
The grassroots theory micro-propaganda contest in Anyi County was successfully held

author:The most peaceful
The grassroots theory micro-propaganda contest in Anyi County was successfully held

On June 28, the 2024 Anyi County "Forge Ahead and Strive for the First, Anyi and Benevolence" Grassroots Theory Micro-propaganda Contest was successfully held. The competition was sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee, co-organized by the County Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Federation of Social Affairs, and undertaken by the County New Era Civilization Practice Promotion Center. The finals were held at the Center for the Promotion of Civilization Practice in the New Era.

The grassroots theory micro-propaganda contest in Anyi County was successfully held

After the preliminary selection, more than 20 groups of contestants from all towns and towns in the county competed in the same field. At the scene of the competition, everyone focused on the party's theory and policy, the party's history, the party's story, the typical examples around them, combined with the actual work and their own experience, through small incisions to analyze big problems, small topics to explain big themes, and small programs to deduce big truths, so that the theoretical preaching is more affinity, so that the policy propaganda can reach the hearts of the masses.

In the end, after fierce competition, the judges scored comprehensively according to the content, language expression, presentation form, image etiquette, and publicity effect of the contestants, and finally selected 1 first prize, 2 second prizes, 3 third prizes, and 6 excellence awards.

The grassroots theory micro-propaganda contest in Anyi County was successfully held
The grassroots theory micro-propaganda contest in Anyi County was successfully held
The grassroots theory micro-propaganda contest in Anyi County was successfully held
The grassroots theory micro-propaganda contest in Anyi County was successfully held


First prize:

Pan Yaqiong's work "Bain the light and do good deeds, strive to be the first"


Yu Xiuxiu's work "Writing the "Education Answer Sheet" in the New Era with the Pen of Endeavor"

Shuai Qiao's work "Forge ahead on a new journey, youth is at the right time"


Yu Shi's work "Standing at the head of the tide and being a "barefoot doctor" in the new era

Yang Caihong's work "Send You a Pair of Wings"

Ouyang Yuqing's work "A Skimming and a Journey"

Award of Excellence:

Leng Dandan's work "A piece of Dan's heart nurtures peaches and plums, and the party's glory shines on life"

Liu Chang's work "Tracing the Traces of Time and Painting the Heroes of the Prosperous Age"

Duan Yun's work "And Go to the "Mountains and Seas" with Youth, "Green" Boats Are Not Afraid of Ten Thousand Mountains

Zhang Yanhua's work "The Original Heart of the Practicing the "Three Roads" of Practicing Benevolence"

Lu Feifei's work "Carry forward the "Three Bulls Spirit" - Strive to Write a Chapter of Chinese Modernization and Anyi

Liu Yajing's work "Infiltrating the Fertile Soil of Culture, Passing on the Flame of Civilization from Generation to Generation"

Source: Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee