
The sweet pet ends: the only person who loves her is her

author:I am not a shadow

Colonel C Zhou Yuqing, a junior senior, has always been unapologetic and alienated and cold to girls.

Only the flower of the same family as him, Zhao Yinran, can get close to him.

On my first day at school, I heard how well these two were a good match in every way.

The entire C University, no one knows, Zhou Yuqing is still an adopted son who has been adopted by my family for more than ten years.

I'm at home, nominally calling him brother.

If it weren't for my intervention, maybe they would have been able to have lovers one day.

On the eve of Zhao Yinran about to confess his heart to Zhou Yuqing.

I took the first step and threatened and demanded Zhou Yuqing in the name of my father: "I want you to associate with me now, Zhou Yuqing."

became his girlfriend.

Even though I know that he doesn't love me.


On the first day of admission at C University.

I received a transoceanic message from my bamboo horse, Huo Lang.

He told me that he was already abroad and had a new girlfriend.

"Lin Xiangzhi, I won't wait for you."

I turned off my phone, and in the evening, my roommate was in the dorm room discussing:

"When I was welcoming the new student today, the senior of the student union looked very cold, but he was really handsome, ahhhhh

"I've inquired." Another humane.

"Zhou Yuqing, the senior of the computer science department in the third year, the school grass of our C University, the current president of the student union..."

The other party seems to have a lot of titles, but only "School Grass" and "Student Union President", Zhou Yuqing must be famous not only in their group of freshmen in C University.

"Still." The girl who inquired about this said:

"It's a pity, I'm afraid it's almost already a famous grass, the most beautiful girl in the computer department of the junior year, one of our senior sisters, named Zhao Yinran, the vice president of the student union, seems to be the founder of the largest club in the school, extremely good, and she knows all about it in the school."

"It's said that the two of them are together almost after graduation."

"What a pity for you, like we have a chance." After the other girl joked, she also sighed and said:

"There are so many girls in the school, isn't there a Zhao Yinran, you also said that she is beautiful, then compared with us, it is destined to be an ordinary girl, I am afraid that in the past few years of college, and Zhou Yuqing and others like the pride of the sky, they can't even find the opportunity to talk."

I only heard them talk about it, and while they were still discussing, I grabbed my phone and got up and went to the balcony.

In the WeChat contact list of the mobile phone, there is what they just mentioned-

Zhou Yuqing.


I sent a message to the other party.

Addressing each other: "Brother."

asked Zhou Yuqing directly, "Do you have any other women?"

It's just that Zhou Yuqing didn't reply to me at all.

Zhou Yuqing is indeed a very cold person, even in the past, he lived in my house as a sojourner, and his handsome face was facing me, but he never flattered me, and his expression was always indifferent.

The other party didn't reply to my message, and I didn't necessarily get angry, so I just bit my fingertips lightly.

Zhao Yinran.

Zhou Yuqing has hardly returned home in the past two years, and when he first entered his university, he could hear another girl's name associated with him.

I actually don't really care if Zhou Yuqing will show a look other than indifference to others.

From the roommate's words, it can be determined that Zhou Yuqing is not with that girl yet.


During the freshman military training, I told the instructor that I had a stomachache and smiled at him.

The instructor let me rest in the shade of a tree.

For a few days, I was still so tender that I could pinch out the watery white.

In the middle of the C university, it also spread out, and there was a new student in the freshman year, white skin and beauty, beautiful like a goblin, just smiling at men, it can make people lose their minds.

In the afternoon, after the day's military training, someone was playing basketball on the nearby playground.

It is surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside.

"Zhou Yuqing, it's Zhou Yuqing."

Hearing someone running over say it, my roommate couldn't wait to squeeze over to see it.

"I want to know, together, there are not many opportunities to meet Senior Zhou Yuqing."

It's only been less than a week since school started, and the name of junior Zhou Yuqing seems to have been known by all the freshman girls, and the three roommates never hide their enthusiasm when they discuss Zhou Yuqing in front of me.

They were going to pull me up, and I smiled and said, "Okay."

The three of us and I were still wearing military training camouflage uniforms, and we didn't have time to go back to the dormitory to change clothes.

There are not a few freshmen dressed like us on the scene, and it doesn't look abrupt.

I don't like the ultraviolet rays when the sun shines down, even if I sit in the shade of a tree during the day, physical sunscreen is still very important, and I take care of my face very carefully, and I still wear a hat, the kind that is uniformly distributed, ugly is ugly, and I can't be too special.

When I was on the playground playing basketball, I took off my hat and my long hair fell over my shoulders.

I noticed that there were many boys on the scene, and they immediately looked at me.

However, I quickly ignored them and raised my eyes to look into the middle of the field.

I heard that it is a friendly match between the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the two ace majors of C University, which is about to come to an end.

Boys with a height of more than 180, and one of them can easily attract attention, he is the most outstanding, handsome boy, cold eyebrows and eyes, every move, can cause the crowd of onlookers to cheer for him.

He doesn't talk much, but he plays the role of the conductor within the team.

A few phrases with a very calm and faint arrangement can lead your team and put the score far ahead of the other team.

In the last few balls, when someone in their team passed the ball, they accidentally went out of bounds and fell off the field, and smashed into a freshman girl who was still wearing a military training uniform.

Their basketball game ended here, except for the boy who smashed the ball, several members of the team, and Zhou Yuqing also walked over and apologized.

Standing here with me, belonging to the same side, I can see that side very clearly, the girl who was originally smashed on her shoulder by the ball, and was frowning and covering her shoulders in pain, when Zhou Yuqing stepped forward, she obviously just said in a very light tone, and politely asked if she wanted to go to the infirmary.

The girl frowned at the pain on her face, her eyes were shining and she only looked at him, and she only remembered shaking her head and saying to him, "Senior, I'm fine."

didn't blame, but was pleasantly surprised by a smashed ball and the opportunity to talk to him.

The three roommates next to me, when I saw their expressions, it seemed that they all wanted to be able to wear that girl right now.

Seeing that the girls were fine, Zhou Yuqing and his group of people playing basketball quickly picked up the ball and left.

A group of boys who stood out crossed the court where they were playing basketball and walked to the other side, the stands.

In the bottom row of the stands, there are their coats, backpacks, and water. Unlike everyone else who sits in the back, there are two girls who are noticeable when they play, only they sit at the front, the row where the basketball team places their things.

A group of people led by Zhou Yuqing, when they walked over, the two girls also stood up, picked up the water, and handed it to the people who had just finished playing.

I saw it, Zhou Yuqing reached out and took one of the girls and handed him a bottle of water.

One of my roommates eagerly said to the other, "Quick, look, that's Senior Sister Zhao Yinran."

She is a very beautiful girl, with long straight black hair, a white chiffon top with jeans, simple and clean wear, with a shallow smile on the corner of her mouth, compared with a group of freshmen who have just entered the school, the other party looks mature and generous.


Tomorrow is the weekend, and there will be no more military training.

In the evening, after taking a shower and changing clothes, my roommate and I went to eat in the cafeteria outside the school.

