
As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

author:Demon fire says history

In 251 AD, Sima Yi died; Then, less than a year later, in 252 AD, Sun Quan died.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

And with the deaths of the rulers of the Wei and Wu camps one after another, a sudden war soon broke out.

Sima Shi believed that Sun Quan's sudden death would inevitably trigger a series of turmoil within Eastern Wu. This is a good time to fight, and you can brush up on a wave of war achievements.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

As a result, Sima Division divided his troops into three routes and attacked Soochow. Among these three armies, the East Road was the main force, led by Sima Zhao, Sima Shi's younger brother, Zhuge Dan and Hu Zun were matched to attack Dongxing.

Sima Shi is determined to win this attack on Wu, but Wu Guo's side should not be underestimated. Because the person who greeted Sima Zhao was the powerful minister of Eastern Wu, Zhuge Ke.

Zhuge Ke led more than 40,000 people to the rescue, and sent Ding Feng and others as pioneers. Due to the narrow terrain on the way, Ding Feng took more than 3,000 people to take the first step.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

The weather was very cold at that time, and when Ding Feng and the others arrived at the location, Hu Zun's troops were drinking together.

Ding Feng immediately made a decision and told his subordinates: Meritorious service is just recently! Then, taking off their armor and, wearing only helmets and weapons, they rushed towards the enemy.

Hu Zun's subordinates couldn't help laughing when they saw such a group of people coming naked, and they didn't immediately organize a formation to face the battle.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Who knew that this group of Wu troops was menacing, and soon broke through the front of the enemy. At this time, other vanguard troops of the Wu army also happened to arrive and caught the Wei army by surprise.

As a result, the Wei army on the Eastern Route suffered a crushing defeat. After hearing about the disastrous defeat of the main army, they had no intention of fighting, burned the camp and retreated.

In this battle, Sima Shi's prestige was seriously damaged, and Sima Zhao blamed himself and was stripped of his title.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

How frustrated the Sima brothers were, how happy Zhuge Ke was.

However, after the end of this war, Zhuge Ke began to be proud.

This pride eventually led him to insist on attacking Wei, but his prestige was greatly damaged after the defeat, and he was finally killed by Sun Jun and others in a coup d'état.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Regarding Zhuge Ke's death, many people have made predictions. His father, Zhuge Jin, said: Ke'er will either make my family prosperous, or implicate my whole family;

Deng Ai said that Zhuge Ke had just been in power, and he didn't want to pacify the upper and lower levels, but he concentrated on foreign wars and hurt the people, "his death can be waited!" ”

Even Cao Fang's father-in-law, Zhang Ji, said that Zhuge Ke "shocked his master, built a country, and asked for death?" ”

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Even the nursery rhyme says, "Zhuge Ke, the reed is hooked down, how can he seek to become a sub-pavilion". It is said that after Zhuge Ke died, he was hastily wrapped in a reed mat, and the body was discarded at will. This nursery rhyme also seems to predict his end.

Zhuge Ke's life seems to have been born to verify other people's predictions. Whoever evaluates him will seem to be very knowledgeable.

Zhuge Ke's death has left us with a series of questions: Zhuge Ke, what kind of person is he? He had a lot of prodigy deeds in his childhood, why did so many people predict his future crisis when he became an adult?

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Zhuge Ke is different from other characters in that he has been working as a child since he was a child. It belongs to the age of 27 and the working experience of 17.

Zhuge Ke's uncle is very famous, and he is known to everyone as Zhuge Liang. But his father, Zhuge Jin, is not an ordinary person.

Although Zhuge Jin's ability is not as good as Zhuge Liang, he is known for his generosity, and his career is not much worse than Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Jin was quite trusted by Sun Quan in the state of Wu. Sun Quan also once said, "Lonely and Ziyu have an oath of life and death"

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Because of his father, Zhuge Ke came into contact with Sun Quan very early, and because of his quick response and clever personality, he was loved by Sun Quan.

