
Closely following the "six disciplines", this party class makes people be vigilant, know the bottom line, and know and respect

author:Jingtai Procuratorate

The Supreme People's Procuratorate held a special discipline party class for the (expanded) study of the Party Group Theory Study Center Group and Party Discipline Study and Education

Discipline with iron

Unity of will, unity of thought, unity of action

In order to promote the modernization of procuratorial work

Provide strong discipline guarantees

Closely following the "six disciplines", this party class makes people be vigilant, know the bottom line, and know and respect

On the afternoon of June 28, the Supreme People's Procuratorate held a special discipline party class for the (expanded) study of the Party Group Theory Study Center Group and Party discipline study and education.

Closely following the "six disciplines", this party class makes people be vigilant, know the bottom line, and know and respect

Ying Yong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, gave a lecture on special party classes.

"Strengthening the discipline of procuratorial organs is only in progress, not completed." On the eve of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on the afternoon of June 28, the Supreme People's Procuratorate held a special discipline party class for the (expanded) study of the Party Group Theory Study Center Group and Party discipline study and education. Ying Yong, Secretary of the Party Group and Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, gave a special party course on the topic of "Comprehensively Strengthening the Discipline Construction of Procuratorial Organs and Providing a Strong Guarantee for Promoting the Modernization of Procuratorial Work". He stressed that it is necessary to deeply study and practice General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, unremittingly pay close attention to the study and education of party discipline, and constantly enhance the political consciousness of learning discipline and discipline, comprehensively and accurately implement the party's discipline requirements, and promote comprehensive and strict management of the procuratorate in depth, unify the will, thinking and action with iron discipline, accelerate the modernization of procuratorial work, and better support and serve Chinese-style modernization.

"From the formulation of the party's program at the First National Congress of the Party, to the formulation of the first party constitution at the second national congress of the party, to the adoption of the latest party constitution at the 20th National Congress of the party, party discipline has always been an important part of the party constitution." …… Ying Yong systematically reviewed the party's requirements for strengthening discipline building and the requirements for procuratorial work and the building of the procuratorial contingent in different historical periods. He pointed out that strict discipline is an important experience of our party in building the party, rejuvenating and strengthening the party, and managing the party and governing the party, and is also the key to our party always maintaining its true political qualities, always being supported by the people, and always being invincible. The discipline building of procuratorial organs is an important part of the party's discipline building and is the innate genetic inheritance of the people's procuratorial cause. In the new era and new journey, it is necessary to put the discipline construction of procuratorial organs in a more prominent position, earnestly implement the "six major disciplines" in all aspects of the entire process of procuratorial performance of duties, continuously enhance political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption, and continue to forge a loyal, clean and responsible procuratorial iron army.

"Among the various disciplines of the party, political discipline is the most important, the most fundamental, and the most crucial, and it is the general requirement for managing the direction, position, and fundamentals. To strictly enforce political discipline, it is fundamentally necessary to firmly support the 'two establishments' and resolutely achieve the 'two safeguards'. Ying Yong emphasized that to strictly enforce party discipline, the most important thing is to strictly enforce political discipline. It is necessary to always adhere to the party's absolute leadership over procuratorial work, truly ensure that the direction of judicial work is guided by the party, the principles of judicial work are determined by the party, and the decision-making on judicial work is led by the party, and continue to polish the clear political background of firmly supporting the "two establishments" and resolutely achieving the "two safeguards". To strictly enforce political discipline in the performance of procuratorial duties, it is necessary to persistently organically combine stressing politics with stressing the rule of law, organically integrate the implementation of the party's policies with the enforcement of state laws, firmly establish and practice the correct outlook on political achievements, and be good at using political perspectives, political thinking, and political effects to examine procuratorial work, so as to ensure that procuratorial work always advances in the right direction.

Ying Yong stressed that it is necessary to further strengthen organizational discipline, resolutely implement the "four obediences", consciously safeguard the unity and unity of the party, resolutely safeguard the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Party Central Committee and the core position of the whole party, and resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. Party groups and procuratorial committees of procuratorates at all levels should conscientiously implement the system of democratic centralism in their decision-making, so as to make decisions in a scientific, democratic, and efficient manner in accordance with the law. It is necessary to correctly handle the relationship between individuals and organizations, strengthen organizational awareness, enhance organizational concepts, and consciously identify with the organization ideologically, rely on the organization politically, obey the organization at work, and trust the organization emotionally. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision and management of the members of the leading bodies of the procuratorial organs at all levels, especially the "top leaders," strengthen the supervision and inspection of the authenticity and completeness of the reports on relevant personal matters, and carry out the education and supervision of the party organizations in a down-to-earth manner.

