
Fire Dance Musou sells for 9 figures, and obviously not many people can play, but they all have to buy it, and the reason is very real

author:Concubine Ai smiled

The skins of Shiranui Dance are a day later than the season update, which means that it has only been on the shelves for a day so far.

Generally speaking, Musou skins are more expensive, so their sales are far less than those of Epic and Legendary. But Fire Dance's peerless skin really subverted my perception.

Fire Dance Musou sells for 9 figures, and obviously not many people can play, but they all have to buy it, and the reason is very real

First of all, everyone must understand that Shiranui Dance has not improved much this season.

But you can see that her win rate has dropped from 7.4% to 9.0%, and you can see that the win rate has dropped from 49% to 47.7%.

What does this mean? It shows that there are really many players who have purchased this skin and experienced it in the game, which has increased the appearance rate of this hero, but reduced the winning rate of this hero.

So why is it that the unparalleled skin, which everyone is too expensive, has created a high sales of fire dance's skin?

Fire Dance Musou sells for 9 figures, and obviously not many people can play, but they all have to buy it, and the reason is very real

First of all, the core reason is definitely the special effects of this skin, and the Wushuang skin is the top skin in the game, and its special effects must be very good.

But to be honest, the special effects of this peerless skin still amazed us, didn't it?

In layman's terms, we are mentally prepared, but on the basis of our psychological preparation, we are given more surprises, so yes, we will subconsciously feel that this skin is very good.

In addition, I interviewed a few people and asked them which special effects they liked, and the results were surprisingly consistent.

Fire Dance Musou sells for 9 figures, and obviously not many people can play, but they all have to buy it, and the reason is very real

That's his out-of-home special effect, and the out-of-home special effect can be said to be the standard configuration of the peerless skin, which is not available in other skins, not even the glory collection skin.

And the exit effect of this skin is to ride in a sports car.

How many players can resist this temptation? We buy skin because we think it looks good and is more comfortable to use. Another point is that we buy skins to satisfy some kind of vanity on our part.

Just like the creep skin was on the shelves before, many players say that the creep skin can only be seen by themselves, so why buy it?

And this skin of Shiranui Dance rides in a sports car when you go out, which can be said to be amazing not only for you, but also for your teammates.

Fire Dance Musou sells for 9 figures, and obviously not many people can play, but they all have to buy it, and the reason is very real

At present, the number of unequaled skins in the game is not a few, and there are already seven.

I won't say here that the special effects of the Musou skin of Shiranui Dance are the best, but at least the animation of this skin out of the city is the best, which is not refuted.

There is also your skin like Daji, Yao's skin, and its main audience is female players.

So basically, girls will buy it, but Shiranui Dance will not only buy this skin for girls, but also boys, which is the advantage of this skin.

Fire Dance Musou sells for 9 figures, and obviously not many people can play, but they all have to buy it, and the reason is very real

Of course, the release time of this skin is the new season, and you have to admit that with the exception of some major holiday events, his daily activity in the new season is much higher than usual.

Therefore, there are many players who have seen this skin, and there are more players who have purchased this skin than usual, and everyone has a concept of impulse consumption in the new season.

Fire Dance Musou sells for 9 figures, and obviously not many people can play, but they all have to buy it, and the reason is very real

Of course, there is also the fact that this skin is the first Musou skin in the SNK series.

The points I've cited above are the core reasons for the high sales of this skin.

It's like I don't usually buy a lot of skins, but in the end I didn't resist the temptation of this skin.