Sun Quan was very greedy for Zhuge Liang for a while, and wanted Zhuge Jin to help make peace. Zhuge Jin told Sun Quan: My brother Zhuge Liang has "committed a quality and a score, and lost his life to others"

It is a kind of etiquette to form a relationship between monarchs and ministers in ancient times. Entrustment refers to the courtier's gift to the king to express submission; The determination of points means that the king engraved the name of this minister on the bamboo slips, indicating that we have formed a relationship.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

When Zhuge Ke said this, he told Sun Quan: Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei are completely serious, don't worry about it.

Of course, after saying this, Zhuge Jin showed his loyalty to Sun Quan by the way, "My brother won't come, just like I won't go over" Sun Quan gave up.

What you can't get is always in turmoil, and Sun Quan has been obsessed with Zhuge Liang since then. So after seeing the young and clever Zhuge Ke, Sun Quan was very happy to take him to play, and planned to train a trumpet Zhuge Liang for his son. Rounding it off, it's a dream come true.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

There is a law in psychology: if a person is precocious when he is young, he will mature later than his peers when he grows up.

In life, it is not difficult for us to find that if a person is precocious in IQ, he is easy to mature late in EQ.

This law is vividly embodied in Zhuge Ke.

There are too many interesting things about Zhuge Ke when he was a child. For example, once, Sun Quan asked Zhuge Ke: "Your father or your uncle, which one is amazing?" "This uncle naturally refers to Zhuge Liang who is far away in Shu.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Zhuge Ke replied: "My dad is amazing! ”

Sun Quan asked again: "Why do you say that?" Zhuge Ke replied: "Because my father knows who to serve, and my uncle doesn't know who to serve." So it's still my dad who is more powerful! ”

Zhuge Ke said this, which means that Liu Bei is not as good as Sun Quan, and Zhuge Liang does not follow Sun Quan, that is because Zhuge Liang has a bad brain, not Sun Quan's problem.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

When Sun Quan heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

Another time, Sun Quan received envoys from Shu. Sun Quan pointed to Zhuge Ke and said to the envoy of Shu: "Zhuge Ke likes to ride horses, go back and tell your prime minister to get a few good horses for his nephew." ”

Sun Quan, this is purely a change of law! Shu sent two hundred horses to Wu before, couldn't he pick two of them for Zhuge Ke?

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Zhuge Liang really sent someone to send horses, could it be that he only gave Zhuge Ke two horses, and Sun Quan didn't give them at all, and it was impossible?

As soon as Sun Quan finished speaking, Zhuge Ke immediately bowed down and thanked Sun Quan. Zhuge Ke reacted so quickly that Sun Quan was stunned: "This horse hasn't come over yet, why are you thanking you now??" ”

Zhuge Ke said: "Shu is His Majesty's stable. Now that Your Majesty has spoken, it will definitely send a good horse! So I have to be grateful. ”

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Zhuge Ke said that Shu was the stable of Wu State, which once again attracted Sun Quan Longyan Dayue.

In addition, Zhuge Ke often uses Zhang Zhao to shake his wit.

After a long time, Zhang Zhao was about to be nervously sensitive by Zhuge Ke. Once, Zhuge Ke said that a bird was a "pulsatilla", Zhang Zhao thought that Zhuge Ke was connotating himself, so he said that Zhuge Ke was making it up, unless he could find a bald mother, in order to prove that he was telling the truth.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Zhang Zhao will be so sensitive, it can be seen that he has been tricked by Zhuge Ke.

Why did Zhuge Ke stare at Zhang Zhao? Because Sun Quan has always wanted to do this, but Sun Quan is embarrassed. Zhuge Ke reacted quickly, he was young, and Zhang Zhao couldn't be as knowledgeable as him when he said anything.

Zhuge Ke was aware of Sun Quan's thoughts, so he often did so.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Zhuge Ke's childhood and adolescence were spent in shaking his wit and coaxing Sun Quan to be happy.

I believe that at this point, we already vaguely feel that something is wrong. If you put aside Zhuge Ke's age, isn't this all a matter of courtiers?

Zhuge Ke grew up like this, and Sun Quan also asked him and Gu Tan and others to go to the crown prince Sun Deng as a staff member. If Sun Deng can succeed to the throne, then Zhuge Ke, with his wisdom and talent, and with his relationship with the crown prince Sun Deng, should be able to step into the ranks of the Duke and smoothly become the pillar of the Wu State.

