
Interspersed with defeats, I still survived, what a fluke!

author:Big Fat Fat Literature and History

Authors: Ding Longyan (writer), Ma Fuke, Su Yingkui

I survived, what a fluke

--- Gao Shaolin (now assistant of the regiment headquarters, formerly served as an instructor of the second company interspersed, disabled soldier)

  In 1982, our Second Company was appraised as an advanced company in spiritual civilization in the military region, and it has been outstanding in all aspects and has had no accidents for more than 30 years.

  I was originally a company commander, but before the war, I was reassigned to an instructor.

  Interspersed with defeats, there are many reasons. Improper mastery of pre-war training and making the troops too miserable is a problem, and the problem of low food standards and poor nutrition is even more problematic. It's like boiling a pot of water, the fire is too big and you can't add water, so you can only fry the pot.

  There are many troops concentrated in the local area, and there are not many people nearby, so they can only go to distant places to buy vegetables, and half of them are broken, and only half of the food standard that is not high can only be eaten in the stomachs of the soldiers.

  Two sets of clothes for each person, quickly worn out, and they are required to be reissued, even if it is to collect old supplies! Shoes are more expensive, and the bottom is worn in a week. The superior said that it needs to be solved, so let's report it to the top. The answer above was: "How long does a set of military uniforms and a pair of rubber shoes last has been studied and experimented by experts, it is impossible for it to deteriorate so quickly, you wait, we will send someone to investigate." ”

  I don't know which unit really sent a man who was over 50 years old and couldn't climb our hilltop position, but several fighters "racked" him up, and the conclusion was: "The situation is true, you wait for the documents!" ”

  Some people have mentioned: canned and compressed dry food can't be swallowed when you are extremely tired and can't find water to drink, and it is best to have a dry food bag like 1979, with fruit candy, beef floss, pickles...... There are also water purification tablets...... The answer was, "That's for those who fly...... It makes people even more annoyed to listen to it.

  The soldier received a monthly allowance of 8 yuan, and he smoked a lot before the war, and the secretary was reluctant to borrow money, for fear that he would not be able to pay it back if he died, so many soldiers sold watches.

  There is no time to wash the clothes, the sweat does not dry for a long time, it is true that the good cloth has become a hard shell, smelly and fragile, scratching the itch can catch lice, and the clothes can only be repaired in the "key" parts, there is no cloth, so I have to pull the lining in the hat.

  There are a lot of rats, and at night they parade on the bodies of those who have slept "dead", and during the day they drill quilts and bite dry food bags, biting into a mess.

  One soldier said: "Instructor, everything else is easy to overcome, I can't stand it without smoking." Someone else said, "Let me smoke enough cigarettes before I die!" "I asked the chief clerk to take out the few thousand dollars we had left over and give a few packs of cigarettes to the smokers.

  In such a situation, what we can do is to try our best to "enrich" the cultural life of the soldiers, organize singing competitions, learn to dance in groups, hold evening parties, and organize poetry recitals. We brought books, pictorials, and tape recorders to the training site. Many of the comrades who died left poems on tape, and no one listened to them without being moved, and even more so from their families.

  But we can't say how good the work was before the war, and there are many lessons to be learned!


  The human factor, spiritual power determines everything, defeats everything. It was deeply ingrained at the time, and I don't think it is far from being cleared today.

  A few days before the war, we also had a long-distance training, and it was hot, and we were so thirsty when we walked that we drank up a pot of water in less than an hour or two. In order to accept the requirements of actual combat, they walked non-stop day and night, and the cadres and fighters did not eat or drink.

Some people can't stand it, so they lie in the rice field and drink it, and there is dung water one meter away. Some people were tired and lay down, and a cadre grabbed them and kicked them, and fired a gun to threaten them, this cadre had a strong sense of responsibility, and he was also very brave in the later battle, but the soldiers just didn't speak for him.

There is also a cadre, the essence is not bad, that is, he loves to get angry and yell at the soldiers, he took a box of ammunition carried by a new soldier during a march, and no one took it when he carried it, he was not in good health, and finally he was tired and lay down.

A squad leader sarcastically mocked him: "You are also saying it now, enlightenment is not equal to strength!" ”

  Lots of jokes!

