
It's so far away that you can only drive to the farm, and you can't believe it when you go late and have nowhere to park

author:Catering dry goods Wu Luqi

I have to say that people who do catering can clearly feel this year that catering has been very difficult to do, especially the newly opened stores, which can be said to be starting from scratch, not only facing the competition of old stores, but also the price war of various peers, which can be said to be embattled, and many of them are the last resort to fight a price war.

It's so far away that you can only drive to the farm, and you can't believe it when you go late and have nowhere to park

I can only say that the current catering, the old store has a big advantage compared with many new stores, just like a farm that my friend took me to yesterday, to be honest, when he said that he was going to the farm, my subconscious, is there still a farm? After the epidemic, do these stores still exist? After all, from last year to now, no one around me, including myself, has been there.

It's so far away that you can only drive to the farm, and you can't believe it when you go late and have nowhere to park

He can only say, go to know, drive for about 20 minutes, have reached the suburbs, there is a feeling of driving into that kind of forest park, and it is raining, I said that if it rains, will the business of the farm be good? When I got to the place, I was slapped in the face, and my friend was looking for a parking space, because it was basically full.

It's so far away that you can only drive to the farm, and you can't believe it when you go late and have nowhere to park

I asked, are these cars here for dinner? My friend said yes, there is a farm here, and those who stop here can only come to eat, otherwise what else can they do. After entering the store, I have to say that there are really many people, and they are basically families, and many children run around.

It's so far away that you can only drive to the farm, and you can't believe it when you go late and have nowhere to park

This really made me feel like I went to the farmhouse a few years ago, there are a lot of waiters in aprons in the store, it is a very traditional farm, after ordering food at the stall, and then take the table number, you can sit down and wait for dinner, this place is really big, there are ponds, there are orchards, and there are places to grow vegetables.

It's so far away that you can only drive to the farm, and you can't believe it when you go late and have nowhere to park

I heard that the fish they eat are all raised by the boss himself, and they have several fish ponds. It didn't take long for the dishes to come up, I have to say, the amount of the dishes is still very large, a stir-fried greens, equivalent to two servings of other restaurants, the key is that the dishes are still very good, and the taste is very good.

It's so far away that you can only drive to the farm, and you can't believe it when you go late and have nowhere to park

The key is that when I paid the bill, I thought that four people, how could they have four or five hundred yuan, because there were fish, sheep and chickens, but I didn't expect to spend more than two hundred yuan, this price, really didn't say it, I think many customers probably came because the price is affordable, the production is good, what do you say?