
The teacher's father passed away, and all the staff of the middle school and the health center held a wake.

author:Ah Wei observed
The teacher's father passed away, and all the staff of the middle school and the health center held a wake.

In ancient times, there was a person who attained the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascended to heaven.

Today, a teacher's father passed away, and all the staff of the middle school and the health center took turns to keep vigil for the deceased.

Who is the deceased? Do you need all the employees of the two units to take turns on duty to keep vigil?

Could it be that the county magistrate died?

What's going on?

What do you think about this?

Click on it and don't get lost. The editor will talk to you about the strange incident of a middle school and a township health center in Dejiang County, Guizhou.

The teacher's father passed away, and all the staff of the middle school and the health center held a wake.

Official response: A teacher's father died, and the school union expressed condolences to the employees, and there was no collective condolence

The world is so big, it's really amazing.

On June 29, 2024, in Dejiang County, Guizhou Province, a video of a middle school and a township health center arranging a vigil went viral on the Internet, attracting the attention of the public and netizens.

Video footage shows that the wakes posted by the trade unions of the school and the township health center are scheduled for a total of seven days from June 22 to 29, and all employees of the two units need to hold a wake.

Why do you want all the staff of the township health center to be on duty to keep vigil? It turned out that the wife of the teacher in the county was a nurse at the Yantang Township Health Center, and the health center's labor union also posted the wake-up schedule according to the usual practice.

The teacher's father passed away, and all the staff of the middle school and the health center held a wake.

Who is the deceased? Why do all the employees of the two units need to take turns on duty to keep vigil? In the face of doubts, the relevant departments of Dejiang County responded that it was the father of a teacher in the county who died, and the school union's approach was to care for and comfort employees.

The propaganda department said that after verification, a small number of cadres and workers took advantage of the break to spontaneously go to mourn, except for sending wreaths in the name of the trade union, there was no collective condolence, and there was no impact on teaching and hospital work.

Netizen: It's pure

Is it a local custom to take turns on the wakes posted by the trade unions of schools and township health centers? Or is it some derivative of high authority? The official reply does not seem to convince the public. See what netizens have to say.

Some netizens said that judging from past experience, it must not be simple to make the unit stutter like this, there is a lie called what, montage lies.

The teacher's father passed away, and all the staff of the middle school and the health center held a wake.

Some netizens said that talking nonsense with their eyes open, the teacher's father died, and the employees of the two systems of education and health were on duty to keep vigil, what kind of teacher is this, and how high and powerful is it true! What kind of leadership can make such a ridiculous arrangement?

Some netizens said, I don't believe it, keeping a spirit and mourning are two different things. Besides, how could the death of an employee's father attract so much attention from two different units? There is nothing wrong with condolences in the name of the union. Other colleagues should be spontaneous and should not make announcements of this kind of collective wake.

Editor's point of view

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

The father of a teacher in Shangxian County died, and it is normal for the cadres and workers of the two units to voluntarily mourn. If it is necessary for all the staff of the school and the township health center to take turns on duty, it will be a bit white and red, which is different.

The teacher's father passed away, and all the staff of the middle school and the health center held a wake.

If it is a local custom for the employees of the two units to take turns to be on duty to keep vigil, the public and netizens can still understand it.

Otherwise, who is the dead? What position did you hold before your death, and what is your special status as a teacher? After the death of his father, such a hard work is probably more or less related to the teacher's family background and status.

What the editor wants to say is that the two units take turns to be on duty to keep the spirit, which is the abuse of power by individual people, the expansion of personal selfish desires, 800 want to be 1000, and the emperor wants to become an immortal, which is a random act.

It can only be said that in Dejiang County, Guizhou, if we want to put power in the cage of the system, we must investigate and pursue such absurd things to the end, and give a reasonable explanation to the society, the public, and the media.

The teacher's father passed away, and all the staff of the middle school and the health center held a wake.

What do you think about this matter, welcome to like and forward @Awei Observation, discuss and exchange relevant issues and views, say your inner views and opinions, have your comments more exciting, share the sunshine, and share the wind and rain.

The teacher's father passed away, and all the staff of the middle school and the health center held a wake.

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The teacher's father passed away, and all the staff of the middle school and the health center held a wake.