After playing basketball in the afternoon, they also had dinner in the box on the third floor of the same restaurant.

Sheng Qian went downstairs to get the drink again, came up, closed the door of the box, he excitedly "" in public, and a beer "bang" was thrown on the table, attracting everyone to look at him.

"When I was playing in the afternoon, I found a very punctual freshman girl, and the wide military training uniform was worn on her, and I could see that the small waist was under the belt and was tied very thinly."

"Look at what I saw, that senior sister, who is also eating on the first floor now, has changed into a white dress, obviously just finished military training, but she is white and tender like a peach."

Zhao Yinran blinked and said to Sheng Qian, "Heartbeat? Didn't you hurry up and ask for a contact information?"

"Yes, yes." Sheng Qian left with his mobile phone again, and soon after, he came up again, and was asked by Zhao Yinran how the situation was.

Sheng Qian's face was unconcealably happy, "I added my contact information and told me my name, Lin wants to know, the name is also good, remember that I am the one who plays basketball in the afternoon."

was coaxed by a girl younger than herself, two or three sentences, "She also said that she remembered the boy who scored the last ball and me."

The person who scored the last goal was Zhou Yuqing.

Sheng Qian looked at Zhou Yuqing and said to him, "I told her, the other person is Brother Qing. The younger sister smiled very sweetly, and her voice seemed to be sweet, and she praised Brother Qing and I for being very handsome."

Listening to Sheng Qian's description, you can imagine that the girl seems to be very sweet and lovely.

Someone joked Sheng Qian: "The junior sister may just want to praise Brother Qing's handsomeness, you are just by the way, don't go to the back because you want to know Brother Qing through you, and you are a suitor of Brother Qing."

"Fuck you." Sheng Qian laughed and said rudely. No one takes it seriously at all, it's just a joke at the dinner table.

Halfway through the meal, I went to the bathroom once, and in the cubicle, squinting lazily, I sent a message to Zhou Yuqing:

"Brother, I seem to have a new friend of yours. The first time I saw you playing, it turned out that you were so handsome, did you hear me praise you for being handsome?"

I don't care if he looks at it or not, I just send it to him:

"Did you see me in the afternoon?"

I bit my lip and typed directly into him again:

"I didn't even participate in military training, because I want to see you, and the delicate ones are beautiful in your eyes, right? The reason I used was that my stomach hurt during the menstrual period, but I didn't lie, it was really a menstrual period, and my stomach really hurt, don't you care about me?"



For many days, I was the only one who sent messages, which took up almost all of the chat space.

Tonight, finally, I received Zhou Yuqing's first message back to me.

In the same restaurant, there are probably many people sitting next to him, I don't know how Zhou Yuqing, who is usually cold as ice, finished reading this, whether he avoided people, and he must still have the coldest look when he replied.

Zhou Yuqing: "Is the menstrual affair over?"

I quickly replied, "What a coincidence, today is the end of the day."

I smiled softly, and after getting the reaction I wanted, I put away my phone and was about to walk out, when I heard a conversation between two girls outside the cubicle.

"I'm going to confess first."

"Why? You're not going to graduate from school, if you decide not to go abroad, then decide to be with Zhou Yuqing, he will definitely not go abroad, and you don't want to have a long-distance relationship."

Hearing the familiar name, I didn't go out again.

"I seem to want to stay with him and help him." Speaking of the other party, the female voice, whose voice became tender, said, "He is about to start a business, and the process must be very difficult. I wanted to help Zhou Yuqing, I wanted my dad to give him a sum of money, but he refused my funding, Zhou Yuqing is a proud person, I am not related to him now, he doesn't want to owe me."

Zhao Yinran curled his lips and smiled, and said to his friend, "But if I become his girlfriend, will there be a more legitimate reason to help him again?"

My phone rang at an inopportune time, and my roommate asked me why I hadn't come back yet, and the conversation outside came to an abrupt end.

When there was no more movement outside, I pushed open the door of the cubicle and walked out.

And the two of them didn't leave, they were standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom to touch up their makeup, and I also came to the mirror and slowly washed my fingers.

In the mirror, the same white clothes, on the two people, but two completely different feelings, white chiffon on Zhao Yinran's body, making her more and more restrained and quiet, a quiet and beautiful appearance.

I pulled my long curly hair back in front of the mirror, revealing a slender white neck, the skirt was raised, and the two long legs did not have a trace of excess fat, covering the buttocks, seeing Zhao Yinran's sight, inexplicably fixed on my waist in the mirror.

Broken by me, she raised her eyes unnaturally.

With my long hair tied, I put down my slender arms, and before leaving, I tilted my head and smiled at her, with pear vortices at the corners of my lips.

After the meal, I asked my three roommates to go back first.

When I was standing on the side of the road, I happened to meet Sheng Qian, who I had just met tonight, and they had just come out of the restaurant.

Zhou Yuqing was also there, behind Sheng Qian.

Sheng Qian walked over from the crowd, "Hey, we're meeting again so soon, what are you doing here?" Why don't you go back to school?"

The group of people all looked at me because of Sheng Qian, and most of them looked at me curiously, and the other girl in the back, except for Zhao Yinran, was obviously surprised when she saw me.

Zhou Yuqing's eyes were still cold, with one hand in his pocket, and he only swept lightly.

I smiled at Sheng Qian and said, "Wait for someone."

The boy jokingly asked, "It can't be your boyfriend, right?"

I told him, "Brother."


The car stopped in front of me, and I opened the passenger door and sat inside.

I didn't go back to school tonight.

Zhou Yuqing took me to the house where he was currently renting.

A simple two-bedroom apartment.

The white skirt on my body was taken off by the hands that were cold even to the bones.

I'm used to hearing them talk about Zhou Yuqing, and how cold and undesirable they are. That's because only I've seen it, and they've never known it, is the other side of him.

I lifted my face and said to him, "You know what? It's the most vicious sun every day, my face, my body is for tonight, this moment, for you, it's so difficult. I'm afraid that if you are not delicate and tender, you will not like it. Now, do you still like it?"

The slender fingers pressed my shoulder, Zhou Yuqing was condescending, with light eyes, and said, "You have to feel to know."

Actually, Zhou Yuqing and I have only had one time before.

Four months ago, I went to his room, dug out the relics of his parents, and threatened him to come back to celebrate my birthday.

Zhou Yuqing is a person who rarely sweats in the summer, and when he was done, he got up and turned his back on me, not to call him a boy anymore, but a man, a man who turned me into a woman.

The young man's thin but muscular figure, male dog waist, slender and powerful arms, and now, a thin layer of sweat on his back.

Zhou Yuqing sat and smoked, raised his eyes, and looked out of the silent window.

He is very indifferent and perfect in front of people, the president of the student council of C University, and he often leads by example in school, and he is known to be a person who does not smoke and rarely touches alcohol.

I used the sheets on his bed, wrapped my body briefly, snuggled up, took one out of his cigarette case, leaned over, and tried to borrow his cigarette to light it.

was held down by Zhou Yuqing, and the cigarette was pulled out by him, "Is this a problem you learned from Huo Lang again?"

I just wanted to give it a try.

But since he mentioned Holland, I was just about to say to him:

"Zhou Yuqing, Huo Lang is abroad, he got a girlfriend first. So, I have to have a boyfriend too."

"I want you to associate with me now, Zhou Yuqing."

Zhou Yuqing extinguished the cigarette on his fingertips, and he whispered to me indifferently:

"Lin wants to know, dating is a matter between two people who like each other, and going to bed is one thing, I don't like you."

When I heard this, I smiled softly and asked him:

"And who do you like?" Is it Zhao Yinran, who doesn't even want to accept her handouts with money, and you haven't seen softness when you use my money, Zhao Yinran, who will maintain your image in front of her, the C-big people, along with her, your friends and classmates, do they know that you are a scumbag who separates sex from love?"

"Do you still have the right to like others in your life?" I say.

"They know that their noble and cold are described as the flowers of Kaolin, and the school grass Zhou Yuqing, who has a perfect image in the school, is just a dog raised by my father for me and wants to be called by me."


Such ugly words, now that he listens to them, he is only cold to me.

I said slowly and softly, "Zhou Yuqing, do you want to start a business, do you want to escape the fate of being involved with my family, if you don't agree, what you are doing at school now, I will tell my dad."

Zhou Yuqing's expression changed, his handsome and extraordinary face, and his eyes that looked down at me very coldly, wanted to strangle me.


I took Zhou Yuqing's mobile phone and sent a photo directly in his circle of friends.

He also has Huo Lang in his WeChat contacts, and Huo Lang can see it.

It is a group photo, in front of the window at night, with a hazy and dim silhouette, and a man and a woman kissing.

A beautiful girl with soft lips, covered with thin lips that are naturally cool.


In the whole week of the freshman enrollment, Zhou Yuqing fell in love, and he personally posted it in the circle of friends.

The other party didn't think that sooner or later there would be a natural situation between them.

Rather, the freshman who was famous for her beauty during military training, Lin Xiangzhi.

When Zhao Yinran made an appointment to meet Zhou Yuqing, I was sitting in his car.

The slim girl stood in front of Zhou Yuqing and asked him: "I actually tested you before, it was the team building after the last student union activity, we were at the beach, I told you that I want to take you to see my father after graduation. Yu Qing, at that time, you obviously agreed."

Zhao Yinran's trembling voice confirmed to him, "Isn't what you think and what I think the same thing?"

Facing Zhao Yinran, who was reluctant to even blame him, Zhou Yuqing only said to the other party: "Yinran, go abroad after graduation."

When he drove the door away, the girl sitting in the passenger seat showed a thin white arm.

Zhou Yuqing drove away, and I looked behind me who was getting farther and farther away, Zhao Yinran had a pale face, still staying in place.

I closed my eyes and asked Zhou Yuqing softly, "You really like her?"

I laughed and said, "When Huo Lang comes back to me in a hurry, I'll just give you back to her."

The description of my breezy and cloudy response is the heavy braking of the vehicle, Zhou Yuqing's silent side face, and the exposed joints of the steering wheel.

Vehicles are parked on the side of the road. Zhou Yuqing said:

"Am I worthy, am I worthy of liking her? Lin wants to know."

"After two years of not showing up, I've had a normal life. Appreciating constant prestige, social friends, bright titles." Zhou Yuqing they constructed.

Inside the oppressive car were his indifferent words.

"Why did I show up, and it reminds me of my unbearable past."


Zhou Yuqing is the president of the student union at C University, and he is a cold, self-denying existence.

When his kiss photo was made public and circulated to my roommates, they thought that I had just entered the school and was already in the limelight, and no one could match me.

They asked me, "Didn't you say you would stay and wait for your brother that night?"

With a harmless expression, I said, "yes, I'm waiting for my brother. Then Zhou Yuqing invited me and got into his car."

I didn't tell them that Zhou Yuqing was also my so-called brother.

My face, which is more beautiful than Zhao Yinran, easily makes them believe that my love with Zhou Yuqing seems to be an encounter where they fall in love with each other at first sight.

If it is Zhou Yuqing's unbearable past, he was my father's adopted stepson, and the relationship between me and him that used to be stepbrothers and sisters is similar to brother and sister falling in love, which is also something I want to cover up.


Next time, Zhou Yuqing went to play.

They often seem to meet on Friday afternoons to play ball.

Unlike the first time when he could only be an onlooker, watching every basketball shot can become a signal for him.

I gently grabbed the corner of Zhou Yuqing's clothes with my hand and followed him to the basketball court.

I hugged my shoulders as he took off his coat and said, "It's so cold, can I wear your coat?"

Zhou Yu knew my stubbornness early in the morning, knew how arbitrary I was, and did as I wanted.

Zhao Yinran also came today, and she also saw me wearing Zhou Yuqing's coat.

In front of me, at halftime, Zhao Yinran still handed Zhou Yuqing a bottle of water and said:

"No matter what, in the future, we still have to work together, and there are many mutual friends, and we are still friends, right?"

Zhou Yuqing's slender fingers took it from her hand, and he drank it.

Zhao Yinran originally smiled, but he could see clearly that Zhou Yuqing's raised neck, the slowly rolling Adam's apple, and the conspicuous kiss mark that fell on the side of his neck.

Her smile stopped on her lips.

In the second half, in the first row of stands, Zhao Yinran and I sat together, I gently swayed my legs, the wide sleeves of the men's shirt were held in the palm of my hand, Zhou Yuqing put it on my side, and the half bottle of water left behind was picked up by Zhao Yinran's gaze.

Slowly unscrewed the cap of the bottle, soft lips, attached to the mouth of the bottle touched by Yu Qing last week, and drank it in small sips.

When I put it down, I held the same bottle of water that Zhou Yuqing and I had drunk, blinked, chatted with Zhao Yinran, and whispered:

"Have you ever thought in your heart that you don't want to be able to hand him water reservedly after Zhou Yuqing's game is over, but like me. Water is of a flowing nature, and Zhou Yuqing and I drink it in a sense the same sip."


Zhou Yuqing had dinner with his friends in the evening, and I went with him for the first time.

A few days ago, that night, they met me for the first time, or because of Sheng Qian, Zhou Yuqing was behind Sheng Qian at that time, and even his eyes almost didn't fall on me.

In just a few days, when we met again, I became Zhou Yuqing's girlfriend, everyone is an adult who is completely aware of the world's sophistication, hiding some curiosity and embarrassment, except for Sheng Qian.

Zhou Yuqing does not live on campus now, and he has to drive back, and he didn't touch alcohol at all before.

Tonight's gathering, it was Zhou Yuqing who took off the single invitation, and was persuaded to touch, and he drank a lot for the first time.

Zhou Yuqing was asked about the details of falling in love with me, and his tacit understanding with me was to cover up the past.

He described it as a normal relationship, first sinking into my appearance, "beautiful, I decided to chase her at first sight."

A table of people suddenly turned out that Zhou Yuqing was just not visible that night. Compared with the intellectual Zhao Yinran, in front of the more beautiful and younger students, Zhou Yuqing turned out to be a normal man.

