden Eagle Cartoon, as the only parent-child business all-factor aggregation and supply platform of the mango system, will create more high-quality cartoons of the times and provide high-quality animation content for parent-child families across the country

The latest support project of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television is released! The Golden Eagle cartoon has been selected again~
The latest support project of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television is released! The Golden Eagle cartoon has been selected again~
The latest support project of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television is released! The Golden Eagle cartoon has been selected again~
The latest support project of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television is released! The Golden Eagle cartoon has been selected again~
The latest support project of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television is released! The Golden Eagle cartoon has been selected again~

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