The first job that Sun Quan arranged for Zhuge Ke was a festival official.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Jiedu official is an official position set up by Sun Quan himself, and he is in charge of the army's grain and grass. This is a very important position, but it is not suitable for Zhuge Ke.

Zhuge Ke didn't like this job very much, because this kind of complicated work requires time and meticulousness, and there is no room for him to be smart.

In the end, Zhuge Liang wrote a letter to Lu Xun, saying that Zhuge Ke had a rough personality, and the grain and grass in the army were very important, so it was better to change Zhuge Ke's job!

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Lu Xun conveyed Zhuge Liang's meaning to Sun Quan, so Sun Quan transferred Zhuge Ke to lead the troops.

Yamagoe, is the experience pack of the Soochow generals. Zhuge Ke also plans to take Shanyue. However, Zhuge Ke is not like other generals, fighting a battle and bringing a group of people back to receive credit. Zhuge Ke wants to do a big wave.

Zhuge Ke promised that as long as he was given three years, he would be able to recruit at least 40,000 soldiers from Shanyue.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

As soon as Zhuge Ke's thoughts were said, everyone felt that this kid was going to overturn. Because this place is so special.

In this place, the people are fierce, and the people will make their own weapons. They don't need to form an army, they are automatically soldiers when they come out.

There must be people here who think that the people of Shanyue are fierce, but there are also elite soldiers and good generals in Eastern Wu, so don't you just send more people?

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

This has to be mentioned, another particularity of Shanyue.

This bone is not easy to gnaw, not because their people are strong, but because of the complex terrain of Shanyue. This place is so suitable for guerrilla fighting!

The terrain of Shanyue is complex, and the people of Shanyue themselves know the terrain, but the army of Wu is not as familiar with the terrain as the locals. If you really go deep alone, you will inevitably suffer. It's not possible to fight quickly, and you can't afford to fight for a long time!

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

To put it bluntly, Shanyue is to Soochow what Afghanistan is to Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union. I can't kill you, but I kill you.

So Zhuge Ke said that when he was able to recruit troops from Shanyue, everyone gave Zhuge Ke some wax in their hearts: This kid will be finished sooner or later!

In the questioning eyes of everyone, Zhuge Ke got Sun Quan's permission and led his troops to Shanyue.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

So, how did Zhuge Ke do it?

Do we remember how Zhuge Ke promised? Three years, 40,000 soldiers. Why did Zhuge Ke want three years? Because, he plans to play a long-termism with the Shanyue people.

As mentioned earlier, the biggest advantage of Shanyue is not that their people are fierce and brave in battle, but that the local terrain is complex, and the locals can wear out with the army of Wu for a long time.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Zhuge Ke did not rush to fight with the Shanyue people, but let the army guard outside. If I don't do it, you can't make us suffer.

When the grain planted by the Shanyue people was ripe, Zhuge Ke asked his soldiers to collect the grain first. Even if they can't take it away, it's all burned. Never leave a grain for the people of Shanyue.

You are mobile, so if I don't take the initiative to fight you, I won't be teased by you. But I can take your food, and without it I can't sustain anything.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

You can also come out and stop us from grabbing food, but if you fight hard, your mobility advantage and terrain advantage will be gone.

Moreover, the Wu army suffered losses in Shanyue before, because they and the Shanyue people could not afford to consume it. Now the Shanyue people have no food at all, so the Shanyue people can't afford it.

Because there was a real lack of food, the Shanyue people had to come out and surrender. With very low losses, Zhuge Ke achieved results that others could not get by losing troops and generals.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

When the Shanyue people surrendered, Zhuge Ke issued another order. Zhuge Ke ordered: "When the mountain people come out to surrender, the magistrate will not treat them differently, nor will they be arrested." ”

Zhuge Ke did this to let the people of Shanyue know that Dongwu let them come out without malicious intent.

At that time, there was a Shanyue man who came out and surrendered because he was hungry. So not long after I came out, I wanted to go back again. The prefectural magistrate sensed the man's intentions and locked him up.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

When Zhuge Ke learned of this, he immediately ordered the county order to be killed. After the Shanyue people heard about this, they felt that Zhuge Ke really just wanted them to come out and be managed by Dongwu, and had no other meaning, so more people came to surrender.