In order to deliberately make fun and coax Zhou Yuqing, after dinner, I played a card game, I lost, I chose to take a big risk, pinched a red cherry, put it in my mouth, and kissed Zhou Yuqing next to him in public, and kissed him on the corner of his lips.

Zhou Yu had already drunk a lot of wine early in the morning, and his cold face, compared with usual, his eyes slightly closed were more lazy.

However, the look of the people is still cold and cold.

Zhou Yuqing still opened his thin lips, and let me cross and send the cherry and his little tongue in.

As they parted, he took a napkin and spit the pit out of his mouth.


I wore lipstick, and the corners of my lips were stained with a little bright red juice.

I got up and went to the bathroom to clean up.

Zhao Yinran, who came in with me almost immediately, closed the door of the bathroom and locked it.

She leaned against the door, she barely spoke tonight, and witnessed the intimate love between Zhou Yuqing and the girl in front of her like a masochist.

She said to me, "Do you know that because of you, Zhou Yuqing's reputation has been affected in school recently."

Although Zhou Yuqing was cold in the past, his image in the school was almost perfect, and he served as the president of the student union, with noble character and worthy of his position. Although Zhao Yinran has explained to the outside world in order to protect Zhou Yuqing, she and Zhou Yuqing have always only regarded each other as friends.

But his first love, in the eyes of others, was just the first acquaintance, and he immediately chose to date with a younger and more delicate schoolgirl. It was still as if he had fallen from the altar, and the kiss was circulated throughout the school, as if he had been touted too high and perfect in the past, and seemed to be nothing more than an ordinary man who simply fell into beauty.

I smiled and said frankly to Zhao Yinran: "I took Zhou Yuqing's mobile phone and looked at your circle of friends, and you group went there for a meal when Zhou Yuqing just moved into his new home. That kiss picture, others may not be able to see it, but you should be able to recognize the window behind me and him, the curtain, is where he lives, where it looks."

My harmless appearance of humans and animals, the shallow pear vortex at the corner of my mouth, "Since Zhou Yuqing slept with me, he has to be responsible."

It is said that Lin Xiangzhi is not wrong, it is all because Zhou Yuqing also has the inferior roots of men.

The other party has an angelic, sweet and lovely face, which looks harmless and pure.

At this moment, Zhao Yinran only felt that the young girl in front of her was like a vicious little snake spitting letters.


At night, Zhou Yuqing drank wine, and he used a lot of strength to press me down on the narrow sofa in the living room.

Like venting, it is also like venting anger, coldly asking:

"Why? You're going to make it known to everyone."

I didn't smile anymore, I looked back, under the scorching light, my lips had been bloodied because of his movements, looking at Zhou Yuqing's extremely familiar face, and telling him:

"Zhou Yuqing, this place is so far away from City B."

City B is the city that hides all of our past.

"Me and you, no one defines us as brother and sister anymore, we can be above board." In the end, I still shed tears, and he really hurt, it hurt, so much, and the voice of crying said:

"I want everyone to know and be above board."

Zhou Yuqing stopped, I could feel his desire that had not been discharged at all, but he withdrew directly.

I put on my clothes, took the cigarette and lighter on the table, and opened the door and went out.

He came back with a faint smell of tobacco.

I don't really like the smell of smoke at all, I hate the smell of other people's cigarettes.

But in other words, Zhou Yuqing, maybe his appearance is too deceptive, cold and thoughtful temperament, even the nicotine on his clothes, with a hint of temptation, does not smell bad at all.

I'm still the same as he was when I left.

Zhou Yuqing turned me over, and he had an extra ointment in his hand than when he left.

Drooping handsome and light eyebrows, my fingertips medicine me.

Zhou Yuqing called softly:

"Only, little treasure."

He called me by my nickname, the man who cherished words like gold, and for the first time said a few more words to me, and looked at my weeping red eyes, as if to dissuade me:

"I won't go back to City B, and you can't stay in City C forever. I can only play with you for a while. You have a conflict with Huo Lang, I don't really understand the current rules of love between you younger people, but this kind of frivolous play of feelings is not suitable for me. When you've had enough of me stimulating, you'll return my peaceful life, and we'll each return to our original life trajectory, okay?"

Zhou Yuqing is right, in the distant city of B, I grew wings for the first time, but it will only fly away from there for a short time. One day, there will be a distance between me and him.


Zhou Yuqing is actually very busy, and he has affairs to deal with in the school's student union.

I rented a house, and he rented another studio to start a business nearby, and often he couldn't go back to school too late, so for convenience, he would live directly outside.

Although Zhou Yuqing is still a student, he still keeps his dormitory, but the school does not impose regulations, on the contrary, he rarely goes back to the school dormitory at night.

Occasionally I can stay in school for a day, but late, Zhou Yuqing is still in a meeting with the officers of the student union.

He didn't tell me that after the evening self-study, I heard that Zhou Yuqing was in the conference room of the same teaching building.

I passed.

The summer in City C is very long, and after the military training, the green leaves on the trees are still full of life.

Instead of wearing my usual leg-baring skirt, I wore a long ankle-length dress.

I'm afraid that others will see that my walking posture is different.

I held my schoolbag and stopped at the back door of the conference room, looking at the people in the meeting led by Zhou Yuqing, and did not make a sound to disturb.

Zhou Yuqing sat there, and between his slender fingers was a black pen.

The handsome side face, the voice is calm, and the eyebrows and eyes are more serious and upright than usual.

When he left my house, he was just an adult, and the impression of Zhou Yuqing that I still had was that he was beaten by my father's stick, still holding his light eyes, and not bending his bones.

I don't know when, in the two years that I haven't been involved too much, Zhou Yuqing has shed the role of a teenager and transformed into the mature he is now.

He didn't take a penny from my family when he left, and now he has a place of his own, a car, and although his clothes are not expensive, his neckline has always been neat and clean, and he can be regarded as a bright achievement and status in front of people. It is not difficult to imagine that he must have put a lot of effort into completely burying the unbearable past.

I thought Zhou Yuqing hadn't noticed me.

He stopped speaking in the meeting, raised his eyes slightly, and lowered his head to a boy next to him and whispered something.

He continued.

The boy got up quietly, moved a chair and stool, walked over to me, and placed it in front of me.

I sat at the end of their conference room, and there were always people looking back at me curiously, including Zhao Yinran, who was also in the meeting.

It seems that for a while, everyone knows that the chairman's beautiful little girlfriend is coming.

Very late, they finally ended, waiting for everyone to leave one by one, Zhou Yuqing at the end, slowly walked in front of me.

It was just the two of us, and he whispered, "Are you better?"

Of course, I knew what he was asking, and with a soft face, I smiled softly at him, and without answering, I said, "Two girls came to me just now, and it seems that they deliberately said good things and wanted me to tell you, do you want to listen?"

My silence when Zhou Yuqing was acquiescing.

The sweet voice, learned, told him:

"They say the chairman looks like his little girlfriend."

