
The self-report of a 60-year-old single old man: I will never get married in my life, and I don't feel how desolate I am when I am old

author:More than 30,000 years.

The self-report of a 60-year-old single old man: I will never get married in my life, and I don't feel how desolate I am when I am old

The self-report of a 60-year-old single old man: I will never get married in my life, and I don't feel how desolate I am when I am old

My name is Li Jianguo, I am 60 years old this year, and I live alone in an old house on the outskirts of the city. The children persuaded me to move in with them, saying that I was too old to live alone. But I refused, I loved this old house, there are all my memories here, those ups and downs, which make up my whole life.

In my life, I have never married, no children and no daughters, and in the eyes of many people, my life may be a failure and a loneliness. But only I know that in my life, although I have not experienced the sweetness of marriage and family, I have also lived freely and carelessly.

The self-report of a 60-year-old single old man: I will never get married in my life, and I don't feel how desolate I am when I am old

When I was young, I was the technical backbone of the factory, with a good income, and I was also energetic, and there were many girls who pursued me. But I'm used to being independent since I was a child, I don't like to be bound by marriage, I always feel that I am free, I can go wherever I want, and I can do whatever I want.

At that time, there was a girl named Wang Xiufang in the factory, who was very good looking and gentle in personality, and was very good to me. She often brought me breakfast, helped me with my laundry, and knitted sweaters for me. The people around me said that we were a good match, and let me hurry up and marry her.

The self-report of a 60-year-old single old man: I will never get married in my life, and I don't feel how desolate I am when I am old

I admit that I also have a good impression of Wang Xiufang, but the more she treats me, the more I resist in my heart. I was afraid that after I got married, I would have to take on the responsibilities of the family, take care of my wife, raise my children, I was afraid that I would not do well, and I was afraid that I would lose my freedom.

I have never agreed to Wang Xiufang's pursuit. Later, she married an educated youth who came back from Shanghai, and I heard that life was not bad.

The self-report of a 60-year-old single old man: I will never get married in my life, and I don't feel how desolate I am when I am old

Later, I was transferred to work at the city's research institute, and I got to know more outstanding women, many of whom expressed their affection for me. But I never thought of getting married, and I enjoyed the sense of accomplishment that comes with my work and the peace of being alone.

In my spare time, I learned various skills, photography, painting, and calligraphy, and my life was full and exciting. I also travel regularly, and I have traveled all over the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, seen different customs and customs, and broadened my horizons.

The self-report of a 60-year-old single old man: I will never get married in my life, and I don't feel how desolate I am when I am old

When I was forty years old, I met a woman who made my heart move, her name is Lin Xiaohui, she is a university teacher, intellectual elegance, and extraordinary conversation. We have a lot of topics in common and have a great time together.

During that time, I felt the sweetness of love for the first time, and I seriously considered getting married. But in the end, I chose to give up.

The self-report of a 60-year-old single old man: I will never get married in my life, and I don't feel how desolate I am when I am old

Because I have found that I have become accustomed to living alone, I am afraid that marriage will break my existing peace, I am afraid of taking responsibility, and I am afraid of facing possible quarrels and contradictions.

After breaking up with Lin Xiaohui, I completely broke up the idea of getting married, and I devoted all my time and energy to work and hobbies. I have worked hard, achieved more and received many honors.

I used my savings to sponsor several children in poor mountainous areas to go to school, and I feel extremely happy and proud to see them grow from ignorant children to young people with knowledge and ideals.

Today, I'm retired and living alone, but I don't feel alone. I get up every morning to exercise, then go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and cook, go to the university for the elderly in the afternoon to learn calligraphy, and read books and watch TV at home in the evening.

My life is simple and regular, and I feel calm and content.

The children are very filial, they often come to visit me, bring me all kinds of delicious food, and help me clean and do laundry. They always advised me to move in with them, saying that they would be reassured.

But I refused, I didn't want to be a burden to them, and I didn't want to change my lifestyle.

I live alone, I have the freedom to organize my own time, I can do what I want to do without worrying too much.

I often go for a walk in the park, and I feel a little envious when I look at the old people who play with their children. But I don't regret my choice, because I know that everyone has their own way of living, and what suits you is the best.

In my life, although I am not married and have no children, I live a frank and wonderful life. I have lived up to myself and the times.

I'm old, but I don't feel desolate, because my heart is full of sunshine and my life is full of hope.

I look forward to the future, and I will continue to live each day to the fullest!

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