
BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?

Chengdu Business Daily Red Star News

2024-06-30 09:04Chengdu Business Daily Red Star News official account

The "Bermuda Triangle" in the Atlantic Ocean

Once known as the "unsolved mystery"

It is said that many planes and boats have sailed to this area

There will be accidents

But there have been many people who have scientifically refuted the rumors

To say that this is pure fiction

Mr. Gao who works in Jiande, Hangzhou

I want to reflect a local underground garage

Said it was in the past two days

Four cars crashed into the same wall

He felt

This is no coincidence

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?


Hit four cars in two days

It's all the basement wall?

Mr. Gao: Four cars, the same wall, the same curve, crashed together, does this ground also have a certain responsibility? We couldn't brake.

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?

Hangzhou Jiande Xin'an Road

There is a Sidley International Plaza

The scene of the incident is located on the second floor of the basement garage of the building

on the walls of this bend

There were several marks of impact and scratching

Mr. Gao said

He is a merchant at Sidley International Plaza

I've been parking here for four years

Pay $1,250 per quarter for parking

Mr. Gao drives a Tesla Model Y

The monitoring screen is displayed

It was nearly 11 p.m. on June 22

The car slammed into the basement wall as it turned

Mr. Gao provided photographs

The right side of the front of the car was damaged

The front bumper is recessed

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?

Mr. Gao: When I crossed this corner, I kept my speed within 10 kilometers per hour. At a distance of about 30 meters from this corner, I already felt the tires floating, so I quickly stepped on the brakes and slowly went to the brakes, and found that the brakes would feel like springing, hitting the direction, at this time ABS (anti-lock braking system) has been locked, directly on the can't move, the brakes also become hard, the car will slide over, directly hit the wall. I got my driver's license in December 2006.

Reporter: I have been a veteran driver for more than ten years.

Mr. Gao: And I haven't had any accidents, this is the first time I've had an accident.

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?

A veteran driver with more than ten years of driving experience

The first accident was in the underground garage

The more Mr. Gao thought about it, the more depressed he became

He contacted the traffic police and the insurance company

The repair quote for the Tesla service center is:

More than twenty-four thousand

Mr. Gao said that this part of the car damage can be insured

But more than 6,000 dollars for the car film

You'll have to take care of yourself

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?

Mr. Gao: Originally, I thought that I was operating improperly, so I admitted it, because at about 11 o'clock in the evening of the same day, the insurance company said that the Tesla service center was in Hangzhou, and there was no way to drive a board car to pull the car away, so I parked the car here, but when I came over the next day, another car crashed here.

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?

Video provided by Mr. Gao: In the underground parking lot of Sidley, my car just crashed, and today it is another one. There is definitely something wrong with this road, the thief is slippery.

The monitoring screen is displayed

The BMW that Mr. Gao saw

It was around 12 noon on June 23

crashed into the same wall

The owner of the car, Miss Xiao Shao, said

At that time, the speed of the car was supposed to be more than 20 kilometers per hour

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?

BMW owner Xiao Shao: The road was slippery, I started to step on the brakes far away from here, there was no response, and it was useless to turn the steering wheel, so I just watched it crash into it. (Maintenance) is estimated at about 40,000 yuan.

Reporter: Where did the car hit?

BMW owner Xiao Shao: It's the headlight in the upper right corner, it's okay, but I'm a little scared.

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?

Mr. Gao said

Just as he was chatting with the owner of the BMW

Another Mercedes owner walked over

Said her car had also hit the wall

The monitoring screen is displayed

The Mercedes Benz was around 1 p.m. on June 22

crashed into this wall

It seems that the speed of the car is much faster than that of Mr. Gao

Photo show

There was damage to the fenders on the right side of the front and the front bumper

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?

Mercedes-Benz owner Xiao Zhou: The brakes can't be braked, and if I don't turn sharply, I will hit the wall head-on.

Reporter: Where did the car hit the wall?

Mercedes-Benz owner Xiao Zhou: In this position, the insurance call, (car damage) is more than 100,000.

Reporter: How do you want to solve the car damage?

Mercedes-Benz owner Xiao Zhou: I mainly look at their attitude, and I hope they will take part of the responsibility.

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?

Mr. Gao: In addition to the insurance payment, we pay about 30% of the part by the property.

Mr. Gao told reporters

Afterwards, he and the two girls found it

The monitoring room at Sidley International Plaza

Mr. Gao: The security guard in the monitoring room told us that someone had already come to transfer it in the morning, because there was another car that hit us at noon on June 22, and it was also in this place. And when we negotiated with the property the next day, the property admitted the matter, that is, four cars.

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?


Property mentions "5 km" 

The number came to "5 cars"

According to Mr. Gao

The wall of the underground garage of Sidley International Plaza

Hit by four private cars in two days

Several car owners felt

It's certainly not a coincidence

How will the property company explain it?

