
If "The Story of Rose" had been broadcast 20 years earlier, it would have changed the outlook on marriage for many post-80s generations

author:The lone ranger speaks vernacular
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If a drama can be broadcast earlier, will it change the fate of many people?

If "The Story of Rose" had been broadcast 20 years earlier, it would have changed the outlook on marriage for many post-80s generations

"The Story of Rose", a hit drama starring Liu Yifei, not only allows us to see a profound story about loving and being loved, but also reshapes modern women's perception of marriage and love to a certain extent.

Especially in the post-80s generation, if this drama can be broadcast 20 years earlier, it must be able to save many marriages that have been broken due to wrong concepts.

The post-80s, as the first generation of only children in China, their growth experience is full of the imprint of the times and the expectations of society.

In the interweaving of tradition and modernity, they not only accept the influence of their parents' concept of marriage, but also pursue individuality and freedom in the trend of the new era.

However, this ambivalent state of mind makes them often confused and confused when facing marriage.

Many people hold the wrong concept of "if you can't get by, you will settle", and make compromises in marriage, and finally come to a broken ending.

If "The Story of Rose" had been broadcast 20 years earlier, it would have changed the outlook on marriage for many post-80s generations

Huang Yimei, the heroine of "The Story of Rose", her marriage experience can be said to be a direct refutation of this misconception.

She has money, beauty, love, and brains, and seems to have all the enviable conditions, but she still suffers from marriage.

She has experienced the pain of her first love with Zhuang Guodong, the trivialities and disputes of her marriage with Fang Xiewen, and many emotional traumas.

But every time, she was brave enough to face reality, stop her losses in time, and start over.

This firm attitude towards marriage and love is exactly what modern women lack.

In the post-80s view of marriage, there is a common perception that "marriage is a life, how can there be no quarrels", "for the sake of children, endure it and pass".

This view of marriage as a duty and obligation ignores that marriage should be based on mutual respect and understanding.

When problems arise in their marriage, they often choose to avoid and compromise rather than face and solve problems bravely.

This negative attitude will not only lead to the deterioration of the marital relationship, but may also affect the growth of children and the family atmosphere.

And "The Story of the Rose" tells us that marriage is not a transaction, let alone a gamble.

We can't just live with the fear of dying alone or giving our children a complete home.

If "The Story of Rose" had been broadcast 20 years earlier, it would have changed the outlook on marriage for many post-80s generations

A real marriage should be two people who love each other together, experience the ups and downs of life together, support each other, and grow together.

If a marriage makes you feel miserable and depressed, then stopping the loss in time and starting over is the greatest responsibility for yourself and others.

In addition, The Story of the Rose reminds us that women should remain independent and autonomous in their marriage.

Although Huang Yimei is in a difficult situation, she has never given up her pursuit and love for herself.

She works hard to maintain a learning and progressive attitude to keep herself independent and confident in any situation.

This spirit is not only the respect and protection of oneself, but also the respect and maintenance of marriage and love.

In the married life of the post-80s, women often play a more important role.

They are both wives and mothers, and they also have to bear the double pressure of family and work.

In this case, if they lose themselves, then the marital relationship is also out of balance.

Therefore, women should remain independent and autonomous in marriage, not only focusing on family and children, but also on their own growth and happiness.

If "The Story of Rose" had been broadcast 20 years earlier, it would have changed the outlook on marriage for many post-80s generations

Xiaoli, born in the 80s, is such a typical example.

He has been married to her husband Xiao Wang for many years and has been living an ordinary life.

Xiaoli feels that marriage is like this, and it will pass after enduring.

However, when he saw Huang Yimei's resolute departure from a bad marriage in pursuit of true love in "The Story of Roses", he was deeply touched.

Recalling her marriage to Xiao Wang, she suddenly realized that there was no love between them for a long time, only endless quarrels and improvisations.

Rather than that, why continue?

In the end, Xiaoli decided to communicate frankly with Xiao Wang and seek the possibility of divorce.

Although the process was difficult, they both understood that it was a good choice for each other.

It is worth noting that "The Story of Rose" is not for us to fear marriage or reject marriage.

On the contrary, it is for us to face marriage and love with a more rational and mature attitude.

If "The Story of Rose" had been broadcast 20 years earlier, it would have changed the outlook on marriage for many post-80s generations

Marriage is a long practice that requires us to manage and maintain it with our hearts.

Only when we truly understand and accept the essence of marriage can we hold on to our happiness in the midst of wind and rain.

If "The Story of Rose" could be broadcast 20 years earlier, then the post-80s generation may be more rational and calm when facing marriage.

They will learn from Huang Yimei's experience and no longer see marriage as a game of compromise, but truly find the partner who matches their soul.

They will remain independent and autonomous in their marriage, willing to give everything for each other, and dare to fight for their rights and interests at critical moments.

They will continue to grow and learn in their marriage, making it the best part of their lives.

"The Story of Rose" is not only a TV series, but also an apocalypse about marriage and love.

It tells us that marriage is not a simple life, but a long-term relationship that requires both parties to work together and manage.

In this rapidly changing era, let us take "The Story of Rose" as a reference, face marriage and love with a more rational and mature attitude, and find a happy life of our own. #如何评价新剧 "The Story of the Rose" #