
Jia Rui even dared to think that Wang Xifeng had such descendants in Jiafu, so why not be defeated

author:Such as a jade child

In the eleventh chapter of the book, Jia Jing's birthday was written, although Jia Jing did not like the excitement and did not come back, but the Ning Mansion held a feast. Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Wang, Sister Feng, Baoyu and others all went to Ningfu to drink and watch plays. After eating, Sister Feng went over to see the sick Qin Keqing, and unexpectedly ran into Jia Rui on the way back.

Jia Rui is the grandson of Jia Dairu, who is a teacher in Jiafu School, and is also a side branch of Jiafu. But this Jia Rui doesn't study well, he doesn't read well, and he has a lot of crooked thoughts. He had already heard of Sister Feng's beauty, and when he saw it today, he dared to take the opportunity to tease Sister Feng. The book reads:

Sister Feng was looking at the scenery in the garden and walked to admire it. Suddenly, a person walked from behind the rockery, and said to Sister Feng, "Please sister-in-law." Sister Feng suddenly saw it, stepped back, and said, "This is Uncle Rui, isn't it?" Jia Rui said: "Sister-in-law doesn't even recognize me? It's not who I am! ”

Sister Feng said: "It's not that I don't recognize it, but when I saw it suddenly, I didn't think that it was the uncle who came here." Jia Rui said: "It's also fitting that I have a relationship with my sister-in-law." I just stole out of the table, and scattered a little in this clean place, and I didn't want to meet my sister-in-law from here. Isn't this fate? As he spoke, he couldn't stop looking at Sister Feng.

Jia Rui even dared to think that Wang Xifeng had such descendants in Jiafu, so why not be defeated

Jia Rui is afraid that he has eaten the gall of a leopard, and he dares to have a different heart for a person like Sister Feng, and he will look at him with his eyes as soon as he meets, this dirty appearance is really disgraceful.

Sister Feng is a smart person, seeing him in such a situation, how can she not understand his thoughts. It's just that there was no one on the road at that time, and she would inevitably suffer if she wanted to be strong, and even if she called someone to help, it is estimated that Sister Feng's reputation would be damaged. So Sister Feng perfunctory him on the surface, and temporarily dismissed him with nice words, and she was able to get out.

If that's it, it's over. Who knew that Jia Rui didn't give up, and then he really came to see Sister Feng, Sister Feng excused herself several times for not being there, but he still didn't wake up, and he still had the opportunity to visit Sister Feng's house. Isn't this Jia Rui's own death, Sister Feng really can't bear to come up with a poisonous lovesickness scheme. Jia Rui was naturally fooled, and for the first time, he was locked up by Sister Feng in the middle of the road and froze all night, and when he went back at dawn, he was beaten by his grandfather Jia Dairu again.

But Jia Rui did not repent after receiving this lesson, and went to find Sister Feng again, and Sister Feng pretended to accept him, but found Jia Rong and Jia Qiang to clean him up. Jia Rui was forced to write an IOU of fifty taels of silver to Jia Rong and Jia Qiang, and he was drenched in feces and urine before he got out. After he went back, he was worried that Rong Qiang would force his debts, and he couldn't let go of Sister Feng, so he couldn't afford to be sick from then on, and in the end, Fengyue Baojian couldn't save him, and he died.

Jia Rui even dared to think that Wang Xifeng had such descendants in Jiafu, so why not be defeated

Sister Feng is nominally Jia Rui's sister-in-law, and she is also the daughter-in-law of Jia Yu, the big house of Rongguo Mansion, and she is also the housekeeper on Jia Zheng's side. Everyone in Jiafu knew Sister Feng's power and power, and even Jia Lian avoided her.

Jia Rui, a timid person, is lawless and shameless and disregards his life when he sees a beauty. Sister Feng's status, is it something that a person like him can think of?

Besides, Jiafu pays the most attention to ethical seniority, and when the elders come to pass on a word, the masters of the younger generation must stand up and answer obediently. The younger brother must stand up and salute the elder brother when he sees him, and the female relatives do not see the men of the family unless necessary, and even the meals are separated from men and women.

Reasoning, Jia Rui should avoid it when he sees Sister Feng, but he also deliberately waited for his sister-in-law to come over. If it was said that it was to meet and say goodbye, it was okay to see him, but he came to the door again and again, his death was not good, and his heart was full of improper thoughts. People like him were cleaned up by Sister Feng, and they also suffered by themselves, and they deserved to die.

Jia Rui even dared to think that Wang Xifeng had such descendants in Jiafu, so why not be defeated

However, there are still many people like Jia Rui in Jiafu, such as Jia Zhen not only forced her daughter-in-law Qin Keqing to have an affair with herself, but also messed with her sister-in-law You Second Sister You Third Sister, ruining their reputation and causing them to have no good result.

There is also Jia Yu, who deliberately wants to force Jia's mother's girl Mandarin Duck to be a concubine, but Mandarin Duck does not allow it, so he releases cruel words No matter what, Mandarin Duck can't escape from his palm. He also rewarded the girl in his room to his son Jia Lian as a concubine, which was comparable to Jia Zhen's gathering.

There are masters like Jia Zhen and Jia Yu who ignore ethics and behave indulgently in Jiafu, who do not produce, regardless of ancestral business, and only know how to enjoy, what kind of future can Jiafu have? There is a prodigal like Jia Rui outside, who does not learn and has no skills, does not seek progress, and the toad wants to eat swan meat. Jiafu has these unscrupulous descendants, how can it continue to develop, even if it is not raided, over time, it will definitely fail.

Jia Rui even dared to think that Wang Xifeng had such descendants in Jiafu, so why not be defeated