
There are these 6 signs in the mouth that indicate that your teeth are quietly getting older

author:Dongxiang County Rong Media Center

As the hardest part of the human body, teeth are nowhere near as strong as we think. Like other organs in the body, as we age, our teeth deteriorate and even "age early".

There are these 6 signs in the mouth that indicate that your teeth are quietly getting older

What are the signs of premature tooth aging? How to take care of oral health in life? "Life Times" (search for "LT0385" in WeChat to follow) invites experts to answer for you one by one.

Experts interviewed

Wang Xiao, Director of the Department of Stomatology, Peking University Third Hospital

Bi Liangjia, member of the Standing Committee of the Periodontology Group of the Chinese Stomatological Association

Han Jing, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Stomatology, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Capital Medical University

6 Signs of Aging Teeth

Many people regard oral problems as a "minor problem" and think that as long as it does not affect chewing, they will endure it and it will pass. In fact, the following symptoms need to be paid attention to.


Tooth sensitivity

It is mainly manifested as eating hot and cold sweet and sour food, and you will feel sharp and sore teeth. Factors such as aging and incorrect brushing can cause tooth enamel to wear out, exposing dentin and causing tooth sensitivity.


Loose teeth

Loose teeth are one of the obvious signs of tooth aging, usually due to poor periodontal conditions, such as calculus accumulation, gum recession, etc. In severe cases, it can lead to tooth loss.

If the gums are red, swollen and bleeding at the same time, the teeth are loose when touched, or the roots of the teeth are exposed, it is likely that periodontitis has developed.

There are these 6 signs in the mouth that indicate that your teeth are quietly getting older


There is a crack on the surface of the tooth

Long-term contact with acids on the tooth surface can lead to loss of enamel, causing tooth mineralization and exposing dentin directly to acidic environments. As a result, teeth become brittle, cracked, discolored, and tarnished.


Tooth decay

Black lines, black holes, and black spots that cannot be brushed off on the teeth are mostly tooth decay.

As we age, the gums recede, the gap between the teeth enlarges, and food debris tends to remain, causing bacteria to multiply on the teeth and increase the incidence of tooth decay.


Red and swollen gums

When you clean your teeth by chewing, brushing, or flossing, you may find some bleeding gums, and you may also have itchy and swollen gums. This is mostly related to oral problems such as gingivitis, dental calculus, plaque buildup, etc. In severe cases, teeth may become loose or fall out.

There are these 6 signs in the mouth that indicate that your teeth are quietly getting older


Bad breath

If bad breath persists for a long time and there is no gastrointestinal disease, it is likely to be caused by tooth decay and dental calculus in the mouth.

Poor oral hygiene can also lead to bad breath, keep the body in a state of infection for a long time, and aggravate systemic diseases.

The "culprit" of premature tooth aging

Nowadays, dental problems are beginning to plague more and more young people, which are mostly caused by some bad lifestyle habits.


Always eat hard food

Biting something too hard can damage the teeth, periodontals, and temporomandibular joints. In addition to causing problems such as cracked teeth, it will also aggravate wear, reduce the height of the tooth surface, and weaken the chewing efficiency.

Suggestion: Don't bite hard food, and it's best to borrow tools to remove the shell before eating nuts.


Eat too fast

Gobbling up can lead to a lack of saliva production in the mouth. Saliva contains lysozyme and other antimicrobial factors, which can prevent bacteria from attaching and inhibiting growth; Saliva can also play a role in mechanical cleaning in the oral cavity, keeping teeth and oral cavity clean, and preventing the occurrence of tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Tip: Slow down your meal and increase the number of times you chew each bite.

There are these 6 signs in the mouth that indicate that your teeth are quietly getting older


Brush your teeth too hard

In the long term, the weak part between the enamel and the dentin on the tooth surface will be over-abrasioned, forming a wedge-shaped defect. In addition to tooth sensitivity and tooth decay, gum damage and recession may also occur, increasing the chance of tooth loss.

Suggestion: It is best to choose a soft-bristled, small-headed toothbrush for brushing, not too much force, and do not brush your teeth horizontally.


Grinding and clenching teeth

Teeth grinding during sleep is mostly "dry grinding", saliva secretion is reduced, and the teeth are not lubricated as necessary, which is easy to cause excessive wear on the tooth surface and expose the dentin. Mild cases can cause tooth sensitivity, while severe cases may lead to gum bleeding, inflammation, loose teeth or even loss of teeth.

Recommendation: People with nocturnal teeth grinding and clenching should avoid alcohol and reduce the intake of caffeinated foods and drinks. If you clench or grind your teeth during the day, practice placing the tip of your tongue between your teeth to help your jaw muscles relax.

3 tips to take care of your oral health

If you want to prevent oral problems, in addition to brushing your teeth well, it is best to do the following three things in your daily life.

Regular teeth cleaning

Daily brushing may not be clean, so it is recommended to clean your teeth once every six months to a year. If symptoms such as bleeding gums and sensitive teeth occur, there may be mild inflammation that can also be resolved by scaling.

Brush and floss your teeth after meals

Some people only brush their teeth in the morning, but in fact, brushing their teeth at night is more important, because the oral activity is reduced at night, there is no interference such as talking, drinking, eating, etc., and bacteria can easily attach to the teeth and multiply. If possible, brush and floss your teeth after every meal.

There are these 6 signs in the mouth that indicate that your teeth are quietly getting older

Practice good eating habits

  • Try to eat as many whole grains as possible to achieve the effect of self-cleaning in chewing;
  • Eating more fruits and vegetables can help reduce the risk of inflammation;
  • Eat less sugary food, smoke less, chew betel nut less, drink less alcohol, especially children should drink less drinks, and rinse their mouths with water in time after drinking;
  • Eat less food that is too hot and too hot to avoid harming the oral mucosa;
  • Avoid gnawing on hard objects such as bottle caps and bones with your teeth, and develop good habits with your teeth. ▲

Editor of this issue: Wu Mengyao

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There are these 6 signs in the mouth that indicate that your teeth are quietly getting older

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