
Sweet pet ends: embarrassed to death

author:I am not a shadow

When I met my online dating partner, he only wore a pair of swim trunks as I said.

Very superior biceps, abs, and a faint mermaid line.

The next second, I saw that he turned out to be my miserable boss!

I quickly hid: "I'm sorry, my mom told me to go home and get married."

For the next two months, the boss went to work every day with a stubbled beard and cried several times a day in the office.

Without the leadership of the boss, the company's performance declined, and the bonus received was less than half.

Colleagues cursed the woman who dumped the boss, and some even went to the temple to ask the Buddha to punish her.

In order not to be punished by the Buddha, I knocked on the boss's door: "The boss opens the door, I am the boss's wife."


I have been single for 23 years, and I finally took the first step and shook a man on the Internet.

Originally, I wasn't in a hurry, but I've read too many short articles lately, and I've mastered a lot of skills.

I want to get hands-on.

After talking for three months, I can basically confirm that the other party is a normal man through daily chats.

However, we haven't had audio and video yet, and the short article says that this is more mysterious.

Tomorrow night is the time to unveil the mystery.

I didn't sleep well for two days when I was excited.

Sugar Boss: [Baby, I'm choosing swim trunks in the store now, can you take a look at these swim trunks?] 】

[If it doesn't work, I'll change it again.] 】

The online dating partner said that he was the owner of a company, and his sweet special meeting made me happy.

So I gave him a note [Sugar Boss].

Boss Sugar said that what he gave me a note was [Boss Lady]

It makes my heart sweet.

Along with the message was a picture of swim trunks.

For the sake of safety, I chose the meeting place to meet at a hot spring hotel not far from the Public Security Bureau.

If the other party is a bad person, it is better to run away.

If the other party is not in good shape, it is better to run away.

I told him again and again that he should only wear one pair of swimming trunks.

So I can check if the photos of his biceps, abs, and mermaid line that he sent me in the chat are his own.

As a man I have been talking to for three months, he is a very gentleman and knows how to ask me about my feelings and preferences.

I made a point of asking my colleague next to me if our devil boss Jin Sheng was there.


Jin Sheng, 26, founded three companies in China and five more.

Not only that, he is also the most beloved little grandson of the old man of the Jin family, and it is said that the old man has made a will, and a large part of it has been left to Jin Sheng.

It stands to reason that such a good life should be directly lying flat.

He didn't, he grasped our achievements every day and sent us abroad to study at public expense.

The industry said that he couldn't do it there, otherwise how could a man of this age be able to work 24 hours a day except sleeping.

At the regular meeting every Monday, he stood there in a suit and leather shoes, his gold-rimmed glasses framed on the bridge of his nose.

Occasionally use your hand to hold your eye sockets, and your fingers are also invincible and slender.

The short essay says that the finger is long, and the place is big.

To be honest, I can't help but peek at every regular meeting, it's really big.

Every time I finished looking, I silently sighed: It's a pity that it's so big but it can't work.

He doesn't party with our employees, and the WeChat we give us is still enterprise WeChat.

The main one is definitely not fun with the people.

If he is caught touching the fish during working hours, the backhand is a backhand to send abroad to study.

A colleague said he left the company in a hurry half an hour ago.

I slipped into the bathroom and boldly replied to the message.

Click on the big picture to see a pair of Pikachu swim trunks.

Remember I like Pikachu, plus one point.

I quickly replied, "The pattern is very cute, but the style is not good, it has to be tight, very tight!! You know what I value the most."

He sent a shy Samoyed emoji:

"Okay baby, I understand."

"That's where you value the most."

"The size is absolutely satisfying."

"I've also brought that, and I have a health certificate, so don't worry, baby."

"Baby, have you really talked to 20 men?"

I took a sip of salt soda, and he remembered the nonsense casually, and I continued to stiffen my mouth:

"Of course, how else will your skills be tested. By the way, you're sure you've been in a relationship, right?"

"I don't want to be involved with a man who hasn't been in a relationship."

Actually, I was looking for an experienced man to take me, and my girlfriend said that if it was the first time for both of them, it would hurt terribly.

"Don't worry, baby, I've been through a lot of battles."

"By the way, baby, I bring two boxes, a box of 12, do you think it's enough?"

I...... I'm going to die!


