
A shares: heavy, People's Daily issued! The China Securities Regulatory Commission and the exchange have done a good job of comprehensively deepening reforms!

author:Yunfan view of the city

Friends, what are the most important keywords for this weekend? That must be "reform".

Since the full registration system of the A-share market, it is now time for a comprehensive reform:

On the one hand, the market has never gotten rid of the curse of 3,000 points;

On the other hand, after the new Nine Articles, the institutional conflicts with the existing market have become more and more obvious, especially the unfair system between shareholders and institutions, the issue of compensation for delisting, and the problem of quantification and refinancing, which urgently need to be resolved.

A shares: heavy, People's Daily issued! The China Securities Regulatory Commission and the exchange have done a good job of comprehensively deepening reforms!

After trading on Friday, the China Securities Regulatory Commission said that a package of measures for capital market reform will be released, and the new village chief also stated to the market that he will listen to the market's suggestions and opinions.

The market generally has more suggestions on quantitative and refinancing, and it is said that these aspects have also been included in the scope of listening.

A shares: heavy, People's Daily issued! The China Securities Regulatory Commission and the exchange have done a good job of comprehensively deepening reforms!

The picture comes from the Internet

From some news in the market, it can be seen that there are many aspects involved in this market proposal, and two points that stockholders are more concerned about have been heard:

The first is the compensation mechanism for delisting, and investor protection in delisting;

The second is the adaptability and pertinence of securities lending, quantification and delisting supervision.

Among them, adaptability and pertinence contain a lot of information, and targeted supervision may be made for short-selling methods such as securities lending and lending, and it may also be considered whether these short-selling methods are suitable for the current market.

Therefore, this is a relatively positive signal, at least now the China Securities Regulatory Commission has begun to investigate from the grassroots level, listen to the voices of shareholders and friends, which also means that if the reaction of shareholders becomes more and more intense, the future of securities lending, quantification and refinancing may usher in the hope of banning.

Next, for some important news in the weekend market to do an interpretation and analysis, the amount of information may be relatively large, it is recommended that you read it patiently:

1. The People's Daily issued a blockbuster article, and the two departments spoke, what is the connection?

(1) First of all, the People's Daily once again pointed out the direction of the future. The People's Daily talked about comprehensively deepening the reform of the scientific and technological mechanism and system, on the one hand, it highlights the importance of reform, and on the other hand, it points out the main line of future science and technology.

A shares: heavy, People's Daily issued! The China Securities Regulatory Commission and the exchange have done a good job of comprehensively deepening reforms!

The picture comes from the Financial Associated Press

There's been a lot of tech news this weekend:

First of all, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Central Bank, the Ministry of Science and Technology and other seven departments jointly issued a work plan for science and technology finance, highlighting the importance of self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology;

Second, the People's Daily spoke out in support of scientific and technological reform, laying a solid foundation for building a strong country in science and technology.

Finally, I want to say that many departments have shown that scientific and technological innovation is the most powerful main line of the market in the future, although there is still some distance from the power of science and technology, but the independent substitution of science and technology is unstoppable.

(2) The "Regulations on the Administration of Rare Earths" was released, and the two departments jointly spoke;

A shares: heavy, People's Daily issued! The China Securities Regulatory Commission and the exchange have done a good job of comprehensively deepening reforms!

The picture comes from the Financial Associated Press

The significance of the issuance of the "Rare Earth Management Regulations" is self-evident, "there is oil in the Middle East, we have rare earths", and rare earth resources are currently of great strategic significance.

Take semiconductor chips as an example, high-end technology is also inseparable from rare earths, because rare earths are important high-end raw materials, why are China's rare earths so strong?

The technology stored in the rare earth industry chain is relatively strong, and the global rare earth mining and smelting is basically inseparable from China's technology, so some places have high reserves but low production, because the technology cannot be reached.

From the recent scientific and technological innovation reform to the issuance of rare earth management regulations, is there any connection between the two?

On the one hand, our high-end technology is still being stuck, so we need domestic substitution and self-reliance;

On the other hand, we have a high right to counteract in the field of rare earths, which is also our confidence;

In fact, the connection between the two is inseparable, and the rest of us can think for ourselves.

2. The China Securities Regulatory Commission, the exchange has issued more than 70 system rules this year, what signal has been released?

A shares: heavy, People's Daily issued! The China Securities Regulatory Commission and the exchange have done a good job of comprehensively deepening reforms!

The picture comes from the Financial Associated Press

At the end of the first half of the year, since the beginning of this year, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the stock exchange have intensively introduced system rules, and after the "New National Nine Articles", the China Securities Regulatory Commission has successively introduced more than 50 systems, which was relatively rare in the past.

It fully illustrates one point: the more institutional rules are introduced, the more problems that exist in the current market, and the more urgent the time for reform.

At present, some reforms have been made in the market in terms of quantification, securities lending and refinancing, but the overall strength is not large enough, only the quantitative high-frequency trading has been restricted, the short-term scale of securities lending has been increased, and the refinancing of restricted shares has been prohibited, but the refinancing of non-restricted shares has not been stopped, and the pressure on the market to short is still increasing.

In addition, the market has increased the review of IPOs and the punishment of violations of laws and regulations, but the issue of compensation for delisting has not been resolved, and the litigation procedures for shareholder compensation are more complicated.

In view of the great concerns of investors and retail investors, it is recommended that the following aspects be actively responded to (if this article can achieve good dissemination, I hope the following points can be valued):

The first is to start the delisting compensation mechanism, and the delisted companies will repurchase shares according to the issue price;

the second is to immediately abolish refinancing and quantification, as well as prohibit all short-selling mechanisms;

the third is to break through the unfair system between retail investors and institutions, and realize the "three publics" principle in the true sense;

Fourth, the reduction and additional issuance are directly linked to dividends;

Fifth, improve the quality of listed companies and strengthen the supervision of intermediaries;

For the rest of the questions, you are welcome to actively add.

3. Nearly 7% of active equity funds lost money in the first half of the year, and the stock market is urgently needed to recover in the second half of the year.

A shares: heavy, People's Daily issued! The China Securities Regulatory Commission and the exchange have done a good job of comprehensively deepening reforms!

The picture comes from the Financial Associated Press

To tell the truth, the results of the capital market in the first half of the year were indeed not qualified, more than 80 percent of the stocks did not rise, and they all fell, and about 70 percent of the active equity fund performance showed losses, which reflected that most of the 200 million shareholders and 700 million people were mainly loss-making.

Therefore, for the financial market in the second half of the year, the market urgently needs to pick up, and the package of reform measures of the China Securities Regulatory Commission also urgently needs to be introduced.

Whether the market will improve next, the key is to see if the 7 turn over can be realized, at present, multiple departments have jointly expressed their position, and the next step is to see the actual action.

The stock market ushered in five poor and six absolute markets, and the broader market index was still bottoming out below 3,000 points;

Now fell out of the space, fell out of confidence, fell out of the turnover, seems to be all pessimistic, but more in line with the initial market in despair, the market weekly line after 6 consecutive yin, this week bottomed out, optimistic about the July rebound repair, next week the weekly line closed the main yang.

Thousands of sails on the side of the sunken boat, and ten thousand trees in front of the sick tree! There is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and the willows and flowers are bright and another village!

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