
Tu Lichen: The minion is going to kill Xiao Guoxing! Kangxi: Who asked you to kill Xiao Guoxing!

author:The lone ranger speaks vernacular
Exclusive original text, plagiarism and misappropriation must be investigated!!

In the historical drama "Yongzheng Dynasty", there is a little person who must be paid attention to. He doesn't have many roles in the play, but without him, this court drama might not live up to its name.

And this little person is the Tu Lichen we are going to talk about today!

Tu Lichen: The minion is going to kill Xiao Guoxing! Kangxi: Who asked you to kill Xiao Guoxing!

What I'm going to talk about today is a top-level reply from Tu Lichen in the Kangxi Dynasty.

Wu Sidao, a top strategist with a disability in the lower limbs of Shangzhi Tianwen, said to the fourth elder brother that whoever killed the prince and was deposed would eventually not be tolerated by Kangxi, so he suggested that the fourth elder brother should not take care of the unjust case of the Criminal Department.

In the end, the trial of the unjust case of the Criminal Department was handed over to the "Eight Sage Kings", and he also made a black hand to the prince as Wu Sidao expected, and finally in front of Tu Lichen, Kangxi commented that he "can be punished", and since then, Yinxi, who is known as the Eight Sages King, has been officially removed from the list of princes.

At that time, Kangxi sent the eighth elder brother to cooperate with the thirteenth elder brother Yinxiang to try the major case of the Criminal Department, and Xiao Guoxing was the head of the Criminal Department, and he was also the prince's person.

Yinxi concealed Yinxiang and went to the cell late at night to interrogate Xiao Guoxing alone, just to induce Xiao Guoxing to confess that the prince was the mastermind of the death row substitution case.

When the eighth elder brother brought the charge of Xiao Guoxing, who had successfully induced the trial, to Kangxi, Kangxi at this time did not know about the eighth elder brother's inducement of confession, and thought that he had seen the handle of the prince, avoided holding grudges, and was selfless, so he praised him for being well aware of the matter and having righteous intentions, and specially named him the king of Lianjun.

But the eighth elder brother still underestimated Kangxi's imperial skills, and after reading Xiao Guoxing's guilt, I knew it, so I threw the eighth elder brother's wishful thinking to smithereens.

Although Kangxi intends to abolish the crown prince, he does not want to abolish the shameful reason that the prince is involved in a major case in the Criminal Department, otherwise the face of the royal family and his old father will be lost.

After the idea of abolishing the crown prince became stronger, Kangxi also had the idea of setting up another prince, so he wanted to take the elder brothers and the emperors and grandchildren to Rehe to hunt, in order to find a better heir to the throne.

Eighth brother thought to himself, Xiao Guoxing, as the culprit of the unjust case of the Criminal Department, and the main person who exposed the prince's scandal, Kangxi will definitely not allow such a person to live, as long as he hands over Xiao Guoxing's guilt, Xiao Guoxing will die, but how shrewd Kangxi is, Xiao Guoxing is the only witness in that secret conversation, how can he say that he will kill him? So he handed Xiao Guoxing over to Tu Lichen and sent him to Ningguta, and specifically told him that no one was allowed to talk to him along the way. This arrangement fully experienced the art of imperial power and conspiracy.

So as soon as Tu Lichen sent Xiao Guoxing to Ningguta to return, Kangxi couldn't wait to ask: Has Xiao Guoxing been settled, and what did he say along the way?

It wasn't until I heard Tu Lichen's answer to Kangxi that I dared to say that Tu Lichen was also a hidden Fourth Master Gang. His answer was equivalent to stabbing the eighth elder brother in the main artery, directly kicking the eighth elder brother out of the candidate list for the heir.

Tu Lichen lowered his head and said slowly: Xiao Guoxing kept shouting along the way (indicating that there was a hidden secret), he said that the eighth master said, the emperor you promised (the eighth elder brother induced a confession in the name of the emperor), as long as he personally said that the prince manipulated this matter, he would not be guilty of his past guilt (indicating that if it were not for Kangxi's instructions, he would never have climbed the prince).

Tu Lichen: The minion is going to kill Xiao Guoxing! Kangxi: Who asked you to kill Xiao Guoxing!

Good guy, this wave of recovery pulled the hat of the Eight Sages King directly to the ground and rubbed it hard, what kind of brotherhood? What protects the royal face? What's above board? In fact, it is all his own selfishness, full of intrigues and tricks, and his treacherous character is undoubtedly exposed, Kangxi was furious after hearing it (suddenly realized): Xiao Guoxing really said that?

Turichen: That's exactly what he said (by your majesty, no doubt).

Kangxi was furious and said damn it, and then scolded twice: His heart can be punished! His heart can be punished!

It seems that the anger is at the extreme.

The climax of this episode that is most worthy of learning from friends in the system is coming, and Tu Lichen continued to bow his head and say: The slave is going to kill Xiao Guoxing.

Tu Lichen: The minion is going to kill Xiao Guoxing! Kangxi: Who asked you to kill Xiao Guoxing!

Kangxi did not hesitate to reprimand: Who asked you to kill Xiao Guoxing (there are only two people involved in the current conversation, one is Xiao Guoxing, and the other is the eighth elder brother, so Kangxi's reply directly condemned the eighth elder brother to death on the pillar of shame).

Tu Lichen: The minion is going to kill Xiao Guoxing! Kangxi: Who asked you to kill Xiao Guoxing!

Kangxi has said more than once that one of the qualities that his successor must meet is [De], but at this time, Kangxi knew that his most virtuous son was a wolf in human skin, how could he not be angry? Seducing subordinates and framing the crown prince of the dynasty, this insidious mind really does not meet the criteria for Kangxi to choose a successor.

Kangxi's abolition of the crown prince was not a father's operation, but that Emperor Kangxi wanted to choose a better and virtuous new ruler for the Qing Dynasty, and he would never choose a more insidious and uncontrollable prince (Eighth Elder Brother) than the crown prince as his successor.

Because of Tu Lichen's operation, the fourth elder brother Yinzhen is one step closer to the throne!