
Guo Xiang was taken captive by Jinlun for a few months, did he lose his virginity? The exterminator told the truth too early

author:Erdong Literature and History

Is the ending of "The Condor Heroes" a tragedy or a comedy? It depends on which character's position you look at.

For Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu, they finally had a lover after 16 years of separation, which was regarded as a happy ending, but their consummation led to Guo Xiang's unsatisfactoryness.

The last sentence of the original book describes the grievances in Guo Xiang's heart: "At that time, the bright moon was in the sky, the wind was blowing the leaves, and the crows on the top of the trees were singing, Guo Xiang couldn't bear it anymore, and tears came out of his eyes." Exactly: 'The autumn breeze is clear, the autumn breeze is bright; The fallen leaves gather and disperse, and the jackdaws are frightened. Lovesickness knows when it is, and it is embarrassing to be embarrassed at this time. ’”

Guo Xiang was taken captive by Jinlun for a few months, did he lose his virginity? The exterminator told the truth too early

(Guo Xiang stills)

However, compared to the matter of "not getting Yang Guo's love", what is more worrying is what happened to Guo Xiang, she was taken away by the King of the Golden Wheel for several months, during that period, did she suffer from the poisonous hands of the King of the Law, did she keep her innocence?

1. Guo Xiang apprenticed

Guo Xiang actually has more than a cute side, strictly speaking, she is the kind of character that people love and hate.

I love her naturally because this little girl is smart and lovely, not only born beautiful, but also reasonable, Huoda, even the heroes of the rivers and lakes who she never knows, she is willing to be her own personal ornaments in exchange for wine for each other to drink.

But as she herself said, she, like Yang Guo and her grandfather, belong to the "evil sect", and the "evil" here does not refer to "evil", but to their disobedience to secular rituals, so people like them often do something unexpected.

In fact, Yang Guo and Huang Yaoshi are big men, and it doesn't hurt to be evil at all, but Guo Xiang is a daughter, and it's not good to be too "evil".

Guo Xiang was taken captive by Jinlun for a few months, did he lose his virginity? The exterminator told the truth too early

(Golden Wheel Dharma King, Guo Xiang stills)

For example, Guo Xiang drank with a group of men in his boudoir at his birthday banquet, which made Guo Poyu and Huang Rong quite dissatisfied, and the book knows: "Guo Poyu said: 'The second sister really has guests. Five men and two women sat in the second sister's room and drank. Huang Rong frowned, thinking that this girl was becoming more and more lawless, how could she invite an adult man to drink in the boudoir of the girl's house? ”

But this is not the most excessive thing she has ever done, the most excessive thing is that she went out to look for Yang Guo without permission, so that she was captured by the Golden Wheel Dharma King, and even worshipped that guy as a teacher.

But then again, King Jinlun is a monk anyway, and even if Guo Xiang falls into his hands, he will not lose his innocence.

But if you do, you're wrong.

2. An evil skill

How long did Guo Xiang live with King Jinlun?

After King Jinlun killed the big-headed ghost, there was such a conversation between the two of them: "Guo Xiang said: 'Although I don't know where Yang Guo is at this time, but in more than two months, he will definitely go to a place, but I know. ’”

In other words, the plot of Yang Guo's cliff jump happened two months later, and Guo Xiang had been living with King Jinlun for several months.

And after the Battle of the Valley of Despair, Guo Xiang released the Golden Wheel Dharma King because of his mercy for a while, and then was taken away by the Golden Wheel Dharma King, and they lived together for a long time.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is that after getting along during this time, King Jinlun had a heart of pity for Guo Xiang, and Guo Xiang also felt that King Jinlun was not a downright bad person, and at the same time had the intention of pretending to please King Fa so as not to be offended, so she worshipped King Jinlun as a teacher.

And that's the crux of the matter.