Ying Yong pointed out that procuratorial organs, as organs of legal supervision, should vigorously grasp the building of honesty and discipline in the spirit of self-revolution and ensure their own integrity with their own purity. The essence of corruption is the abuse of power, and the essence of honest and honest prosecution is the impartial use of power in accordance with the law. It is necessary to tighten the strings of integrity discipline at all times, comprehensively and accurately implement the judicial responsibility system, organically combine strict integrity discipline with strengthening professional management, carrying out accountability and punishment, focusing on key links that are prone to problems, and strengthening targeted supervision and restraint at higher and lower levels, internal and external, to ensure that procuratorial power is always operated in accordance with the law and in a standardized manner. It is necessary to be honest and self-reliant, honest and self-disciplined, and honest as a family, continue to cultivate a clean and healthy atmosphere, pay attention to the construction of family education and family style, and guide the families of procuratorial personnel to be good "honest internal helpers". Honesty and self-cultivation is not a matter of a while, but a lifetime. Regardless of whether they are in office, retired or retired, they must be cautious about the influence of the power in their hands or their original powers, and always be vigilant, self-reflective, and self-disciplined.

"Safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the people is an important embodiment of adhering to the people-centered development ideology, and it is also an inherent requirement for strict mass discipline." Ying Yong stressed: It is necessary to always keep in mind that the people's nature is the fundamental attribute of procuratorial organs, always regard the people's yearning for a better life as the direction of procuratorial work, and always maintain flesh-and-blood ties with the masses. It is necessary to solidly carry out the special actions of "procuratorial protection of enterprises" and "procuratorial protection of people's livelihood", pay close attention to outstanding problems related to the vital interests of the people, handle a number of influential typical cases, and strive to promote the solution of the people's "urgency, hardship and longing". Consciously accepting the people's supervision is the proper meaning of strictly enforcing mass discipline. It is necessary to continue to deepen the openness of procuratorial affairs, and truly protect the people's rights to know, participate, express, and supervise procuratorial work. It is necessary to continuously strengthen and improve the work of procuratorial petitions, strengthen the reverse examination of procuratorial appeals and petition cases, and continuously improve the quality and efficiency of procuratorial appeals for the people.

Ying Yong pointed out that the key to the procuratorial organs' strict work discipline is to implement ironclad prohibitions and discipline regulations in their daily actions. It is necessary to closely integrate strict observance of work discipline with better performance of duties and responsibilities. Performing duties and handling cases is the main carrier of legal supervision, and it is necessary to strictly observe the discipline of judicial case-handling work. Persist in handling cases strictly in accordance with the law and administering justice fairly, handle every case with high quality and efficiency, strictly implement the "three provisions" on preventing interference in the judiciary, and persistently rectify unhealthy trends in the field of law enforcement and justice. As the leading organ of the procuratorial system, the Supreme People's Procuratorate has a "weather vane" role in thinking about problems, handling affairs, and making decisions for procuratorial organs across the country. It is necessary to take the lead in seeking truth and being pragmatic, taking responsibility for practical work, taking the lead in rectifying formalism and bureaucracy, listening to the truth and investigating the actual situation through investigation and study, and truly doing practical things, solving difficult problems, and reducing burdens for the grassroots units.

"Life is the foundation of work, and if you can't be self-disciplined in life, it will be difficult to be honest and honest in work." Ying Yong stressed: All procuratorial personnel must strictly enforce discipline in their daily lives, keep themselves clean, and earnestly guard the barriers of communication, words and deeds, and daily life. Interpersonal communication should be principled, have rules, and have a bottom line, install a "firewall" and "filter" on yourself, and consciously purify your social circle and circle of friends. It is necessary to persist in being cautious in words and deeds, maintain the good image of procuratorial personnel, and absolutely must not have a negative impact on the cause of the party and the state and on procuratorial work because of improper personal words and deeds. We must always maintain the style of hard struggle, be frugal and simple, avoid extravagance, and focus our energies on starting a business. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision and management of procuratorial personnel "outside the eight hours" and ensure that strict management and benevolence are carried out in a down-to-earth manner.

Ying Yong stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the combination of goal-oriented and problem-oriented, continue to do a good job in the internalization, deepening, and transformation of party discipline study and education, and continuously improve the quality and efficiency of the construction of discipline and work style in procuratorial organs. It is necessary to integrate the study and education of party discipline into daily life, continue to study the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" in depth, and truly know and respect, guard against fear, and abide by the bottom line. It is necessary to adhere to the party spirit, party style, and party discipline at the same time, and truly turn other discipline into self-discipline, so that iron discipline can be transformed into daily habits and consciously followed. It is necessary to strengthen the enforcement of discipline, always adhere to the principle that discipline is stricter than the law and discipline before the law, and continue to promote comprehensive and strict management and inspection. To carry out Party discipline study and education, it is necessary not only to learn a sense of awe and self-discipline, but also to learn to take responsibility and work hard, to transform the results of Party discipline study and education into high-quality and efficient performance of duties and case handling results, and continue to promote the procuratorial practice of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law.

Closely following the "six disciplines", this party class makes people be vigilant, know the bottom line, and know and respect

All Party members and cadres of all departments and units directly under the Supreme People's Procuratorate attended lectures at the main venue and branch venues.

Tong Jianming, deputy secretary of the party group and executive deputy procurator general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, presided over the meeting. Leaders of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, full-time members of the Procuratorial Committee, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission in the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and all Party members and cadres of all departments and units directly under the Supreme Procuratorate attended the lectures at the main venue and branch venues respectively.

(Source: Procuratorate Daily Text Reporter: Gong Chenyu Photojournalist: Cheng Ding)