
Management depends on mouth, work depends on urging, and quality depends on punishment!

author:Lean consulting teacher Liu Zhi

Think carefully about whether your company has the following phenomena:

A lot of the work is random, one-off.

If you keep an eye on it and be diligent, you can do a few things, and once you don't keep an eye on it and don't rush, you will immediately return to the state of releasing ducks, which is a bit like agriculture, and you can eat completely by the weather.

The work is basically in the management by mouth, the work by urging, and the quality by punishment.

First, management by mouth

The head of the department kept chattering in his mouth, talking east for a while, and west for a while; said Zhang San for a while, Li Si for a while; One moment to talk about the vision, the other to talk about the present...... Management relies on preaching, the speaker is earnest, the listener is earnest, and after a while, everything is gone.

Team performance evaluation relies on patting the head, or taking turns to sit in the bank.

As a result, the manager is like Xianglin's sister-in-law all day long, either blaming the east or the west.

This is a typical manifestation of the unstructured and unstructured work of a department head.

No system means that there is no direction in the work, no routine and innovation, no logic and level; No structure means that there is no clear division of responsibilities in the organization, and no one knows what they should really do.

The manager said casually, the team members do whatever they want, and the work is done.

Second, the work depends on urging

In some departments, the person in charge is a little more responsible, and he also knows that he takes the initiative to urge his subordinates to work every day, which is very good.

Most of the people in charge have to keep an eye on them when they are criticized by their immediate bosses, which is more passive.

The boss criticized Zhang San's work, and the head of the department urged Zhang San's work; The boss criticizes Project A, and the head of the department plans to grasp Project A; When the boss criticizes the performance evaluation for not being solid, the department head collects evidence that his evaluation is okay...... This is a typical manifestation of unplanned and unprocessed work in a department.

There is no annual, monthly, and weekly work plan task list, and there is no fixed follow-up and review mechanism, so everyone only does things according to their mood.

Third, quality depends on punishment

The evaluation of the team members by the head of the department is completely external: the boss thinks that so-and-so is not good, and when he turns around, he criticizes so-and-so and gives performance punishment; Complaints from other departments against a certain team member will also become the basis for assessment; Or there was a well-known accident in a certain job, and I couldn't hold it up and had to be punished.

Rarely, very little, it is the head of this department who takes the initiative to evaluate the team members according to the internal work standards, one is that there is no standard at all, and the other is that the leader is a good person.

It's like I really can't punish everyone. This is a typical manifestation of the lack of standards and active evaluation of the work of a department.

If you are incompetent, the entire department will be criticized by other departments or others, and in the end, your teammates will look down on you.

To manage a department and be responsible for a certain aspect of work, we must take the initiative to build a system, build a structure, set a process, and make an evaluation, so that thousands of rivers can rush into the sea by themselves, and let the rain, dew, clouds and snow naturally repeat.

As a manager, we need to create the concept of "you are important, you are valuable" for employees, and this concept allows them to seek higher value.

So, we often compare responsibility to a monkey.

For a company to achieve equal rights, it is to be responsible for who should be the original monkey.

Don't jump around within the team, and don't allow them to jump on yourself. If we can't handle the relationship of "responsibility, power, and profit", you will find that the organization may be systematically disordered.

"There is no great sage on Huaguo Mountain, and there are three kings at the entrance of a cave."

There are some managers who can see certain problems when they are assigned daily tasks. When a boss wants to assign a task as usual, talk to the head of the quality department about the plan, and then tell him, this matter is up to you! Then I called the leaders of the R&D department over to talk about it, and found that they also had good ideas, and said that they had done it for you. This plan seems to be completed by two departments together, but in fact, the distribution is quite chaotic!

Because, the first is a sense of distrust, which will be present on both sides; The second is how do you allocate resource rights?

Therefore, as an excellent manager, he is good at separating responsibilities, rights and interests.

It can make the monkey really go back to the person who should be carried, and make that person carry it happily.

In view of this, all enterprise managers should be vigilant. How should you as a leader respond? Zhao Qian, Sun Li, how can you focus your energy on what you have to do? There are ten things in total, divided into three people to do, if one person does more or less one thing, it is a misalignment of responsibilities, which affects the whole project.

If something goes wrong with the project, it's not the three people who are at fault, it's the leader.

Then for the management of organizations and teams, there is also a focus on standardization, especially in the manufacturing industry.

There are many excellent manufacturing companies that like to talk about a concept called "Kanban management".

What is Kanban management essentially? It's that we turn some of the most basic operational processes into Kanban, so that everyone can see how we do it in this place, what is the standard? Step 1, Step 2, Step 3.

In this regard, we should actually learn from the West, especially the industrial spirit of a country like Germany, which needs to be precise in many things. For example, if we search for some cooking videos on short video platforms, the words you hear most must be "a little salt" and "appropriate amount of soy sauce".

In a restaurant like McDonald's, lettuce is fried in several slices and meatloaf is a few grams. There is no difference between the two, and cooking should be a casual science, but for enterprises, precision is very necessary!

I don't know if you have ever seen how the McDonald's cleaner wipes the table, and what is hanging on him? A kettle, two rags, then wipe the table, spray three times, the first rag wipes 123, and then the second rag 123 wipes, you will find that just such a wipe table, are a very detailed and standardized.

In the past two years, IKEA has been on fire in the furniture industry, but many people don't know that their most profitable food is their own catering.

You will find that the throughput of this catering is very large. Including those meals you buy at IKEA, you will find that there is a standardized operating guide behind this meal, for example, he will give you a piece of paper. He's done drawing the salmon to cut how big it is, and where is it placed? Where to put it, where to put it, and then there's a lot of little circles here, how much salt to put in, how much pepper to put in, how big to make the lemon.

Just pile it up and put it in the oven according to the category.

Fools can make a serving of Western salmon, which is called standardization.

Many Chinese companies have embarked on the road of standardization and kanban management, and many companies have fully implemented 5S and 6S kanban management. However, we still have a long way to go to catch up on this road.

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