I looked at Zhou Yuqing's unchanged expression, and then said quietly:

"They may have asked someone to move a chair for me to sit on when they saw you in a meeting, as if they were afraid that I would be tired from standing, but in fact—" I didn't say it explicitly.

"I didn't know that it was their student council president, who restrained reason, and did it himself in bed."

After hearing this, he looked flat and said, "Let's go."

I stood up, and as soon as I lifted my legs, I stumbled slightly.

Zhou Yuqing lowered his eyes, put his wide palm on my waist, lifted my body and attached it to his arms, "I'll send you back to the dormitory."


"I don't want a dormitory anymore." Leaning against the back door of the conference room, the group of student council officers who had just left turned around and could still see us, I pressed his thin lips and said.

"Be nice." Zhou Yuqing only let me touch it like a dragonfly, and didn't let me do anything bad.

At the dinner that day, he could let me play and kiss him, because those were his friends, and his identity was different tonight, in front of some officials who were subject to him, Zhou Yuqing did not show the interest in kissing in public and accompany a little girl to do something out of character.

Zhou Yuqing did not agree:

"I'm a man, and if I let them judge my private life, it's just normal men's behavior. What about you, a girl, going to school here for four years in the future, and you want people to know that you are going to live with a man in your freshman year?"

His thin eyes said mercilessly: "When will we be separated and have the reputation of being slept with by me in vain, which is good?"

Zhou Yuqing's words were too naked/naked and ugly, and I gritted my teeth silently.

He doesn't want to destroy his image in the school, but I don't want to be as good as Zhou Yuqing wishes.

There was no kiss at the back door of the conference room, and when Zhou Yuqing sent me downstairs to the dormitory, I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.


In public, as well as passers-by, just downstairs in the girls' dormitory, they bit the corner of the cold man's lips and wanted to kiss him.

Someone has obviously recognized Zhou Yuqing.

But in the end, Zhou Yuqing didn't push me away. We were like a normal couple, and later, it began to be him who took the initiative, lowered his head, stuck his tongue out, and pushed my lips and teeth away.


My relationship with Zhou Yuqing was described in school as if we were true love at first sight, and the two were passionately in love.

What Zhou Yuqing created outwardly seems to have always been, in this relationship, he seems to like me very much.

When I smiled sweetly, in the face of my roommate's curiosity and inquiry, I said, "Yes, Zhou Yuqing likes me very much."

Received, Huo Lang, who had not been in contact for a while, sent a message:

"You've won, Lin Xiangzhi."

"We're just quarreling and contradictory, I'm angry with you with a girlfriend who doesn't have a lot of ideas, and you know how to be angry with me, find Zhou Yuqing, who I despise the most, kiss you, and spread it to the group of people we know in City B, and now they're laughing at me for not being as good as a poor boy."

"After a while, I'll go back to China, and the two of us will talk."


Zhou Yuqing will not be on campus on weekends.

I went out to look for him, and he wasn't in the rented house, but at the place where he worked.

Zhou Yuqing started a business, and he was followed by some like-minded people, and I saw a few familiar faces.

In the studio that is beginning to take shape, there are only simple tables and chairs left in addition to the computer, but a group of young people, at a glance, I can see from their bodies full of passion and fighting spirit, each busy at the workstation.

Zhou Yuqing bent down and bowed his head, leaning over, in front of a workstation, several people were facing the same computer, discussing industry language that I didn't understand at all.

He saw me coming, but only a hurried glance.

I walked over and interrupted them.

In this studio, under the gaze of everyone, he stretched out his hand towards Zhou Yuqing: "Reimburse me for the travel expenses when I came."

Zhou Yuqing frowned slightly, got up, and said to the people beside him, "I'm sorry."

He didn't say anything to me, took out his mobile phone from his body, and directly transferred it to me, five thousand. He asked, "Is it enough?"

I received, confirmed the amount on my phone, how could it not be enough. Walked aside, found a place for himself, and sat down.

Until noon, Zhou Yuqing and his party still didn't seem to be done.

I was bored playing with my mobile phone, raised my eyes, and met Zhou Yuqing's gaze, he didn't even seem to have time to eat, and motioned to me the boxes and buckets of instant noodles next to the water dispenser, and said:

"If you're hungry, eat instant noodles first. I'll go back to dinner later."

I looked at it, faced with the crowd with their backs, tilted my head and silently lip-synched him:

"Brother, help me get it."

Zhou Yuqing paused and said to everyone: "Okay, everyone should rest first, if you are hungry, you will replenish some physical strength, and I will treat you later."

He tore open the bucket of noodles, and the man with outstanding appearance stood by the water dispenser, receiving water, and the instant noodles were steaming, and he took a few more pieces of chocolate, and bottled mineral water, and walked towards me with one hand.

Put it all on the table in front of me and say, "Eat."

Maybe it's really hungry, but I never thought that a serving of instant noodles, with its strong aroma gradually overflowing, would make people so appetizing.

I slowly picked up a few and put them in small bites.

Zhou Yuqing got another share for himself. They were all over there, and he was the only one who sat with me.

But he ate very quickly, and a man's bite was almost four or five of mine.

I had barely eaten half of my meal when there was a knock on the door in their studio, and someone went to open the door, and it was Zhao Yinran who came in with a full meal in both hands, and said:

"Looks like I came at the right time. Stop eating instant noodles, everyone."

Zhao Yinran's arrival almost immediately caused a burst of cheers and welcomes from everyone who had been working all morning, and the meal was taken over and placed on the table over there.

She also looked at me and Zhou Yuqing, and curled her lips and said, "I want to know that it's also here, come and eat together."

I suddenly lost any appetite, pushed away the instant noodles that still had half a bucket left next to my hand, and said to Zhou Yuqing, "I'm full, I'm a little sleepy, there's a small room over there, isn't it your office, I want to go in and sleep."

Zhou Yuqing didn't raise his eyes and said, "Go ahead."

After that, before I left, Zhou Yuqing took the remaining half of my bucket of noodles, and solved it in three or two bites.

Even though he ate quickly, the meal was not unsightly at all.


Before I went into his office.

Zhou Yuqing cleaned up the garbage on the table, sorted it out, and threw it into the trash can on the side.

Zhao Yinran saw him, he finished eating just now, and Lin wanted to know the rest of the instant noodles.

Seeing him get up and leave, Zhao Yinran called him: "Yu Qing."

She asked, "Aren't you coming here for a bite to eat?"

Zhou Yu replied lightly: "When you are full, you eat."

He left anyway, went to the bathroom first, and cleaned up.

When he came out, he also entered his office.

I watched Zhou Yuqing close the door and come in.

I closed my eyes softly, and I was wearing a coat that I had brought myself, and he had left it in his office, leaning back on the couch.

He approached, looked down at my sleepy brow, and whispered:

"Little Sakure."

The smooth progress at work seems to make Zhou Yuqing's mood look good today.

He sat down, but finally didn't let me sleep, and took the initiative to slowly and gently bow his head and kiss me.

If Zhou Yuqing takes the initiative, his kissing skills have always been good, I didn't hold back, and under his lips, I whispered.

