
No wonder Yang Guo doesn't hate Yin Zhiping, you see who is the one who destroyed Xiaolongnu's chastity, he can only swallow his anger

author:Erdong Literature and History

What is the most engaging part of a martial arts story?

Master duel?

No! That's just the basic operation, and there are only two things that can really make people experience the feeling of "refreshing", one is the protagonist who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, and hits those sanctimonious faces; The second is the scene where the protagonist suffers humiliation and is ashamed after lying on his salary.

No wonder Yang Guo doesn't hate Yin Zhiping, you see who is the one who destroyed Xiaolongnu's chastity, he can only swallow his anger

Because of this, when I first read "The Condor Heroes", I read the section where Zhen Zhibing (Yin Zhiping in the old version) ruined the innocence of Xiaolongnu, and the author has already begun to fantasize about how Yang Guo will take revenge on Zhen Zhibing in the future, after all, who can bear the humiliation of his beloved and ignore it?

However, Jin Yong didn't write like this, and even he didn't let Yang Guo show the slightest hatred for Zhen Zhibing, how can this be explained?

1. Yang Guo, who is too calm

Should Yang Guo hate Zhen Zhibing? In fact, this matter is very intuitive to interpret from the perspective of the little dragon girl.

Xiaolongnu was pointed at by Ouyang Feng and couldn't move, Zhen Zhibing took the opportunity to attack her, but her eyes were blindfolded, I don't know who the other party is, just based on "the other party has no beard on his face", she concluded that the other party was Yang Guo, and then experienced the most unforgettable night in her life.

It's just that how sweet that night was for the little dragon girl at that time, and how heartbroken she will inevitably be when she learns the truth in the future.

Therefore, when Zhen Zhao and the others told the truth, Xiaolongnu collapsed instantly, and then she chased and killed the two until Chongyang Palace, but it is strange to say that Xiaolongnu is extremely tolerant of Zhen Zhibing, maybe because "Zhen Zhibing is the first man in her life", but why even Yang Guo is extraordinarily tolerant, that is what puzzles the author.

No wonder Yang Guo doesn't hate Yin Zhiping, you see who is the one who destroyed Xiaolongnu's chastity, he can only swallow his anger

(Stills of Xiaolongnu and Zhen Zhibing)

At least that's what the book says: "The little dragon girl stared at him for a moment, and saw that his robe was dripping with blood, and his face was bloodless, so she couldn't help but be discouraged, and said in a trembling voice: 'Later, I gave Ouyang Feng the middle acupoint that day, and he couldn't move, and his innocence was tarnished by this person, even if he recovered from his injuries, he couldn't marry you." But he ...... But he gave his life to save me, and you should not be difficult for him anymore. In short, it's my life. Her heart was full of light, but she felt that everything could not be said to others, and although she was hundreds of people ago, she still told her sorrow truthfully. ”

How can a normal man calm down when he hears that his beloved has suffered such a great humiliation? Even if Xiaolongnu said that he wouldn't let him trouble Zhen Zhibing, he would probably lose his mind, and even if Zhen Zhibing died, Yang Guo should add a few swords to his corpse to relieve his anger.

However, Yang Guo just said lightly, "Auntie, let's go", even if this matter is over, why is this? It even makes people want to ask "why", doesn't Yang Guo care about whether Xiaolongnu is chaste at all?

In any case, Zhen Zhibing, a sinner, should also be punished by him.

And the truth may be very simple, because the person who really ruined Xiaolongnu's chastity was not Zhen Zhibing.

Second, the real culprit who ruined the reputation of Xiaolongnu

The man who accompanied Xiaolongnu that night was indeed Zhen Zhibing, and even Zhen Zhibing himself had already admitted it, he went to death calmly, how could he be fake?

But for a person like Xiaolongnu, the so-called "chastity" may not be the disappeared sand of the palace, but something else, such as fame.