When it was time to arrive, the waiter led me to the wrapped hot spring pool.

I saw a man sitting on the edge of the pool from afar, with broad shoulders and narrow waist.

The good figure of the inverted triangle made the young ladies passing by turn their heads frequently.

He seemed to be shy by everyone, and leaned sideways to get a bath towel to cover the important parts.

Whew, he's so cute!!

His side is just right for me to see the perfect shoulder and neck line.

There are also biceps, abs, and a looming mermaid line.

It was exactly the same picture he sent me.

Looking down further, I couldn't help but swallow my saliva, okay...... It's big.

I can't hold the corners of my mouth down, it's finally our turn to be rich!

Boss Sugar: "Baby, are you here?"

I was even happy typing my fingers: "Turn around, I'll eat your ...... right away."

Before he could finish typing, I saw him turn around.

That perfect handsome face, how is it exactly the same as my boss!


I dodged and quickly ducked behind the waiter: "Little sister, don't move, I've met my ex."

"Don't worry, I won't let my ex's kind of dog thing find you!!"

After the young lady finished speaking, she took off her overalls and put them on my head and carried me safely to the locker room.

I sat on the couch in the locker room in horror, my heart racing and my legs limping.

How could you be so bloody that you fell in love with my cold boss online.

Luckily, I ran fast enough not to be spotted by him.

The gentle and coquettish wolf dog in my phone turned out to be Jin Sheng.

He's not the sugar boss, he's the real boss!

Sugar Boss:

"Baby, why don't you reply to the message, are you okay?"

"Reply quickly and let me know you're safe."

"Is the baby alright? I'm worried about why I haven't replied to messages for so long."

It's only ten minutes, woo.

Xu saw that I didn't reply, and he called me for the first time.

I held my phone and hesitated to reply.

Our company does not allow office romances, and I will definitely fire me after knowing it.

It's good to be fired, the last time an employee offended him, he actually sent that employee to the African branch.

When I came back a few months later, the employee was tanned like a local, and when it was a little darker, he could only see two rows of teeth.

Compared with work, appearance and love, work and appearance are more important.

After I thought about it clearly, I decisively cut off the voice call.

Sent him a message: "I'm sorry I can't go to the appointment, my mom told me to go home and get married, let's break up."


"You are not allowed to make jokes about breaking up."

"Not kidding?"

"It must be a joke, right?"

"Am I doing something wrong? You say, I'll change."

"Is it because you saw me? Where are you?"

"It's not up to your standards, is it?"

"I know, you're afraid of pain, right, we can just fall in love."

"Baby, I really wasn't with you to do that."

But I am, I'm dating online just to eat a macho man.

The best to the mouth is just gone.

Through the screen, I can imagine how anxious and helpless he was over there.

He was usually slow to type, and I always laughed at him.

Today, he typed so fast, and it hurt my heart to type.

This pain seems to be not just because I can't eat him, I feel this way for the first time in my life.

My heart was stuffy, as if I was stuffed with a large ball of cotton, and I felt uncomfortable.

"Boss, my name is Jin Sheng, I really like you."

The moment I saw his message, tears smashed on the screen of my phone.

We agreed to tell each other our names if we wanted to continue after we met.

It means that we are going to start a relationship in reality.


"I have long said that I am serious about you, I like the movies you choose, I like the books you recommend, I like the milk tea and snail fans you say, I like to chat with you every day, I like you to complain about my slow typing, I like you to say good night to me, I like everything about you."

I like to watch Sherlock and Harry Port, and Sugar Boss goes to catch up on his homework.

He discussed Sirius and Dobby with me, telling me not to be sad and that they would always live in Harry's heart.

Because he knows that they are two of my most difficult characters.

He is obsessed with Apple products, and I recommend him to watch the biography of Steve Jobs.

After reading it, he said that the laptop data interface is the most beautiful, and it happens to be my favorite design.

There will be a dinging sound when the battery is charged, just like the moment when two right people recognize each other in the vast sea of people.

It turns out that I have unconsciously liked him.

It's not just that I like the photos he gave me of Shar who would bleed after watching it.

Also because of his interesting soul.

But he's my boss, and he'll fire me if he finds out.

I can't bear to pay such a high salary.

One of the principles that women in the new era adhere to is not to let feelings affect money!!

Aside from these reasons, the family conditions alone are far from perfect.