The soundproofing doesn't look very good, and if someone were standing outside the door, they might hear it.



When Zhou Yuqing invited guests to dinner in the evening, he was teased about what he was doing in the office at noon.

Zhou Yuzhan held it in his hand, and his long fingers gently rubbed my waist.

In front of his group of friends, Zhou Yuqing chuckled and said, "I kiss my own girlfriend, is there a problem?"

They don't have to play games every time they have a meal. Most of the time, he just eats a simple meal, especially Zhou Yuqing, who is not a playful person.

A friend of Zhou Yuqing. It's the one who asked me for contact information before, that boy, Sheng Qian.

Sheng Qian tonight, he insisted on coming to play, and he also played the card game last time.

After a few rounds, even I could see that something was wrong between Sheng Qian and Zhou Yuqing, and he wanted Zhou Yuqing to lose.

Finally, Sheng Qian's deliberate targeting, Zhou Yuqing still lost. didn't want to stage another tongue kiss in front of people, and the punishment method Zhou Yuqing chose to tell the truth.

Sheng Qian looked at it with a smile and asked, "When did it break?"

Although everyone is an adult, when there are only them boys, maybe they have a good time, but there are still two or three girls at the dinner table, and Sheng Qian is a bit big.

Sheng Qian and Zhou Yuqing are in the same major, they are still roommates, and Zhou Yuqing is still living on campus in his sophomore year.

Before the summer vacation before the end of his sophomore year, Zhou Yuqing took a leave of absence, disappeared for a few days, and when he came back, he didn't say where he went, in the dormitory, the unused condoms/condoms were taken out by him and thrown into the trash.

was asked about his privacy in public, Zhou Yuqing's face was not necessarily good, and he was willing to lose the bet, but he still replied:


Hearing this reply, it wasn't me who had a different color first.

Instead, Zhao Yinran, who was sitting opposite, suddenly turned pale.

The dinner ended soon, and I sat in the car back to Zhou Yuqing's residence, and received a message from Sheng Qian in private:

"You haven't known each other yet, and Zhou Yuqing is not as good as you think."

And Sheng Qian didn't know that they gave each other the first time, Zhou Yuqing was the first woman in his sophomore year, and it was me.


At night, my absent-mindedness was still seen by Zhou Yuqing.

He put it against my forehead and asked, "Do you seem to have something on your mind?"

I didn't tell him that Holland had already made peace with me, but stared into his eyes and expressed my doubts to him: "You give me the feeling that today we are seriously in love."

Zhou Yuqing's eyes were calm, and soon, he replied to me in a low voice, "Do you want to tell you that we are a pair of lovers who don't love each other at all. It's just that a normal relationship will help my image, so remember to cooperate with me."

I see.

It's almost dawn before I can sleep.

I didn't wake up until noon.

came to the place where Zhou Yuqing worked.

There was no one there, I thought they were all out to eat, and suddenly I heard a slight movement from Zhou Yuqing's office.

I walked over, but stopped before entering. Zhao Yinran in his office.

Zhou Yuqing lay at the desk, closed his eyes, sat at the desk, and fell asleep deeply. The man's half-sleeping face is quiet and good-looking.

Zhao Yinran walked to his side lightly and put his coat on his shoulders silently.

She raised her eyes and saw me standing next to the door, and there was a moment of panic.

Zhao Yinran walked out, gently closed the door of Yuqing's office last week, and came to the window with me.

She was really a good girl, and she couldn't say anything too vicious to me:

"Lin wants to know, in terms of first come, first come, I like Zhou Yuqing first. I don't know what kind of means you used to get him to fall in love with you. Although you are young, you are not as pure and kind as you seem, and you know that he lacks funds, and you will not be soft when you ask him for money, and you will not be considerate. You're a, a very evil person."

She was right. I smiled lightly at her, I originally wanted to continue my evil, I wanted to say to her, do you know why Zhou Yuqing looked so tired today, it was because he and I were entangled in bed all night.

But he choked in his throat, is it about coming first and then coming?

I changed my words and said, "Because I'm just a very willful, person I like, and I have to get it once in my life." Zhou Yuqing was very unlucky to meet me, he has always been a very hard person."

"But I know that his future must be lucky. Because he met you, I know and see that you will definitely take care of him."

"Maybe one day, I'll give him back to you. When the time comes, please forgive me for my willfulness."

Zhao Yinran looked confused, and he didn't understand what I was talking about, "What do you mean?"


Actually, my previous relationship with Zhou Yuqing, even if his face looked cold, I occasionally bullied him, but between us, it was not so bad.

He was adopted by my father after the death of both his parents when he was a child.

In order to exercise and cultivate him, my father often used sticks to torture and educate, and when Zhou Yuqing could not meet his requirements, he would let Zhou Yuqing force him to jump into the swimming pool in the cold winter in the north, and only gave him water and bread for three days.

In contemporary society, my father said that it is necessary to cultivate and let Zhou Yuqing be contaminated with servility in order to be truly used by the family.

He had only one daughter, and his family had a lot of wealth, but I didn't seem to have a talent for business.

In the selection of children in the orphanage, he saw at a glance that Zhou Yuqing seemed to be born with qualifications, and my sentence, "I like that brother."

It was doomed to Zhou Yuqing's fate.

My father's family history is not glamorous, so his methods have never been bright, starting with him, but he wants to continue and maintain the glory of my family. After many years of filming, many forged, Zhou Yuqing's false images and deeds, unwarranted fights, bullying, stealing jewelry, etc., must be able to easily ruin Zhou Yuqing's life.

Locked in the safe, there is also a copy from his trusted lawyer, telling me that this is something I can threaten Zhou Yuqing in the future.

I have only one father, who suffered physical losses when he was young, and now he is ill and destined not to live long. He would not give Zhou Yuqing any inheritance, thinking that in this way, after he was gone, someone would be able to help his only daughter and support and manage the family business he left behind.

When Zhou Yuqing was adopted, I was already about to enter junior high school.

That is, in my junior high school years, I would always hold a medicine box late at night and slowly clean the wounds on his knees and arms.

will beg his father when he falls into the pool, and hug him to keep him warm after Zhou Yuqing comes up. When he was confined, I would take the snacks and fruits I bought with my own pocket money on the way out of school, secretly open the door with the key, and bring him in.

When I was in my third year of junior high school, Zhou Yuqing was once again not satisfied by my father, and this time, he was kicked out of the house.

When it was raining outside, I went out with an umbrella and finally found Zhou Yuqing.

When the umbrella was over his head, Zhou Yuqing told me, "Only, I'm so tired. I just realized that in my former hometown, I still have a grandmother here, and I want to go back."

That time, Zhou Yuqing left and returned to his distant hometown.

Two months later, with all my pocket money, I could only take the green train there, bumpy for more than ten hours, and finally arrived at that quiet little county town.

I was on my own, a little girl, holding my bag, and found the high school where he currently attended.

A guy accosted me and asked me who I was looking for.

I said, Zhou Yuqing.

The boy apparently knew him too. Said, that is very handsome, just transferred student, I asked some more, and the boy told me a lot, saying that he had excellent grades, and the teacher and many girls in the school liked Zhou Yuqing very much, saying that he had also made new friends.

