
The 68-year-old uncle, who remarried in the AA system for 10 years, is very happy just because he has nothing to do with it

author:More than 30,000 years.

The 68-year-old uncle, who remarried in the AA system for 10 years, is very happy just because he has nothing to do with it

The 68-year-old uncle, who remarried in the AA system for 10 years, is very happy just because he has nothing to do with it

My name is Wang Jianguo, I am 78 years old this year, my wife left early, leaving me alone to pull my son to grow up. After my son got married, I became a loner. Although my son is filial and often takes me to live, I always feel uncomfortable living in my son's house, after all, the living habits of the two generations are different, and I can't be idle, and I always want to find something to do.

When I was 68 years old, I was introduced to Aunt Li. Aunt Li is 5 years younger than me, she has been widowed for many years, and she has a daughter under her knee who married out of town. Both of us have experienced the ups and downs of life, and we both longed to have a companion in our old age, to talk, to chat, and to support each other through the final journey of life.

The 68-year-old uncle, who remarried in the AA system for 10 years, is very happy just because he has nothing to do with it

After getting along for a while, we both felt that each other had a good character and could talk to each other, so we decided to remarry.

Just when we were about to get the certificate, we encountered a problem: property problems.

The 68-year-old uncle, who remarried in the AA system for 10 years, is very happy just because he has nothing to do with it

My situation is okay, although the old house is not big, but the location is good, and I can get two suites after the demolition. I still have more than 100,000 yuan in savings, which is enough for me to spend my old age in peace.

Aunt Li's situation is more complicated. She originally lived in a flat house with her wife, and after her husband died, the house went to her name. A few years ago, her daughter and son-in-law lost money in business, so she started the idea of this house. Aunt Li felt sorry for her daughter, so she sold the house without saying a word and helped her daughter pay off her debts.

The 68-year-old uncle, who remarried in the AA system for 10 years, is very happy just because he has nothing to do with it

Now, Aunt Li only has a small part of the money left over from the sale of the house, as well as a pension of 2,000 yuan per month.

I know that Aunt Li must be uncomfortable when she sells her house to help her daughter. I was worried that she would have a poor life in the future, so I proposed that after I got married, my house could be added to her name, and my pension would be handed over to her for safekeeping, and we would bear the burden of the family together.

The 68-year-old uncle, who remarried in the AA system for 10 years, is very happy just because he has nothing to do with it

Unexpectedly, my proposal was rejected by Aunt Li.

"Jianguo, I have received your wishes, but I can't promise you." Aunt Li said, "I know you really want to live with me, but I don't want to let our relationship deteriorate because of money." We are all adults and should be responsible for our own lives. ”

The 68-year-old uncle, who remarried in the AA system for 10 years, is very happy just because he has nothing to do with it

Aunt Li's words made me look at her with admiration. I didn't expect that a woman in her 60s could divide money and feelings so clearly.

"And what do you mean?" I asked.

The 68-year-old uncle, who remarried in the AA system for 10 years, is very happy just because he has nothing to do with it

Let's AA system! Aunt Li said, "Your house is yours, my money is mine, and we keep it separately and don't interfere with each other." We share the living expenses equally, and the family's expenses are also AA. In this way, we will not have conflicts because of money, and we can also maintain the purity of our feelings. ”

I hesitated. To be honest, I've lived most of my life, and I haven't heard of the AA system for the elderly to get married. I'm worried that others will gossip, and I'm also worried that Aunt Li will think I'm stingy.

"Jianguo, I know what you're worried about." Aunt Li saw my concerns, "However, I prefer that our relationship is based on mutual respect and equality." The AA system is not for calculation, but for us all to live more freely and with more peace of mind. ”

Aunt Li's words dispelled my concerns. I realized that the AA system is not a cold mode of getting along, but a more mature and rational way of getting along.

In this way, we signed a prenuptial agreement that clarified the AA lifestyle.

After marriage, we strictly follow the agreement. At the beginning of each month, we will hand over our living expenses to each other for daily expenses. During the holidays, we will also prepare gifts for each other's children.

In the beginning, we were a little unaccustomed to it. For example, when I went to the supermarket to buy groceries, I habitually wanted to pay for everything, but Aunt Li would always insist on AA. Over time, we have gradually adapted to this mode of getting along.

The 68-year-old uncle, who remarried in the AA system for 10 years, is very happy just because he has nothing to do with it

The AA lifestyle not only does not estranged us, but makes us cherish each other's company more.

The 68-year-old uncle, who remarried in the AA system for 10 years, is very happy just because he has nothing to do with it

We would walk in parks together, square dance together, and attend classes at the University for the Elderly. We'll be like other old husbands and wives, and we'll get along once in a while, but we'll soon be reconciled.

We also agreed to travel once a year. Over the years, we have traveled all over the country and left many good memories.

In the blink of an eye, we have been married for 10 years. In the past 10 years, we have respected each other, cared for each other, taken care of each other, and lived a peaceful and happy life.

Looking back on the past 10 years of married life, I found that the AA system is not the secret of our happiness, the real secret is:

1. Respect and understand each other. We all understand that the most important thing for remarried couples is to respect each other and understand each other. We don't impose our ideas on each other, and we don't interfere in each other's private lives.

2. Communicate openly and solve problems in a timely manner. It is inevitable that we will encounter some frictions and contradictions in life, but we will all choose to communicate honestly, solve problems in a timely manner, and not let the conflicts escalate.

3. Stay independent and own your own life. We all believe that even couples should remain independent and have their own lives. We both have our own interests and social circles and don't spend all our time with each other.

4. Support each other to spend your old age together. We all understand that the most important thing in old age is to have a companion. We will support each other, take care of each other, and go through the final journey of life together.

Today, we are nearly 80 years old, but our relationship is still very good, like a pair of old friends, with each other and warm to each other.

We often receive blessings from friends and family who say that we are a "model couple" and a "model of happiness".

Whenever I hear these compliments, I will be reminded of Aunt Li's original words: "The AA system is not for calculation, but for us to live more freely and with more peace of mind."

Yes, the AA system is just a way of life, and happiness comes from our attitude towards life, as well as our love and cherishing for each other.

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