  A chief came to hear my determination, and he shook his head at whatever I said: "No, no, not enough!" When the instructor saw that I was blind, he handed me a note with three words: "Shout slogans!" ”

Suddenly, I stood up and shouted: "Chief, if you can't take the position, you will go to the assault platoon to find my body!" ”

He was satisfied: "This is what I want!" ”

  We shout to seek truth from facts, but in fact we don't understand and don't do it, which brings very bad influence and pressure to the following. When I drove in, I knew that my physical strength was not good, and I was afraid that I would bring less things than others, so I desperately scrambled to increase the weight, but I threw equipment all along the way: blasters, grenades, shovels, pickaxes, gas masks, and rice bags and water bottles......

  The road is too difficult to walk. The morale that was already high was extinguished by sweat, crushed by sleepiness, and as soon as it stopped, someone fell, and when it fell, it snored like thunder.

  A lot of diarrhea. Eating canned food, drinking raw water, pulling it up is like opening a floodgate. You can't tell him not to pull, and you can't go far. Afraid of mines, you can only pull on the side of the road.

  The cadres were anxious and wanted to smoke, but they couldn't, so they had to chew chili peppers.

  Our second company was at the end, and the front did not keep up, and blocked us in a big forest, and held us for a while, and when I saw it, it was almost time for the general attack, so I had to go to our predetermined position according to the direction.

  I was in good health and took a cold bath every day, but that night I also felt so hard that I had to fall down without gritting my teeth.

The new soldier Yang Zhongwu was seventeen years old, he had not yet grown up, less than one meter six, his father died early, he grew up by asking for food, and he performed very well after enlisting in the army. He fell, I pulled him up, and he grabbed me: "Instructor, don't leave me, don't leave me." "I had to half-pull and half-carry him. He cried as he walked, and beat himself, and the soldiers later said that the night was dripping with sweat, tears, stepping on muddy water, and pulling thin water.

  Before we got to the place, our artillery bombardment began, and a thunderstorm flew over our heads, and in the blink of an eye there was a sea of fire on the enemy's position, and the sky was red, and everyone was excited, and they were eating dry food, and the enemy's artillery fire came.

  Later, a captured enemy's battle map proved that our interspersed route was expected by the enemy, and perhaps the enemy observed our marching route, and the artillery fire was very accurate and dense, causing us great casualties as soon as it came.

Because I was walking into a narrow valley, I couldn't hide. It turns out that we have imagined all kinds of situations, but we have never thought about what to do if we are suddenly shelled by the enemy on such a terrain. The warriors were stupid all at once, and naturally crowded into a pile, thinking that the closer they were, the better. Originally, everyone had learned how to identify distant and close guns, and how to defend against artillery, but at this time, they couldn't react.

  The cadres did not panic and quickly stopped the phenomenon of crowding. And pointed out the way forward, leading everyone to rush forward desperately.

  The enemy artillery chased after us, and there were people down along the way, in order to get to the target as soon as possible and complete the task. We can't take care of the wounded, so we can only wait for the military workers behind us to come to the rescue. The wounded were crying and scolding, putting a lot of psychological pressure on the troops, and a few people hugged the big tree and shouted Mom, Mom, they were delirious.

  Most of us still broke out of the artillery blockade, but we couldn't find the whereabouts of the first and third companies in front.

I saw the enemy on a hill in front of me, saw it very clearly, and mobilized the company commander to attack. The company commander disagreed. He said: "The superiors didn't tell us to fight here, and they couldn't figure out where it was or how many people were on it. ”

I argued with him: "Can you still take care of this?" As long as there is an enemy, it is the goal. ”

He said: "If you do a good job, your superiors may not be held accountable, but if you break it, you will not be able to get rid of responsibility." ”

I said, "I'm responsible!" He said, "Wait a minute," and he didn't say anything.

  We waited there, still under shelling all the time, with casualties all the time. The soldiers were much smarter at this time, and they all dug anti-artillery holes on the spot.

  It's a pity that a valuable fighter plane, the only route that allowed us to even get out of the danger zone, was just waited!

  I was lying on the ground, and a cannonball hit, and I heard a "poof" sound, like splashing water. Then I was shaken, I knew it was bad, I wanted to look back, but I couldn't turn my head, I wanted to move my legs, but I couldn't, I realized that my legs were gone.

Soon, I felt a piercing pain, as if a hand was reaching into my chest and scratching, and I stuck my ten fingers into the ground so that I would not scream, and my nails were gone.