My dad is a doctor, my mom is a university professor, and like many families, we eat and watch movies together on weekends and travel abroad together on holidays.

I talked to the sugar boss, and he said that he was very envious of such a family atmosphere.

But what about Jin Sheng, he has such a good family background, he shouldn't like an ordinary girl like me.

Wipe away your tears, another good girl!


His message came in again, once again shattering my newly calmed mood.

"Baby, I can marry you right away, and I'm very rich, super rich, the kind that I can't spend in dozens of lifetimes. If you don't believe me, look up my name."

"Do you really want me?"

"Well, I respect you. But you have to send me a message back and let me know you're safe."

His words brought tears to my eyes.

I cried breathlessly, and replied with shaking hands:

"Don't worry, I'm safe."

When I got back, I couldn't control myself anymore, I didn't have the strength to change my clothes, and I lay on the sofa and cried.

This is my first love, even though it's only a three-month online relationship.

In the past three months, my happiest time every day has been lying on the couch after work and typing and chatting with him.

I'm looking forward to eating him when we meet, and I'm looking forward to seeing each other and still liking each other.

When I thought that such a beautiful relationship would end like this, I couldn't stop crying.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder and put a tissue in my hand: "You're crying like a little cat here, and your ex is crying like an abandoned puppy by the hot spring, poor to death." Look at the two of you like this, you must still love each other, okay."

I looked up, and it was the waitress who had just helped me.

She wiped away my tears: "I have to apologize to you, but your ex is so pathetic, you know that we girls have no resistance to handsome and poor boys. So I couldn't help but tell him that you had been here, and that he had asked me to pass this on to you."


It's a black velvet box.

Jin Sheng sent me a photo the other day, which is a necklace of millions that he auctioned at auction.

He said it was a gift for someone important, and I thought he was giving it to his family.

I realized that it was given to me, and he didn't just say that he liked me.

He was so serious that it made me even more afraid that he would know the truth.

Seeing that I am so ordinary, those likes should no longer exist.

"Baby, you should have received it. I can't put it on for you, but I just know you'll look good when you put it on."

I asked the young lady to return the necklace to him.

He sent me a lot of messages that night, and I just deleted them.

I was afraid that I would not be able to control the warm feelings that would be reciprocated to him.

At two o'clock in the morning, he was still posting.

I didn't want him to stay up late, so I said cruel things: "If you send it again, I'll block you."

The phone never rang again, and I hugged the phone and cried until dawn.

The next day, I was dizzy to see his transfer - 200,000.

One more piece of information:

[I was going to transfer 5 million to you as a wedding gift, but WeChat can only transfer 20, send me the bank card number baby. ] 】


I didn't accept it, and I didn't reply to his message.

I was also defeated by my love of money and took a week off.

It turns out that what is said on the Internet is true, and falling out of love will really cost people half their lives.

I don't want to eat my favorite snail lion powder, I can't drink my favorite milk tea, and even my favorite martial arts biography is not funny.

I never knew I could cry so much, seven days a week.

Returning to the company after the holiday, colleagues are gossiping:

"The reason why the boss didn't come to work for a week has been found, it's a broken love."

"The vice president reported to the boss, and the boss said that he was out of love, so let the vice president watch it."

"It's so pitiful, a person who has never given his private life to anyone should take the initiative to tell people that he must be super hurt."

"Isn't it. The vice president said that the boss's voice was hoarse, and he must be crying."

"The boss is handsome and golden, except for the high coldness, which point is not good. Wei Lu, you say, is that woman blind?"


One thing to say, the blind woman is right in front of you.

Colleagues said that the boss was in a good mood in the first three months, and he would give everyone benefits every week, and the bonuses every month were a lot.

It's good that the boss hasn't been here for a week, and last weekend's dinner has been cancelled.

"It's all to blame on that scumbag who abandoned the boss!!"


Very well, the scumbag is also in front of you.

"Wei Lu, do you have something to do now, can you go out for a run?"

The vice president's call at this time is simply a salvation for me.

I immediately said that it was okay, and that I would no longer have to stay here and listen to my colleagues scolding me.

"If it's okay, you send these documents to Mr. Jin's house."


Is it too late to say busy?


Knock on the door and find it open.

I gently pushed the door open, nearly tripping, only to find that there were bottles all over the place.

