
"Jewel on the Side": I didn't dare to watch the director if he dared to shoot, and my eyes were black on the spot

author:Cheerful cheese Yl

Bad dramas are frequent, and it's almost no wonder. But there are always some dramas that are too prominent, and people can't help but want to complain.

Recently, there have been more bad dramas in ancient puppet dramas, one after another ushered in the hit, but one was worse than the other.

As soon as "Jewel on the Side" appeared, the lower limit of bad dramas was lowered,

The "business master" who wants to become a jade recommender is not only with Pei Pei, the second generation of jade merchants who are not doing business, but they do not know each other, and they continue to enter each other's hearts from happy enemies, and finally become lovers, run the jade business together, and achieve a double harvest of love and career.

"Jewel on the Side": I didn't dare to watch the director if he dared to shoot, and my eyes were black on the spot

The heroine is just a small money fan, and has always had a lofty ideal - to become an excellent jade recommender, so she actively devoted herself to the jade industry and tried her best to sell jade.

In order to buy jade, he came to Qinglou to recommend jade, and met Pei Pei, the young master of the Pei family.

In order to push the jade out and retain the "gold owner", he recommended the jade pendant with a smile on his face.

Pei Pei is a young master, he came to the Qinglou to have fun, and he only said that he could say anything after serving.

"Jewel on the Side": I didn't dare to watch the director if he dared to shoot, and my eyes were black on the spot

But Pei Pei asked her to show her talent, she said no, and casually asked her to dance, just momentarily stunned.

The young master of the "gold master" said so, just thinking about it, in order to sell the jade out, he could only twist his waist and limbs indiscriminately, and he was about to hit Pei Pei, Pei Pei really couldn't stand it and told her to stop, and asked her to show her singing voice, but it still wouldn't.

This won't, that won't, a jade girl can't sing, can't dance, Pei Pei was instantly unhappy, seeing that she didn't know anything, he asked her to take off her clothes, and hurriedly hugged her chest, calling her art not to sell her body.

The woman in the Qinglou didn't know anything, Pei Pei couldn't help but suspect it, and was about to be embarrassed, but the entourage rushed in in a hurry, and only escaped the catastrophe.

"Jewel on the Side": I didn't dare to watch the director if he dared to shoot, and my eyes were black on the spot

As soon as Pei Pei heard that his mother was coming, he was speechless in an instant, he just heard the conversation on the side, and wanted to coerce Pei Pei to buy jade before leaving, Pei Pei actually gave ten taels without saying a word, but he didn't expect that the lion just opened his mouth and asked fifty taels before he was willing to let go.

Let's not mention, how can a "fake jade girl" who has no power to restrain the chicken mix into the Qinglou and choose to sell jade in such a place to have fun, and choose to come to this kind of place to sell jade, but she can't contribute any talent, and she will be blatant and bold to let customers who have never met buy jade when she enters the door, this logic is really not a joke?

Others refused to buy and were stunned because they held on to it, and it was not possible to buy and sell by force, and the lion opened his mouth on the spot.

What is outrageous is that Pei Pei, a gentleman, honestly made it impossible to break free just by grabbing his hands, and the entourage next to him didn't come to help when he saw this, and the two big men couldn't break free from the shackles of a woman, so they honestly gave the price to buy jade just by shouting, and they didn't refute the money on the spot.

"Jewel on the Side": I didn't dare to watch the director if he dared to shoot, and my eyes were black on the spot

The logic of the plot only meets the needs of the screenwriter, and it doesn't care about the audience's life or death.

Just one second just said that he would not be entangled with Pei Pei, and the next second he entered Pei's mansion and became Pei Pei's side to serve his subordinates.

Mrs. Pei witnessed that she had blackmailed her son for fifty taels in the Qinglou, not only did she not care, but she also deliberately invited her to come to the house with a lot of money, and she was obedient in the house, just climbing the wall in the middle of the night and maintaining it herself, do you want to be so deliberate?

Goodbye in the mansion, Pei Pei was not angry about the things in the Qinglou, he couldn't be the master in his own house, and he didn't know how to use it to drive people away, and a dignified young master personally begged to leave Pei's Mansion and spend money to drive people away.

It's not just bad, it's just that it's in his own home, Pei Pei doesn't listen to the young master's words, and he still asks others to do his own business, obviously he is also a maid, and he is extremely arrogant.

"Jewel on the Side": I didn't dare to watch the director if he dared to shoot, and my eyes were black on the spot

Just participated in the Jade Pushing Contest and asked Pei Pei to dance on the spot in disguised as a woman, and the dignified Young Master Pei Mansion actually went. Swinging a fan at the scene, casually twisting his waist from side to side, the applause at the scene was thunderous, cheering constantly, just a slight shake, after shaking Pei Pei was so tired that he was out of breath?

The dignified young master of the Pei family is in Jinmanlou, pretending to be a man in front of the whole city, and dancing with fans without any scruples, can the screenwriter talk about it anymore?

Alone with Pei Pei and his entourage were kidnapped, the three of them were tied back to back, and the kidnappers looked at Shan Dan and suddenly said: "Why is your chest bulging?" "I suspect that there is a woman among them, can't you see it just by complaining on the spot?

"Jewel on the Side": I didn't dare to watch the director if he dared to shoot, and my eyes were black on the spot

The kidnapper was clearly in front of him, but he just couldn't hear it, and even denied that it was just a woman.

Suddenly, several of them were frightened by the threat and shouted, hearing the screams of a woman, the kidnappers were shocked again, but they didn't feel that the chest next to them was only a woman, Pei Pei's words made the kidnappers sure that he was a woman dressed as a man, and played hooligan in front of him.

The kidnappers looked obscenely left and right, and after careful identification, they said that Pei Pei was like his wife who had just died, obscenely asking for a kiss. Pei Pei wanted to vomit, but he couldn't help it, catered to it, and said that he wanted to restore his women's clothes first.

The kidnapper didn't say a word, he agreed instantly, and said that his wife's clothes were still there, and the director dared to shoot it, but I didn't dare to watch it.

"Jewel on the Side": I didn't dare to watch the director if he dared to shoot, and my eyes were black on the spot

Pei Pei was sent to change into women's clothes, but the identity of the man was not discovered, the kidnapper promised to let people change Pei Pei's clothes, but after changing clothes, he didn't take him to the room, but let Pei Pei in women's clothes return to the scene, and he didn't doubt the identity of the man at all.

It's really a look at a non-squeaky one, the whole article only serves the needs of the plot made up nonsense, and there is no logic at all, really treating the audience as fools?

What's even more outrageous is that there are even "zombies" appearing, a group of people acting strangely, showing their teeth and dancing claws to eat people, who believes that it is not a "zombie"?

"Jewel on the Side": I didn't dare to watch the director if he dared to shoot, and my eyes were black on the spot

Xu Lu and Bi Wenjun played the leading roles, took a bad script, and their performances were indescribable, each more embarrassing than the other.

Xu Lu's style is passable, but she is not amazing, after all, her costume style has always been like this, Bi Wenjun's protagonist really doesn't dare to take a second look, is it serious to be the male lead,

has a thin face, a face lacking in energy, and the role of the male protagonist is really enough to play.

"Jewel on the Side": I didn't dare to watch the director if he dared to shoot, and my eyes were black on the spot

After a few episodes, my eyes are dark, the plot of reducing intelligence is beyond the degree of rotten, the emotional development of love and love is more deliberate, sprinkling sugar, intimate contact, familiar routines, it is the scene of the classic stew of idol dramas, it is estimated that you can only really watch it without brains.

It's no wonder that there are more and more dramas in ancient costumes, and the illogical story development, outrageous plot and collapsed casting can't be worse anymore, right?

New dramas are coming at every turn, and new dramas are coming one after another, waiting for not good dramas, but a bunch of bad dramas, the national drama market is polluted by these bad dramas, and there is no word-of-mouth high-quality work in so many works, it's really sad.