  I had all the equipment on my body, a backpack, a water bottle, and a camera--- I brought a dozen rolls of film, and I wanted to start a war film festival after the triumph.

  A warrior lifted me up and bandaged me. Only then did I realize that my leg was still there, but it was rotten meat. I was also wounded by the walkie-talkie, the correspondent, and the clerk. The new soldier Yang Zhongwu had a bloody face and cried to me: "Instructor, instructor." "He doesn't cry for himself, he cries for me.

  I heard the company commander's faint voice again: "Bandage me......

  There were too many wounds, and the soldiers didn't know where to bandage me. I prepared the pills Demerol, ate it, and I told the soldier to carry the company commander down and bandage one leg himself.

  Shells are still blowing up around. At this time, everyone only has the desire to fight, and life and death have been put out of the way. They are all shouting: "Instructor, what are you going to do?" You say a word! "I wanted to adjust the deployment, and another shot came, and I didn't know anything.

  When I woke up, I was on the back of the fourth shift, and I asked, "What are you doing?" He said, "I will carry you down." "Where is this?" He said, "I don't know. ”

  I was awake and unconscious. When I arrived at the rescue station, I learned that most of our battalion was not in place, and the whole battalion suffered heavy casualties. I couldn't help but cry out loud: "It's over, it's over!" The instructor said, "Don't worry about anything now, go down quickly!" ”

  Then I started vomiting, which was a sign of shock.

  On the way down from the ambulance station, I was woken up, and I was surprised to see Wang Bin, the deputy instructor of my company: "How did you get here?" ”

  He said that he had come to the military engineering company to carry the wounded, and what he said, I can't remember. I told him to organize the troops well, and he said yes and wrote a note to the regiment, to the effect that the company had suffered heavy casualties, that the company commander and instructor were seriously wounded, and that they were doing very well, and so on.

  It was this Wang Bin who was later captured by the enemy, and made a speech on the radio, saying something that catered to the enemy's political needs, which became a great shame for our company, battalion, and division. No matter how much we have achieved in this battle to conquer Laoshan, no matter how much sacrifice we have made, we can't eliminate its extremely bad impact, and we still can't raise our heads or turn over!

  I think that it is inevitable that we will be captured in the war, and we have also captured hundreds of Vietnamese soldiers. There are all levels, and there are all kinds of information provided, so you don't have to look at it too much.

  Wang Bin was transferred from other units a few months before the war, and he had a wide range of knowledge and could speak well, but what he did was not as good as what he said, and my impression of him was generally not bad. I still believe that he was captured by the enemy in the middle of the way, and that he did not deliberately defect to the enemy.

  That time I saw Wang Bin, and I couldn't go far if I continued to go down, when the enemy artillery came again, and the eight stretchers ran away, and I couldn't move, watching the shells explode, watching our people fly in the shells. It was a narrow valley blocked by the enemy's artillery fire, a narrow valley of death.

  I just have to wait for death. At this time, I forgot about the pain, and my brain was exceptionally calm and sober. I remember that in 1979, after we attacked Lao Cai, we lived in a building, and one of the enemy agents came to blow up the building with an explosive bag, and was just about to start a fire, when one of our traveling sentries found out and shot the opponent in the vital point, otherwise we would have been finished that time.

  In 1979, I was also in the 3rd Company, the assault squad leader of the attack on Lao Cai, and when we stormed the enemy barracks, the radio was still ringing and the electric lights were still on when the artillery fire was shaking.

  A large tree trunk was split and fell straight at me, I closed my eyes, but it just hit my injured leg. I was wounded for the third time, my leg was broken, like cutting tofu, and I passed out instantly.

  Later, I learned that it was Pan Guide, the soldier who escorted me, who dragged me out, and he dragged me to another tree to bandage, and there was no emergency bag, so he borrowed it from an clerk in the camp who carried a lot of emergency bags, but the other party did not do it, saying that it was a number, and it could only be used by the wounded of the company, and repeatedly stressed that he had to abide by discipline!

  This shows that in the past, we had one-sided education on the discipline of soldiers. My bugleman cried, and he cried, but he just wouldn't give it.

  I was finally carried to the regimental clinic, and I didn't know anything myself. The head of the regimental health department later said to me that your blood pressure and pulse were gone when you brought it in.

  I survived, what a fluke!