The curtains in the living room were not opened, and there was only a floor lamp in the living room.

Secretly, it seems that the whole family is full of sadness.

I glanced around, only to see the lonely figure drinking on the carpet in front of the sofa.

It's only half past nine in the morning, so why did you drink it?

Except for his somewhat raunchy appearance, he is no different from the company before, but he is completely different in my heart.

Jin Sheng, Sugar Boss, they are the same person.

It's someone I like.

Xu was that my gaze was too hot, and Jin Sheng finally found me.

Broken eyes, eyes swollen like walnuts.

I don't know if I haven't shaved my beard for a few days, it's quite sexy, and I really want to kiss him.

The thought popped into my head.

He looked weak, pushed him in, kissed him, and then ran away.

I think this series of actions should be successfully completed.

I silently scolded myself in my heart for being too, and people were so sad, I thought about it, and I seriously thought about the feasibility.

But his messy hair and white shirt with only two buttons are really!

I swallowed unconsciously.

His tone was serious: "Are you hungry? The saliva is so loud."


It's a kind of hunger.


"I'm sorry Mr. Jin, I'll send you the documents."

"You can put it anywhere, and you're good to go."

I said yes, but my legs were disobedient.

Only then did I realize that I couldn't see him sitting there alone.

His voice was so hoarse that I couldn't resist going and making him a glass of warm honey water.

"Mr. Jin, drink some water, it's good for your throat."

Jin Sheng took the water and smiled, but this smile didn't look like a smile at all:

"She said the same thing, and always reminded me to drink when she asked for good morning every day. But it's all in the past, she doesn't want me anymore, you know what, she doesn't want me anymore."

"She's going to marry someone else."

Even though he quickly turned his head, I knew he was crying. His shoulders trembled slightly, so helpless.

I raised my hand to touch his head to comfort me, my fingertips almost touching his hair.

Suddenly realized that it was really inappropriate to do this action as an employee, so I had to hang my arm.

It's the first time I've seen such a gaffe and such a decadent Jin Sheng.

I heard the vice president say that Jin Sheng was 21 years old and suffered a lot when he started a business abroad, but he never shed a tear.

Seeing him like this, my heart hurts so much for the first time in 23 years.

Is this the legendary love?

Look at him in pain, you hurt more than him.

"I've been thinking about it for a week and I haven't figured it out, I should respect her decision, right?"

"But I really can't forget her."

After saying that, he opened another bottle of wine, and poured most of the bottle without stopping.

I snatched the remaining half bottle: "Don't drink Mr. Jin."

Instead of stopping, he opened another bottle.

"Jin Sheng, look at your current appearance, do you look like a boss!"

"There's a room full of bottles, how long are you going to drink?"

"Isn't it just a woman, don't you find another one every minute on your terms!"

"Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about chic, have you fed it these days!"

Chic is a stray dog he adopted, and he hopes that his next dog life can eat, drink, and have fun every day.

Also sent me a picture of it, it's fluffy and super cute.

He put down his bottle and stared at me, his eyes full of incomprehension.

Not only him, but I was also intimidated by my own output.

I have no personal relationship with him, so I can't be called friends.

Theoretically, it can't be done because of his business, and he is so emotional.

It won't be discovered.

My brain short-circuited and I started saying, "I...... I...... I used to be an alcoholic, but I finally quit, so I can't see other people drinking."

He smiled, "You're secretly drinking again, your eyes are so swollen. Are you also out of love, and you are also online dating?"

I shook my head frantically, "No...... No, my boyfriend and I are very stable."

After a long time, he spoke again, "How do you know I have a dog?"

His eyes cleared a few points, and he waited for my answer slyly.


"The vice president told me, let me help you walk the dog by the way."

I let out a long breath, but luckily I was quick.

"Oh, dashing was taken away by Pei Fan for a few days, Pei Fan you know, right?"

"Of course, I'm a die-hard fan of him, and I ...... all his dramas."

Halfway through the words, I quickly stopped, I had told Jin Sheng before that I liked Pei Fan very much.

"Why don't you say it?"

He looked at me with a sly gaze after asking, and he had a feeling of understanding.

It should be that I thought too much, he couldn't have recognized me, and I chatted with him with a trumpet, and never let go of the photo.

I told him before that I liked actors, but I just mentioned it casually.