Under this operation, Zhuge Ke recruited 100,000 Shanyue people. He selected 40,000 strong men among them and incorporated them into the army.

Zhuge Ke successfully completed the task. At this moment, everyone was convinced, and they all knew that Zhuge Ke was a capable person.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Zhuge Ke was able to subdue these Shanyue people because he saw the advantages of the Shanyue people. However, there is a scope for the advantages. Zhuge Ke prescribes the right medicine, so that the Shanyue people can't give full play to their advantages, so they can subdue the Shanyue people.

Later, the crown prince Sun Deng died, and Sun Quan made his third son Sun He the crown prince. Next, the Southern Lu party dispute broke out in Soochow. This party struggle brought the fate of Soochow into the abyss.

Here is a brief introduction to the Nanlu party struggle. After Sun Quan established his third son Sun He as the crown prince, he began to favor his other son, Sun Ba.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Sun He's biological mother, Mrs. Wang, had a grudge against Sun Quan's eldest daughter Sun Luban. Therefore, Sun Luban supported King Lu and Sun Ba, and often said bad things about Sun He. As a result, Sun He's position is even more dangerous.

In the course of the struggle between Sun and Sun Ba, many ministers of Eastern Wu were involved and then struck.

In the end, Sun Quan couldn't control it, so he had to abolish the prince, give King Lu to death, and then set up his youngest son Sun Liang as the prince.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Sun Liang was young, and Sun Quan had no choice but to choose a few auxiliary ministers for him.

At that time, everyone felt that Zhuge Ke was the most capable and thought that Zhuge Ke should be an auxiliary minister. But Sun Quan hesitated at this time. He believes that Zhuge Ke is rigid and self-serving, and is not suitable to be an auxiliary minister.

Sun Jun was a son of the Eastern Wu clan and was very active in the party struggle in Nanlu. Now that the crown prince and King Lu have fallen, he is still trusted by Sun Quan. He thought that Zhuge Ke was suitable to be an auxiliary minister, so he said to Sun Quan: In terms of talent, no minister is stronger than Zhuge Ke. I am willing to vouch for Zhuge Ke.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

In this way, Sun Quan finally positioned Zhuge Ke as an auxiliary minister.

In 251 A.D., Sun Quan was critically ill and summoned all five auxiliary ministers over and entrusted them with the funeral.

These five people are Zhuge Ke, Sun Hong, Taichang Tengyin, General Lu Ju and Shizhong Sun Jun.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

There are a lot of names, and it can be a little hard to remember. But it doesn't matter, it's dead in a while.

The first to end up was Sun Hong. Sun Hong and Zhuge Ke did not agree, so they did not announce the news of Sun Quan's death, and wanted to sneak attack Zhuge Ke at the Wanhongmen Banquet. Kill Zhuge Ke.

Sun Jun was more inclined to Zhuge Ke at that time, so he leaked Sun Hong's plan to Zhuge Ke. Zhuge Ke was anti-guest, pretending to invite Sun Hong, and took the opportunity to kill Sun Hong.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

solved Sun Hong, and Zhuge Ke sat firmly in the position of auxiliary minister. Among the remaining four people, Lu Ju and Teng Yin have better personalities, and Sun Jun and Zhuge Ke are quite harmonious at this time.

At this time, Zhuge Ke was in Wu State, and his power was extremely victorious.

When Sun Quan just died, Zhuge Ke did many things that benefited the country and the people. He abolished the school affairs system, and since then the spies feared by everyone in Wu have disappeared; It also exempted the people from paying taxes in arrears and lightened the burden on the people.

These things brought Zhuge Ke a very high prestige, and for a while, everyone praised Zhuge Ke. Every time Zhuge Ke went out, the people craned their necks to see what Zhuge Ke looked like.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

It was during this period that the war that broke out between the states of Wu and Wei at the beginning of the story.

Sun Quan asked people to build the Dongxing embankment during his lifetime, and after Zhuge Ke took power, he asked people to rebuild the embankment, and also built fortifications in the places occupied and abandoned by the Wei State before.

