
Why is it recommended to buy an "east house" instead of a west house? After listening to the insider, it suddenly dawned on me!

author:Xiao Bao Dad said

Buying a house is very important for most people, but buying a house is not a trivial matter, and if you don't pay attention to the details, you will definitely step on the pit.

Why is it recommended to buy an "east house" instead of a west house? After listening to the insider, it suddenly dawned on me!

Nowadays, housing prices are getting higher and higher, and some houses need to cost millions of yuan, basically spending all their savings.

Therefore, when buying a house, start to do your homework, for example, look at the house price, location, house type, etc.

Why is it recommended to buy an "east house" instead of a west house? After listening to the insider, it suddenly dawned on me!

One of the most controversial is, is it better to buy an east or a west house?

In this issue, let's take a look at why it is recommended to buy an "east house" instead of a west house? After listening to the insider, it suddenly dawned on me!

Why is it recommended to buy an "east house" instead of a west house? After listening to the insider, it suddenly dawned on me!

The difference between the East and West households

1. The sunshine is different

From a temperature point of view, there will be a significant difference in indoor temperature between the east and west houses in summer and winter.

In the summer, as the sun rises in the east, Higashito is the first to receive sunlight in the morning, which makes the temperature in the morning relatively high. However, as the sun moves, the sunlight exposure in the east gradually decreases, and the indoor temperature gradually decreases. In contrast, Nishito receives intense sunlight in the afternoon and evening, resulting in higher indoor temperatures in the evening. As a result, during the summer months, Nishito may need more air conditioning to cool down.

Why is it recommended to buy an "east house" instead of a west house? After listening to the insider, it suddenly dawned on me!

2. Ventilation is different

Higashito usually enjoys the fresh sunshine and breeze in the morning.

This is because the wind in the morning mostly comes from the east, so the ventilation in the east is more ideal in the morning.

Why is it recommended to buy an "east house" instead of a west house? After listening to the insider, it suddenly dawned on me!

Fresh air and warm sunlight can quickly fill the room, energizing the occupants for the day. In addition, due to the relatively low temperature in the morning, this also makes the mornings in the summer cooler.

Why is it recommended to buy an "east house" instead of a west house? After listening to the insider, it suddenly dawned on me!

The situation in the west is very different from that in the east. In the afternoon and evening, Nishido will face the problem of sunshine.

At this time, the direct heat of the sun will cause the temperature in the room to rise rapidly, and since the wind mostly comes from the east, the ventilation of the west house during this time is often not as good as that of the east house.

Why is it recommended to buy an "east house" instead of a west house? After listening to the insider, it suddenly dawned on me!

As a result, Nishito may feel hot in the afternoons and evenings during the summer months, and it is necessary to regulate the indoor temperature with the help of equipment such as air conditioners.

Why is it recommended to buy an "east house" instead of a west house? After listening to the insider, it suddenly dawned on me!

3. The meaning is different

The east and west also carry different meanings. Donghu symbolizes the rising sun, meaning hope and vitality; The west door symbolizes the setting sun, meaning tranquility and tranquility.

This different meaning gives the east and west houses different emotional colors and symbolic meanings in the hearts of the occupants.

Why is it recommended to buy an "east house" instead of a west house? After listening to the insider, it suddenly dawned on me!

What are the disadvantages of Nishito?

1. Poor Thermal Insulation:

The light intensity in the west is high, especially in the afternoon, when strong sunlight directly enters the room, making the indoor light too strong, which may stimulate people's vision, and even affect the rest and sleep of the occupants.

Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may also accelerate the fading and aging of furniture, flooring, and other items, shortening their lifespan.

Why is it recommended to buy an "east house" instead of a west house? After listening to the insider, it suddenly dawned on me!

2. Reduced living comfort:

Nishito also has poor thermal insulation in the winter. Because the west façade is directly facing the cold winter wind, indoor heat is easily dissipated, so that occupants need to consume more energy to maintain the indoor temperature during the cold season, which further increases the cost of living.

Why is it recommended to buy an "east house" instead of a west house? After listening to the insider, it suddenly dawned on me!

3. Water seepage on the wall

If you live in Nishito, we will also encounter the problem of water seepage on the wall, which is unavoidable.

When the rainy season comes, the walls that were originally white and flawless gradually become mottled under the erosion of water seepage.

What's more, water seepage on the wall not only affects the aesthetics, but also poses a great threat to the structure of the house.

Why is it recommended to buy an "east house" instead of a west house? After listening to the insider, it suddenly dawned on me!

Prolonged water seepage can lead to moisture, mold and even safety hazards such as short circuits in the wall. Living in such an environment, people not only have to face visual discomfort, but also have to worry about the safety of their homes at all times.

Why is it recommended to buy an "east house" instead of a west house? After listening to the insider, it suddenly dawned on me!

In addition, water seepage on the walls can have a serious impact on the quality of life of the occupants. A humid environment is prone to the growth of bacteria and affects people's health; Moldy walls emit an unpleasant smell that makes it difficult for people to live in peace.

Why is it recommended to buy an "east house" instead of a west house? After listening to the insider, it suddenly dawned on me!

Write at the end:

Do you think it's comfortable to live in the east or west? Feel free to share your experience!