There are thousands of fans who like actors, and it is impossible for him to think of me.

Anyway, I'd better withdraw first: "Mr. Jin, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

As soon as I took two steps, I was gently pulled by the collar from behind.

I was dragged back like a chick and slammed straight into his chest.

"I'm sorry Miss Wei, my hand just slipped. I mean, you haven't brought your papers yet, by the way, it's still tomorrow. This is the key to my house."

I don't even know how I got out.

I realized that I was already in the elevator, and I still held the key to Jin Sheng's house in my hand.

He just laughed, and he lifted me.

It's hard to say it's all a coincidence.

Once I watched a Korean drama, the male protagonist was 185, the female protagonist was 160, and every time the female protagonist got angry, the male protagonist just lifted her into his arms like that.

I thought it was super sweet, so I sent that clip to Jin Sheng.

He said, "If you like, I'll accompany you to recreate the scene when we meet."

Jin Sheng recognized me?

Or is it really just a hand slip.

At night, I lay in bed and couldn't sleep because of this problem.

The next day, he went to Jin Sheng's house with two dark circles.


His family has changed dramatically from yesterday.

The bottles were all gone, spotlessly clean.

The curtains were wide open, and I could see the view from the floor-to-ceiling windows when I stood in the hallway.

The vase on the table was replaced with flowers, white calla lilies.

I couldn't help frowning, why are flowers also my favorite, and they really found me?

Jin Sheng leaned on the sofa and read, shaved his beard and washed his hair.

Wearing a set of off-white casual clothes, he sets off him very gently.

I walked up to him with some nervousness and handed him the papers.

He looked up at me and smiled, then looked at the table, "Freshly brewed honey water."

I thought to myself that he should have asked me to hand it to him, so I took the cup to him.

His gaze lingered on the cup in my hand for a moment, and slowly moved to my face, "It was specially made for you." He turned his attention back to the book: "There are cheese croissants and blueberries on the table, go eat them."

There is a lot of information, everything from drinking to eating is what I like.

After thinking about it or not, I said, "Mr. Jin, I don't like to eat any of this, if I don't eat, will my salary be deducted?"

He lowered his head and smiled, "Oh, I thought all the little girls like this now, so let's throw it away and don't deduct my salary."

Waste of food.

"Not really, I can eat it."

I ate only four words for breakfast this time - I don't know the taste of food.

Although he gave a reason for preparing breakfast, I could almost confirm that Jin Sheng already knew who I was.

Now all I can choose is two paths, take the initiative to confess to him or continue to pretend to be a turtle until he debunks.


I just put the dining table away and received a message from the vice president:

"Don't let Mr. Jin see those two documents, one is about the bankruptcy of the company. The other is that his grandfather modified the will, Mr. Jin is not biological, there is no right to inherit, and he is going to be kicked out of the Jin family."

Go belly up? I was stunned for a moment before I realized what the vice president meant, and my head suddenly became flustered.

I found that I was not worried that I would have to find a job again, but that I was afraid that Jinsheng would not be able to accept it.

I know how much he put in his heart and soul and how much he loves his grandfather.

He said that his grandfather brought him up, and in his childhood memories only his grandfather, his parents came back from abroad when he went to high school.

What am I going to do?

I didn't have time to think about it, so I rushed over and snatched the document from Jin Sheng's hand: "The vice president said that the document was taken by mistake and asked me to send it back."

He didn't seem to be suspicious of my words, and got up and grabbed a coat: "Don't rush back, can you accompany me to a place first?"


I nodded like garlic, and at this point I could do whatever I wanted as long as I didn't let him see the papers.

"Is something wrong? His face is so ugly."

I shook my head in denial.

At the moment, sitting in the passenger seat, I was so anxious that I bit my nails.

I regret coming out with him, and every minute I worry about how sad he will be when he finds out.

He seemed to be in a good mood, and Doraemon music was playing on the car stereo.

Jin Sheng first took me to drink coffee, in the afternoon to catch dolls, and then went to eat dessert, after eating he said that he was hungry, and we came to the restaurant together.

The whole trip I was worried that Jin Sheng knew what would happen.

It wasn't until I sat in this membership-only restaurant that I realized that all of today's itinerary seemed to be mentioned in my previous chat.