Zhuge Ke did this, to be serious, it was a violation of the territory of Wei.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

At this time, Sima Yi had only been dead for a year, and Sun Quan had died less than a year ago.

In other words, at this time, Sima Shi had only been in power for a short time, and he needed a victory to consolidate his position. In Sima Shi's view, Sun Quan has just died, and there will be turmoil within the Wu State, which is a good time to brush up on military exploits.

Therefore, a war broke out between the Wei and Wu states. Then, there's the scene at the beginning of the story. Ding Feng led his troops to run naked in the snowy night, Wu State won, Sima Zhao was defeated and his title was reduced.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

This war raised Zhuge Ke's prestige to the top. Zhuge Ke became more and more proud from then on, and then, according to the general laws of history, he overturned.

In the second year of the Dongxing victory, Zhuge Ke packed up his army and planned to take the initiative to attack Wei.

Zhuge Ke's idea was opposed by the majority. In this regard, Zhuge Ke is accustomed to it, he is used to being talented, accustomed to starting in the opposition of everyone, and then returning victoriously, blinding everyone's eyes.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

But this time, Zhuge Ke failed.

What's even more terrifying is that it is difficult for Zhuge Ke to accept his failure in his heart. In this mood, Zhuge Ke did many unreasonable things.

For example, if his subordinates raised the slightest objection to his plan, he would be furious and remove them.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

For example, soldiers have been fighting for a long time, living conditions are poor, and many people are sick. His subordinates reported to him, he thought that they were lying, and they were furious and wanted to kill the general who reported it.

When Zhuge Ke was fighting outside, the imperial court appointed some officials. After the class teacher returned to the court, he dismissed all these people and re-elected.

Originally, Zhuge Ke went out to fight, wasting manpower and material resources, and there was no result at all, so everyone was very disappointed in him. In addition, after the defeat, Zhuge Ke was very irritable and angry at every turn, and everyone hated him even more.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

In this way, Zhuge Ke went from being loved by everyone to being a moody lone husband.

Later, Zhuge Ke didn't know what he thought, so he actually sent someone to send a message to Concubine Zhang: "I will make you more noble than others." ”

Concubine Zhang is the wife of the former crown prince Sun He and Zhuge Ke's niece.

This sentence reached Sun Jun's ears. In Sun Jun's view, Zhuge Ke was planning to re-support Sun He's ascendancy.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Sun Jun and Princess Quan were the main forces that supported Sun Liang at the beginning, and his wealth and status were also dependent on Princess Sun Liangquan.

Therefore, Sun Jun decided to strike preemptively and get rid of Zhuge Ke.

Sun Jun's method is very old-fashioned, and there will be another Hongmen banquet.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

In the name of Sun Liang, Sun Jun feasted Zhuge Ke in the palace. In fact, Zhuge Ke himself also had a little hunch, but Sun Jun pretended to be calm: "Are you uncomfortable?" Then don't go, I'll help you take leave. ”

In this way, Zhuge Ke lowered his suspicions and agreed to go to the palace with Sun Jun for a banquet.

At the banquet, Sun Jun excused himself to go to the toilet, went out to change into a short coat, and came out and shouted: "There is an edict, arrest Zhuge Ke." ”

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Zhuge Ke was already fat, but he didn't react for a while, and he was directly hacked to death.

After Zhuge Ke died, all his sons were killed. In response to what his father Zhuge Jin said: "Zhuge Ke will affect my whole clan." ”

Zhuge Ke's death certainly has some external factors. But his own character also has a lot of responsibility.

As Zhuge Liang's nephew, what kind of person is Zhuge Ke? Why did Soochow kill his whole family

Probably the first half of his life was so smooth that his personality was too conceited. This conceit not only caused him to lose a battle and undermine his prestige, but also made him refuse to accept reality after his defeat. As a result, this extreme attitude exacerbated the contradictions between him and the people around him, which eventually led to his death.

Zhuge Ke's resources are too good. The father of a high-ranking official, the uncle of the top class, Sun Quan is favored, and Sun Deng is close. All these advantages made him famous too early, and it was too easy to get rich and rich, but he lost the ability to face setbacks. Zhuge Ke's life is like a firecracker, "a shock made people frightened, and looking back, it has turned into ashes".