He's doing well now.

I told the boy again, I don't have to look for him, and don't tell Zhou Yuqing that I've been here.

I didn't even dare to look at him, I was afraid that I would be reluctant, and I couldn't help but run to him and say that I missed him so much.

So I took the train back again.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, the thin boy re-entered my home.

I don't understand at all, why did he come back?

Zhou Yuqing didn't answer me why he came back.

Only whispered to me:

"Only, that day, I see, see, a special back like you."

Perhaps, that's why he'll come back.

I am the reason why Zhou Yuqing will come back.


Zhou Yuqing was still very tired, very bitter, beaten and humiliated.

Later, his grandmother fell ill, and I asked for money from my father, but in the end, I still couldn't keep his last relative.

But it made Zhou Yuqing more grateful to me.

It wasn't until later that my father told me, "Well, do you think I don't know about what happened between you?"

"Silly boy, it is to make him fall in love with you, and if he falls in love with you, he can be more willing."

When I was in my first year of high school, Zhou Yuqing was in his third year of high school, and his father had already thought that he would let him apply for a financial major in the future.

Holland was just a neighbor who lived near my house.

It was rumored in the school that I was a childhood sweetheart, and I seemed to be in love with him that year, and I became closer and closer to Huo Lang.

For almost half a year, I didn't pay much attention to Zhou Yuqing. Finally, one day, in front of Zhou Yuqing, I told my father:

"Dad, I only now understand what real liking is, and the person I really like is Huo Lang."

I also said, "Dad, I also seem to have opened my mind, I have become smarter, I can be in the top ten of my grade, and when I get to university, I will study finance again, so why should I let an outsider manage the family business."

No one knows how hard I have worked in my studies since the past six months, day and night.

Zhou Yuqing later confirmed to me, "Lin Xiangzhi, are you going to ignore all my past efforts to you?"

I said, "Yes."

When Zhou Yuqing graduated from high school, he left my home completely without a trace of reluctance, and came from City B to City C, which was far away.

Xiang met Zhao Yinran.


In the past two years, I have become more lonely and perverse, in addition to being smart.

Zhou Yu woke up and walked out of the office.

In front of Zhao Yinran, he didn't seem to be fully awake, looked at me, and called, "Xiaobao, did you help me put on a coat?"


Holland came to C University a month later. Zhou Yuqing and I sometimes seem to love each other, sometimes like hate, but like a normal couple, we spend every day together.

When Huo Lang appeared in front of me, Zhou Yuqing was also there at that time, he didn't go to work, nor did he deal with the affairs of the student union, but only accompanied me in the café and did advanced homework.

Holland found me and asked, "Have you had enough?" Wife."

That is the title that Zhou Yuqing has never spoken, and called me. The coffee cup next to the table fell to the ground, and Zhou Yuqing's voice was extremely cold, raising his eyes.

"Who's your wife?"

Huo Lang grabbed my wrist, pulled me to stand up, and said to Zhou Yuqing, who had a different face: "I'm here to pick up Jie and go back to City B, Brother Yu Qing, thank you for taking care of Jie Jie recently."

"I returned to China this time because Uncle Lin had already discussed with my father that he would first be engaged to me and Zhizhi, and she would indeed be my wife."

On that day, the whole school knew that I also had a rich and handsome childhood sweetheart who was no worse than Zhou Yuqing.

only left a breakup for Zhou Yuqing, and I took a full year off from C University and returned to City B.

I explained to my father that it was me who had a conflict with Huo Lang, so I willfully hid it from him, changed my willingness to fill in, and went to City C.

My father promised me that after I got engaged to Huo Lang, he would hand over the safe and all the materials related to Zhou Yuqing in the hands of the lawyer.

But then, I still couldn't get engaged to Holland.

When I threw all the fake images and photographs into the fire and burned them.

I never thought they would be so easy to get into my hands. One day, my father died of a sudden illness.


When I saw Zhou Yuqing again, I returned to C University after taking a year off.

Last year I only studied here for two months, and starting over, I moved into a new freshman dorm and met new roommates.

Again, on the first night, they were still discussing the same person.

This year, Zhou Yuqing has stepped down as president of the student union.

They said, "Have you seen the bulletin board when you just entered the school, the top ten in the school, and there is a senior senior, that photo, handsome."

"Like, it's called Zhou Yuqing."

"I've already inquired, he used to be the president of the school's student union, but now he rarely goes back to school, he has started a business outside, and it is quite successful."

They also said: "I also heard that last year, this senior had a vigorous first girlfriend at school, who was a beautiful student who was two years younger, and then in less than two months, he was broken up by the elementary school girl. And then his current one is a gentle senior sister who has always been by his side, a gentle senior sister of the same class as him, who is a special match, and has accompanied him through that period of emotional sorrow, and the two have met their parents many times."


Before meeting Zhou Yuqing again, I first met Zhao Yinran, who had something to do and returned to school.

Another year, I went to military training, and the scorching sun sunburned my face, and in the infirmary, the doctor helped me deal with it, applied ointment, and put a small piece of gauze on my left cheek.

I looked like this, after a roommate accompanied me to the infirmary, on the way back, I saw Zhao Yinran, who was still beautiful, and she was accompanied by two girls.

One of them was my roommate last year. She called out incredulously, "I want to know... You're back."

I nodded to them, and I wanted to leave by mistake, but Zhao Yinran turned around and called me: "Lin Xiangzhi."

She said, "A friend last year, a restaurant near the school opened tonight, everyone will be there, do you want to come?"

"A lot of things have been turned." Zhao Yinran is still kind, "You have been with us for a while, they haven't seen you for a long time, and some people don't know that you are back, so it's a surprise that you came over tonight."


Because of Zhou Yuqing, I didn't get along well with his friends in the past.

They follow Zhou Yuqing and will call him Brother Qing.

Although I am Zhou Yuqing's girlfriend, I am also a school girl who is two full years younger than that group of people.

Every time I meet some boys at school, they are seniors, and they still call my senior sister "sister-in-law".

It's just that the "sister-in-law" in their mouth should have changed by now.

Tonight, I'm still over.

There are wounds on my face, there is gauze, and I have a plain face. When I knocked on the door of the box, the moment I entered, everyone's eyes looked up at me.

The man sitting in the middle looked more mature and handsome.

I heard that he is now successful in his career, and the bottom of his eyes no longer hides his sharpness and depth.

Zhao Yinran, who was sitting next to the man, took the initiative to say to everyone: "I want to know that I'm back, you don't know yet, I invited you here, is it a surprise?"

It's just that one of Zhao Yinran's female friends is fighting for her, "What are you going to do when you come back?"

The girl was very quiet, but everyone heard it.

During the meal, I raised my glass to everyone. In fact, there was only one person facing the glass.

Sheng Qian was still there, and he stopped him with a loud voice: "You are injured now, can you drink?"

I turned a deaf ear and said to them, "I came back this time, and I didn't have any more ideas, I just wanted to finish my studies."

"I've known you before, everyone," I said the name in my mind, "it's all fate, I toast you all, and tonight is the last one." In the future, I will never see you again."

I drank a glass of wine. After the meal, I waited outside the box, leaning against the side of the wall, and when the people were almost finished, it was Zhao Yinran who walked behind and brought Zhou Yuqing to me.

The two men and women, brightly dressed and talented, stood side by side and appeared in front of my eyes. At this moment, even I feel that the two of them are extremely compatible.

Zhao Yinran said to Zhou Yuqing: "I want to know if I have something to say at the end, I will say to you."

Zhou Yuqing loved me at first, but when we met again last year, he hated me even more.

Now, he has no love or hatred for me.

The man raised his arm, lowered his eyes and glanced at the time on his watch, before he said:


I told Zhou Yuqing the last thing gently, and called for the last time: "Brother."

"My dad died."

When he heard it, he should think it was good news.


In the past, I liked to wear short skirts and laugh, and I heard the discussion of boys about me, it was obviously such a pure face, and when I laughed, I gently hooked my fingers, and no one would say "no" to me again.

Now I wear the longest dress, my curly hair is straight, my eyes are quiet, I like to walk with my head down, I bury my head in my studies all day, and my new roommate says that I am cold and low-key, and I have a very beautiful face, but I don't know how to show my beauty to the opposite sex.

Although Zhou Yuqing is a computer major, he does not hide his talent in entrepreneurship and business, and the college personally invited him to the School of Finance to give a lecture.

On that day, the freshmen and sophomores of the college organized a major to listen to me, and it happened that I had a cold and fever, and I wore a mask and a hat, and even my classmates from the previous year could not recognize me.

The charm of the handsome and talented man attracted the admiring eyes of almost everyone.

When it was over, on the side of the stage, the leader of the hospital came over and personally accompanied the man and talked with him.

Accidents happen in an instant.

The auditorium was used, the top of the head was square, and the chandelier was loose and about to fall, and the moment I was about to fall, I raised my eyes, thinking that I had a cold and fever, and I had the illusion that I had a fever.

Everyone around me panicked and ducked, and I was much slower to react.

When I finally realized that it was an accident, there was already screaming next to me, and the chandelier was falling, I thought that I was going to die.

"Lin Xiangzhi—" It was a man's cry of wanting to crack, screaming, and startled.

The imaginary pain didn't hit, and a tall body held me tightly in his arms, and there was a loud "bang" that was the sound of falling on the man's back.

Shattered glass splattered beneath his feet, and there were traces of blood on the ground.

The man carried me, and finally, slowly, fell to the ground full of debris.

I fell on top of him, raised my eyes, and saw that the man in the suit and leather shoes, who was still far away on the side of the stage, was now holding me in his arms.

On the other hand, Zhou Yuqing's eyes were red.

I have never seen Zhou Yuqing shed a single tear, after he was severely beaten by my father, humiliated, fatherless and motherless, and exiled for more than 20 years, the man has never shed a single tear.

Now tears slowly fell from the corners of his eyes.

As if lost and regained, as if reborn after a catastrophe, as if afraid that this is the last separation in life.

Before closing his eyes, the thin lips that had lost color were lightly opened, and only called:



Zhou Yuqing stayed in the hospital for a long time.

That handsome face, many days later, still has an unhealed scar.

On that day, I only slightly injured my hand, and it was already healed. In the ward, when I applied scar removal ointment to his face, he was slightly uncooperative, thinking that the ointment was uncomfortable on his face, and said, "The scar is left, and I don't eat with my face."

I whispered to him, "Zhou Yuqing, be honest, this face is for me to see, it must be perfect."

Zhao Yinran knocked on the door at this time and came in and asked me, "Can I say a few words to Zhou Yuqing alone?"

I put the ointment down and walked out.

Zhao Yinran sat down in front of the hospital bed and asked Zhou Yuqing, "You still love Lin Xiangzhi?"

Zhou Yuqing: "Yes, I love her. It hurts to see her start wearing a dress that is not so bright, to see that she doesn't like to laugh anymore, to feel distressed, to see her face hurt, to see her face hurt, to hear her say that her father died, I thought I should have been happy, but still, I was distressed."

Zhao Yinran was very puzzled: "But you have only known each other for a long time, you just met for the first time last year, and you have been in love for less than two months. You love her so much."

Zhou Yuqing denied: "It's not two months, it's eight years."

"Eight years?" How could it be eight years, Zhao Yinran said in disbelief, "Then you and I, at the end of your sophomore year, that time you took a few days off and then came back, I remember, last year Sheng Qian played games with you, and you rarely left school in your sophomore year, just a few days, you just separated from a girl." Why did you come back and still promise to accompany me to my father?"

They've never been together now, either. After her father learned about him, he seemed to value him very much, and through her, he asked to see him twice, but Zhou Yuqing never accepted the large investment that her father took the initiative to offer.

It was only at school that some rumors spread.

Zhou Yuqing only told Zhao Yinran today: "There is no one else, only Lin Xiangzhi. At that time, I had just parted from the girl I loved the most, and she gave herself to me. Actually, when I was standing on the beach with you, all I was thinking about was how I could get her again. Her father attaches great importance to outstanding net worth, and only such a person is qualified to be with her openly. I didn't, for the first time I hated myself too much. I'm sorry, but I was taking advantage of you, I had the opportunity to meet your father, and I wanted to use your father's help."

"You know, it's too difficult to do it in just one or two years. But I can't wait."

When Zhou Yuqing walked out of City B that year, he told himself to live innocently.

But as long as he meets Lin Xiangzhi, he can no longer live the way he wants.

"Then why don't you use me now and don't need my father's help anymore?" Zhao Yinran finally asked.

Because, his girl, in the past eight years, has paid no less than him. The distance between them became as close as it was when the two hearts were close together.


Not long after Zhou Yuqing was discharged from the hospital, he returned to C University after a long absence, and made an appointment to play ball.

On an overcrowded playground. At halftime, he came over and took my hand, bowed his head, and gently covered my lips, but the kiss fell deeply.

In the midst of the uproar, it was like a public declaration of sovereignty.

"Hey." After the kiss, I lightly hammered Zhou Yuqing's chest, "You used to, where you were there, you didn't want me to kiss."

Now there are so many people at the scene, he actually took the initiative to come.

Zhou Yuqing: "I'm nothing now, just your man. And you're a younger student now, if you don't take the initiative, how will they know that you're mine."

"Sister-in-law." One person said, "Do you know, in fact, before Brother Qing, he didn't like to be like this, being watched in public and playing. When we play, we make private appointments."

"Just last year, when school started, one afternoon, Brother Qing suddenly called us to come and play ball on the playground."

"Oh! It was the day we first saw you."

"Oh, really?" It was also the first time I knew about it, so I blinked, looked at Zhou Yuqing teasingly, and asked, "That day."

"Did you even find me on the playground?"

Zhou Yuqing only smiled silently.

It's been revealed.

That day, he only saw the girl who took off her hat.


It's hard to pretend not to love you.

But love you, don't pretend.

- End of full text