Guo Xiang was taken captive by Jinlun for a few months, did he lose his virginity? The exterminator told the truth too early

(Golden Wheel King stills)

His Holiness learned martial arts originated from the Western Regions, and one of the techniques was called "Antartayoga Tantra", which, according to the book, was later taught by him all his life, including this technique.

The only way is: "In these days, the Golden Wheel National Master has taught the internal and external martial arts of his own sect. Guo Xiang was bored for a long time, so he was accustomed to self-deference, and if he wanted to get out in the future, he had to gain the trust of the national teacher, and he loosened his guard against her, and no longer guarded it day and night, so he pretended to apprentice and studied sincerely. She is smart and sensitive, and this concentration has led to the entry very fast, and the national teacher sees that she has learned faster and better than the big disciples of the year, and he likes it very much. ”

Since the Dharma King loves Guo Xiang so much, how can he ruin Guo Xiang's innocence?

Actually, it's very simple, the problem lies in this "supreme yoga tantra".

Nowadays, yoga is used to strengthen the body or to exercise and shape, but the ancient yoga secret art is not the case, you can check the relevant information yourself, in short, for women, practicing the yoga secret art is equivalent to self-destruction of innocence.

Jin Yong only mentioned this plot in passing, so readers can't know whether Guo Xiang was poisoned by King Jinlun.

But Jin Yong gave the answer in "Heaven and Dragon Slayer" from the perspective of the Emei faction's heirs, the extermination master Tai and Zhou Zhiruo.

It's just that the answer is a bit cruel.

Third, the door rules of the Emei faction

It is mentioned in "Heaven and Dragon Slayer" that Guo Xiang chose to become a nun in Mount Emei after searching for Yang for twenty-four years without success, and then founded the Emei faction.

However, it is a pity that Guo Xiang did not live to the era when the main story of "Heaven and Dragon Slayer" took place, in fact, it is strange to say, with her martial arts attainments, and even with the blessing of some Jiuyang divine skills, how could she die early in middle age?

Guo Xiang was taken captive by Jinlun for a few months, did he lose his virginity? The exterminator told the truth too early

(Stills of Exterminating Master Tai and Zhou Zhiruo)

If she wasn't killed by a master, it was most likely because she died of "emaciation", as for the reason for being haggard, on the one hand, because she failed to rush to Xiangyang to rescue her parents before her parents died in battle, on the other hand, because she failed to recover the dragon slayer, and most importantly, naturally because she never got Yang Guo's love.

Guo Xiang must not have understood why Yang Guo was unwilling to accept her at first, so she began to find reasons from herself, and then she suddenly realized that maybe she had already lost her innocence due to the cultivation of Supreme Yoga Tantra, even if Yang Guo was not a layman, he would not look down on Guo Xiang because of this, but who can guarantee that Guo Xiang would not think so?

The reason why the author speculates so much is just because Zhou Zhiruo mentioned such a setting when she recalled the Emei Gate rules that had been passed down from generation to generation by her ancestor and mother-in-law.

He said: "The male and female disciples of this sect, if they were not monks and cultivators, they would not have been allowed to marry, but since the founding of the sect's patriarch Patriarch Guo, all the most profound kung fu have only been taught to guard themselves like jade...... When each female disciple apprentices, the master will put down the palace sand on our arms. Every year on the birthday of Patriarch Guo, the first teacher has to inspect, and the senior sister at that age ...... That's it......"

Guo Xiang was taken captive by Jinlun for a few months, did he lose his virginity? The exterminator told the truth too early

(Zhou Zhiruo stills)

Guo Xiang was such a bold woman back then, how could she set such a cheesy door rule? This is enough to prove that she cares about this matter very much, and the more she cares, the more it proves that she did suffer a loss because of this matter back then.

From this point of view, Guo Xiang must be very sorry for practicing the supreme yoga tantra with the Golden Wheel Dharma King, a smart and lovely girl can only be lonely and leave home, which is really sad, but then again, this is also her punishment for ignoring her parents to guard the city and go out to find her sweetheart without permission.