[Sugar boss, when we are really in love, you have to accompany me to drink coffee, catch dolls, eat desserts, and have a big meal after eating dessert! ] 】

[Okay, as long as you like it, I'll accompany you to do it.] What else would you like to do? 】

[Goodbye Pei Fan, didn't you say you are good friends? ] 】


"I'm sorry, I'll go out and answer the phone."

Jin Sheng's words interrupted my memories, and I saw him standing outside the dining room through the window, his expression gradually becoming sad.

I should do something to make him happy.

Holding the phone for a while, he cut WeChat to the trumpet:

"Boss Sugar, my mother said that the wedding was canceled, are you still willing to fall in love with me?"


Hopefully I'll make him happy by doing so.

When I looked up out the window again, there was no longer Jinsheng.

At this time, the waiter came over and handed me a rose: "Miss Wei, can you please follow me to the terrace on the second floor?"

I couldn't figure out what it was, so I just nodded stupidly.

It's Pei Fan!

Pei Fan sang "A Little Sweet" while talking about the guitar on the terrace

I couldn't help laughing, the only actor who can make the most afraid of singing speak is Jin Sheng.

"Carefully portray the happiest style"

"Give the next few words to Jin Gou."

Jin Sheng came out of nowhere and took the microphone:

"You made me want to write a love song for you every day."

"You made my world pink from that moment."


"This song is one of the favorite songs of the girl I like, and strictly speaking, she has just agreed to be my girlfriend." He walked up to me, "Isn't it?"

I deliberately said, "No."

There was some consternation and distraction on his face.

I pulled out my phone: "I'm waiting for you to promise me, do you want to fall in love with me?"

His eyes lit up as if they were lit up, eagerly making my heart beat faster, and he nodded, "I do."

After saying that, he pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly: "Boss, don't let you leave me again."

I nodded frantically, moved by him.

The people around were whistling and screaming and cheering, especially Pei Fan's cheers were the loudest: "My Jin dog has finally taken off the list!"

In such a romantic atmosphere, I never thought that Jin Sheng would stick to me and ask softly, "So, are you going to eat me tonight?"


When I woke up the next day, I felt like my whole body was going to fall apart.

His movements are more gentlemanly and gentle than those men described in the short essay, taking care of my feelings every step of the way, serving me, and making me happy.

I still remember everything from last night, and my face starts to burn when I think about it.

I wanted to look at him and secretly opened my eyes a slit.

In front of him, Jin Sheng's good-looking sleeping face, long eyelashes, high nose, soft lips, and a sexy beard that had just grown appeared.

I couldn't help but reach out and touch it gently, not as prickly as in the short article.

"Treasure Treasure, Early~"

He didn't open his eyes, and he grabbed me into his arms again, and I heard my heart pounding fast, but I didn't want to break free at all, but got closer to him.

After a moment in his arms, I remembered that I hadn't told him anything yet

"Mr. Jin, there is something ......?"

He gently bit me on the shoulder, "Are you stupid? Call husband."

"Think beautifully, you listen to me first." I told him what the vice president said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know how to tell you yesterday."

Suddenly, he hugged me tighter.

"Everything will be fine, you can start from 0 in terms of work, you are so capable. About the family......"

"What about my family?" He looked at me pitifully.

"I, ah, I can be your family."

"You swear to always be my family, even if I do something wrong."

Although I thought he was naïve, I still raised my hand and swore obediently.

He kissed me on the forehead, and his expression became a little serious: "I'm sorry baby, but I actually recognized you when you asked Dashing. Because the people in the company didn't know that I had adopted a dog. The vice president's words are also false, and I asked him to say that, in order to lie to you and tell the truth."

"And thank you, baby, for knowing that I was going bankrupt and becoming a pauper, and that you didn't abandon me, but were willing to be with me. If you are willing to do this for me, why don't you have faith in me?"

"You don't care if I'm rich or not, how can you think I'm the kind of person who regards money as the only criterion."

yes, I looked down on him.

I didn't want it to be so serious, so I said, "Maybe it's because I love money."

He smiled: "That's just right, you love money, I have money, perfect match."

"I'm sorry baby, but I used this trick to get you to tell the truth. Just wanted to tell you that the people you like aren't that superficial."

I turned around and feigned anger: "It's not enough to just apologize."

He tricked himself into approaching, "Would you like to use two more packs?"


End of full text.