
"Casting the Soul, the Original Heart - National Unity "Heart to Heart" Sitcom" was brilliantly staged

author:Xilinhot, the pearl of the grassland

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on the morning of June 29, the "Soul Casting and Original Heart-National Unity "Heart to Heart" sitcom" directed and performed by the cadres and workers of Xiritala Street, Xilinhot City, was staged in Xilin Theater.

"Casting the Soul, the Original Heart - National Unity "Heart to Heart" Sitcom" was brilliantly staged
"Casting the Soul, the Original Heart - National Unity "Heart to Heart" Sitcom" was brilliantly staged

More than 500 people, including leaders of the Baolian League, leaders of relevant departments and units, and people of all ethnic groups in the city watched the performance together.

The whole song and dance drama is composed of three acts: "Remembering • Looking Back", "Inscription • Growth" and "Inscription • Concentric". Based on the real events that took place on the Xilin Gol prairie after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the story vividly interprets the story of the cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in the grassland "feeling the party's kindness, listening to the party, and following the party", and building a happy and beautiful home together with practical actions.

"Casting the Soul, the Original Heart - National Unity "Heart to Heart" Sitcom" was brilliantly staged
"Casting the Soul, the Original Heart - National Unity "Heart to Heart" Sitcom" was brilliantly staged

Among them, the first act "Remembering • Looking Back" tells the story of the cadres and masses of the Xilin Gol League spontaneously raising fabrics to make the national flag, carefully rushing to make a five-star red flag, and at about 9 o'clock in the morning on October 2, 1949, the masses of all ethnic groups solemnly gathered to hold a flag-raising ceremony to celebrate the founding of the People's Republic of China, and at the same time reproduced the classic scene of Chairman Mao's inscription on the Xilin Gol Daily.

"Casting the Soul, the Original Heart - National Unity "Heart to Heart" Sitcom" was brilliantly staged
"Casting the Soul, the Original Heart - National Unity "Heart to Heart" Sitcom" was brilliantly staged

The second act, "Inscription and Growth", tells the story of a human story that transcends regions, blood and ethnicity from 1959 to 1961, when the mainland encountered a rare natural disaster, the state sent thousands of "children of the country" adopted by the government in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Anhui and other places to the grassland, and thrived under the careful care of Eji on the grassland.

"Casting the Soul, the Original Heart - National Unity "Heart to Heart" Sitcom" was brilliantly staged

The third act, "Inscription • Concentric", tells the story of Battle, a child of the country, who grew up and served as the secretary of the community party committee, and actively organized and carried out activities such as "bench classroom", "secretary lectures on party lessons" and "secretary lectures to the secretary", publicized the party's policy of benefiting the people to party members and the masses from all walks of life, conveyed the party's voice, and preached the "Facts and Truths of Six Sentences" in depth, so that the residents could feel the party's care everywhere, and guide the residents to feel the party's kindness, listen to the party, and follow the party.

"Casting the Soul, the Original Heart - National Unity "Heart to Heart" Sitcom" was brilliantly staged

On the stage, there is no gorgeous rhetoric, no deliberate sensationalism, and the employees use simple language and sincere feelings to interpret the touching stories, as if bringing people back to that era full of passion and burning. Under the bright lights, whether it is the actors on the stage or the behind-the-scenes personnel who are silently dedicated, their efforts make every role on the stage shine with a unique light, expressing the vivid and real picture of the children of the grassland uniting as one, watching and helping each other, and building their hometown with their own sweat and efforts.

"Casting the Soul, the Original Heart - National Unity "Heart to Heart" Sitcom" was brilliantly staged

From the founding of New China, the Xilin Gol League raised the first national flag, and Chairman Mao nominated 3,000 orphans to enter Inner Mongolia for the Xilin Gol League Daily, which fully demonstrated the concern and concern of the Party Central Committee for the Xilin Gol League. In particular, in the third act, Xirita Street actively practices national unity and creates a community neighborhood cultural festival, which is tangible, sensible and effective to forge the sense of community of the Chinese nation.

For a long time, Xiritala Street, Xilinhot City, has firmly established the awareness of "big party building" in ethnic work, with the sense of community of the Chinese nation as the main line, condensed the ideological consensus of party members and the masses on national unity, and continuously consolidated and deepened the achievements of the creation of a national demonstration city for ethnic unity and progress. Our Spring Festival Gala", "Chinese Culture Festival", "Pairing", "Hand in Hand, Heart to Heart" and a series of theme activities will further enrich and expand the form and carrier of the creation of national unity and progress, create a good atmosphere for the people of all ethnic groups to live and learn together, work and have fun together, promote the exchanges and integration of the people of all ethnic groups in the jurisdiction, firmly establish the idea of "three inseparable" for the people of all ethnic groups in the jurisdiction, continuously enhance the "five identities", promote unity with hard work, and make every effort to create a good atmosphere for national unity and progress.

Reporter: Baural, Shi Lusheng, Liang Quan