
The first dark horse of the S36 season was born, and Baili Shoujo climbed to the top of T0 to become a bully, with an appearance rate of 36%

author:Concubine Ai smiled

Two days into the start of the S36 season, it is now certain that Baili Shoujo will reach the top of T0 and become the No. 1 dark horse of the season.

Presumably, in the past two days, you have encountered many covenants in the game, so have you ever wondered why the appearance rate of covenants has suddenly become higher, and to what extent?

The first dark horse of the S36 season was born, and Baili Shoujo climbed to the top of T0 to become a bully, with an appearance rate of 36%

Just by what I say, you may not have any concept in your heart, so let's go directly to the data.

In all segments, the data of Baili Shou the day before yesterday has a win rate of 51.6% and an appearance rate of 23.6%.

But in just one day, his win rate soared to 53.9% and his appearance rate soared to 28.3%.

Obviously, on the first day of the season, players saw the potential of the Hundred Miles Covenant, so on the second day of the season, more players joined the Hundred Miles Covenant army.

To be honest, the growth of this data is already obvious, and the fluctuation of this data is relatively large, but in the high segment, the data of 100 miles is even more exaggerated.

The first dark horse of the S36 season was born, and Baili Shoujo climbed to the top of T0 to become a bully, with an appearance rate of 36%

On the first day of the season update, in the high divisions, Baili Shou had a win rate of 51.9% and an appearance rate of 29.8%.

On the second day of the season update, Baili Shou's win rate rose to 54%, and his appearance rate was as high as 36.3%.

This uptime rate has already crushed all heroes, making it the hero with the highest upfield rate so far.

The high appearance rate doesn't mean anything, but at the same time as the high appearance rate, it can also ensure that with such a high win rate, then in the game, there is no second hero in addition to the current Baili Shou.

So what is the strength of the new version of the 100-mile covenant? Is it suitable for the average player to score?

The answer is yes, no matter how you operate and what your consciousness is, you can go and use the Hundred Miles Covenant, which is the current version of the answer.

The first dark horse of the S36 season was born, and Baili Shoujo climbed to the top of T0 to become a bully, with an appearance rate of 36%

First of all, his first strong point is his hand length advantage.

In the case of not opening the blessing of skills, such as talking about Jia Luo's first skill, or Huang Zhong's ultimate, it is the farthest among the shooters in terms of pure ordinary attack distance of Baili Shoujo.

He can completely point the tower outside the tower, and the attack distance is even farther than the defense tower.

Although it is said that his basic attack distance was relatively far in the past, but in the past, everyone's outfit revolved around the damage of his second skill, but now it is different.

The first dark horse of the S36 season was born, and Baili Shoujo climbed to the top of T0 to become a bully, with an appearance rate of 36%

Now let's take a look at the popular recommended outfit of Baili Shou Covenant, which is a pure attack speed crit stream, because now this version of Baili Shou Covenant, he can hit critical hits.

In the previous version, Baili Shou Covenant was basically the end of the world because he couldn't crit.

But now you can crit, which means that we can also choose the equipment that increases attack speed and crit.

So now the hand length advantage of this basic attack is more obvious than the previous version, and only relying on the basic attack damage of Baili Shou Covenant, his lower limit has become lower, and there is no need to pursue the hit rate of the second skill too much.

That's why I said that everyone can use this hero to score points.

The first dark horse of the S36 season was born, and Baili Shoujo climbed to the top of T0 to become a bully, with an appearance rate of 36%

Not only that, but since the revised Baili Promise Ultimate, it can be released continuously.

This has greatly improved his survivability, and it can be said that the current version of the Hundred Miles Covenant is definitely the highest among all shooters.

The player is longer than other shooters, and his self-protection ability is stronger than other shooters, isn't it normal for such a shooter to have such a play in the current version?

At present, in the experience server, the official has cooled down the Baili Covenant, but fortunately, the official server has not made a second adjustment to the Covenant, so everyone hurried to seize this opportunity.


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