About what happened

The statement of the two girls and Mr. Gao

There is one thing in common

The straight road before entering the curve is slippery

All three felt about 30 meters away from being hit against the wall

The wheels began to slip

This location on the ground

There are quite a few ruts with black marks

It's hard to wipe off to the touch

Mr. Gao said that after they reported the situation

The property company has sent someone to clean the ground

On the day of the interview

There are also large water stains on the ground at the time of the incident

After the bend, head into this parking area

The ground is noticeably much drier

On the wall and perimeter of the wall that was hit

All with an A4 sheet of paper attached

The above prompts "Slippery corner road, slow down and slow down"


We also drove the interview car and tried it out

Follow the driving directions introduced by Mr. Gao

Go straight at a speed of twenty kilometers per hour

Then reduce it to more than a dozen kilometers per hour to turn

Interview with the driver of the car: After entering here, I feel that the friction coefficient is a little smaller, and the friction coefficient between the tires and the ground is smaller.

Reporter: The sharp turn is about to slip.

Interview with the driver of the car Lao Fu: There is no problem in turning around.

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?

Mr. Gao: We think it's an oily substance, because it's very slippery, and people will slip and fall when they stand on it, and we feel that the reflection is very serious. If the water is stagnant, we have walked through the underground parking lot several times to verify that everything else is dry, but this place is very slippery.

Mr. Gao, they think

Jiande has been raining heavily these days

The property company should clean the basement floor in a timely manner

If there are no black stains and water stains

It is unlikely that four cars will hit the same wall in two days

Find the property office at Sidley International Plaza

The staff said that the leader was not there

Ask the reporter to leave their contact information

The property manager later replied by phone

The reason for the dampness of the ground is mentioned

and speed limits in underground garages

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?

Manager Dai of Hangzhou Jiande Shengde International Plaza Service Center: The entrance and exit of our garage have a speed limit, and the speed limit sign is 5 kilometers per hour, because on rainy days and continuous rain, the wheels will be brought to the underground garage. After the car had an accident in that place, we also went down in time to see that there was no oil stain underground. The underground garage is being cleaned, we have a large traffic flow, and after the front is cleaned, there are cars to bring water in. For accident-prone areas, make some obvious warnings.

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?

Mr. Gao said

When the two sides communicated before

He and the two girls heard the same thing

They don't endorse

Mr. Gao: 5 kilometers per hour is indeed a safe speed, but in practice, our normal speed is 5 to 10 kilometers per hour, which is not too much. There is no buffer belt, the ground is not well maintained, and it is slippery like this, for example, if you can't mop it cleanly, you use a floor hair dryer to dry it, or use other ways to solve it.

Reporter: It's raining so hard these two days...

Mr. Gao: You have to ensure my safety, normal driving safety, he (the property manager) kept repeating the original sentence, it is a coincidence that several of your cars crashed here.

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?

BMW owner Xiao Shao: I park here every day.

Reporter: Have you ever had this situation before?

BMW owner Xiao Shao: I have driven before, but there is no such situation, because it is a sunny day.

Mercedes-Benz owner Xiao Zhou: I work here, it is impossible to have problems only on this side, from B1 (negative floor) in, if there is a problem, there will be a problem a long time ago, it is in this area.

Reporter: Before the accident, you drove by every day, did you have such a slippery road?

Mercedes-Benz owner Xiao Zhou: No.

The reporter was on his way back to Hangzhou from Jiande

Mr. Gao's feedback

There was another Mercedes in the afternoon

Crashed into the basement wall

Part of the hood is cocked

The reporter contacted Mr. Zhou, the owner of the car

Mr. Zhou, owner of Mercedes-Benz: At a speed of about 10 kilometers per hour, a side-slip occurs, and the car will automatically brake, and after braking, the ground is too slippery, so it slides directly to the wall. They (the property) feel that it is completely the responsibility of the car owner, and they drove carelessly, and they posted a reminder, but this prompt is the size of A4 paper, white paper and black letters, and it is pasted on the white wall, and it is not clear at all.

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?

Mr. Gao, they hope

The property company can compensate for a portion of the cost of car damage

The Dai manager of the property believes that they are not responsible

The reporter consulted the lawyer for his opinion

Chen Songtao, director of Zhejiang Fengguo Law Firm: The general speed limit of the underground garage is 5 kilometers per hour, more than (per hour) 5 kilometers, the car mainly bears the main responsibility, but because the ground is relatively wet, if the property is not cleaned in time, resulting in tire slippage, it is also the secondary cause of the accident, and the property should bear secondary responsibility. Personally, I think it's more reasonable to pay 10% to 20% of the property in a situation like this.

Source: 1818 GoldenEye

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  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?
  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla... Hitting this wall in a row, is it really a "coincidence"?

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