No wonder Yang Guo doesn't hate Yin Zhiping, you see who is the one who destroyed Xiaolongnu's chastity, he can only swallow his anger


At the beginning, she was bullied by Zhen Zhibing, and she did lose her guard of Gongsha, physically speaking, her body has indeed changed, but her heart is still the woman who is clear and jade, because she only thinks that she is with Yang Guo.

This can also be seen from her performance in the Valley of Despair, when she decided to turn her face with Gongsun Zhi, there was also a sentence mentioned in the book: "On this day, Gongsun Zhi harmed her and Yang Guo can not reunite, she has already had the idea of fighting each other to death, and she is hiding double swords under the joy suit, only waiting for Gongsun Zhi to save Yang Guo, and immediately stabbed each other, if she does not win, then she will kill herself and die, and she will never lose her chastity in the Valley of Despair." ”

You see, she doesn't feel that "losing her body" is losing her virginity, because she only has Yang Guo in her heart, and she also believes that the person who was with her that night is Yang Guo, and she doesn't feel that she is "unclean".

And Zhao Zhijing's words at the hero conference can be regarded as ruining her chastity in the real sense.

At that time, the Taoist said: "Yang Guo practiced the Jade Maiden Heart Sutra with Xiaolongnu in the flowers that night, and met Zhao Zhen and the others, Yang Guo forced Zhao Zhi to swear that he would not talk to the fifth person, and he knew that he was slandering in the public today, and he was extremely angry, and shouted: 'You have made a heavy oath, you can't say it to the fifth person, how can it be so...... ...... like that,' Zhao Zhijing laughed and said loudly: "Yes, I swore not to tell the fifth person, but there are sixth and seventh people in front of me. Hundreds of people and thousands of people are not the fifth person. What you can do, I can say. ’”

No wonder Yang Guo doesn't hate Yin Zhiping, you see who is the one who destroyed Xiaolongnu's chastity, he can only swallow his anger

(Yang Guo stills)

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Long Yang and the two of them practicing the Jade Maiden's Heart Sutra together, but the picture of the wide clothes practicing martial arts is indeed easy to misunderstand, and under Zhao Zhijing's addition, this matter sounds to others as if Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu have done something wrong.

The heroes present were all in an uproar, Xiaolongnu was not a person who could speak well, she was naturally speechless at this time, and this matter was inevitably spread to a hundred, and when it was spread thousands of miles away, I didn't know what version it was, at this moment, Xiaolongnu's reputation was really ruined.

Therefore, it makes sense that Xiaolongnu ignored Zhen Zhibing in Chongyang Palace and only wanted to kill Zhao Zhijing.

3. Unavengable revenge

And what is even more worrying is Yang Guo's helplessness.

He also knew that Zhao Zhijing was the one who made his aunt fall into the abyss, but what could he do?

When Zhao Zhijing bumped into their master and apprentice practicing the Jade Maiden Heart Sutra, Yang Guo had the intention to kill Zhao Zhijing, but Xiaolongnu, who was the victim, was unwilling to let Yang Guo bear the infamy of "bullying the teacher and destroying the ancestors", so she said that "the master can't be killed", so she asked Yang Guo to let Zhao Zhijing go.

Later, at the Heroes Conference, Guo Jing and the heroes present also said that Yang Guo could not kill his master Zhao Zhijing, how could he dare to risk the world's condemnation.

No wonder Yang Guo doesn't hate Yin Zhiping, you see who is the one who destroyed Xiaolongnu's chastity, he can only swallow his anger

(Yang Guo, Zhao Zhijing stills)

In this regard, he could only swallow his anger, and the ending given by Jin Yong to Zhao Zhijing was indeed too merciful, and in the end he was bitten by Yufeng, and only one sentence was left in the original book, "It is difficult to know whether he is dead or alive".

Yang Guo doesn't have that kind of vulgar plot, it makes sense that he doesn't hate Zhen Zhibing, and Zhao Zhijing humiliated Xiaolongnu in front of the world, and it is reasonable for Yang Guo to hate him to the core.