
When I woke up, China announced another big event, and the United States suddenly reacted: this time it was going to lose

author:Aerospace power

Chang'e-6 returned home smoothly, and the outside world paid close attention to the distribution of lunar soil. At this time, China dropped another bombshell, and the United States was completely unable to catch up?


After a 53-day journey on the back of the moon, Chang'e-6 was successfully transported to Beijing and "unpacked and treasured". The 1935.3 grams of lunar soil provides countless new possibilities for unraveling the mystery of the moon.

The successful completion of the Chang'e-6 mission means that China's deep space exploration program has taken a huge step, and the sea of stars is getting closer and closer to us.

When I woke up, China announced another big event, and the United States suddenly reacted: this time it was going to lose

(Chang'e-6 at launch)

1. Chang'e-6 returned, and the United States was under great pressure

With its excellent technology, China's aerospace has enabled Chang'e-6 to complete a mission that amazes the world, achieving the world's first automatic sample return on the far side of the moon.

For many years, the United States has regarded China as its "number one enemy", from aerospace to economic to military, and has always wanted to compete with China. Seeing that China's strength is getting stronger and stronger, the United States has tried all kinds of methods to encircle and intercept it, but the result is that China continues to break through the limits, and finally develops to a level that makes the United States envious, and this Chang'e-6 is the most vivid example.

NASA Administrator Nelson also has to admit that the pressure on the United States has doubled now. Subsequently, Nelson began a period of "praise", saying that China has achieved many achievements in the field of space: the establishment of a space station, the landing of a rover on Mars, and now the Chang'e-6 mission has left a deep impression on the United States.

When I woke up, China announced another big event, and the United States suddenly reacted: this time it was going to lose

(Chang'e-6 returner landing)

Before he finished speaking, Nelson changed his words and bluntly said that the United States is still ahead of China in manned lunar landings, and believes that it will send astronauts to the moon earlier than China, but the latter remarks can be regarded as forcibly saving respect.

It is worth mentioning that Nelson's remarks undoubtedly send a signal to the outside world that no matter how unwilling to admit or ignore China's achievements in the aerospace field, countries around the world are well aware of this fact.

However, the purpose of Nelson's praise is not simple, and I am afraid that it is inseparable from the lunar soil.

In fact, since Chang'e-6 successfully sampled on the back of the moon, the outside world has been discussing whether the United States will get lunar soil, after all, it was the United States that took the lead and banned the US space agency from carrying out exchanges and cooperation with China, with the aim of blocking China's road to space exploration.

As for the question of lunar soil, the official has also given a clear answer, and China has always been open to exchanges with the United States in the field of space, but the "Wolf Clause" of the United States has hindered the space cooperation between the two countries, which is the source of the obstacle. If the United States wants to carry out normal space exchanges with China, it must take practical measures to remove obstacles to cooperation between the two countries.

2. The U.S.-China Space Race? The US media also had to admit a fact

When Chang'e-6 landed on the moon, it not only carried its own payloads, but also carried the payloads of other countries, and such a move completely frustrated the United States' attempt to draw other countries into "containment" of China in space.

At the same time, China's excellent aerospace technology has also been presented to the rest of the world, and China is obviously a better partner than the United States, which is "self-respecting" and aggressive.

In this case, the US media also has to admit that China is ahead of the United States.

According to the report, in a new space race, China has taken a crucial step, and the completion of the Chang'e-6 mission will contribute to the smooth realization of China's manned lunar landing program.

China plans to establish a base on the moon with its international counterparts. Previously, China and Russia have signed relevant cooperation agreements, with the participation of countries such as the United Arab Emirates and Argentina, and the number of members is growing.

When I woke up, China announced another big event, and the United States suddenly reacted: this time it was going to lose

(Future Ideas for the Moon Base)

It is worth mentioning that the United States has similar intentions, planning to establish a base on the moon, but unlike China, which is progressing smoothly, the American lunar landing program has been repeatedly postponed, and repeated failures and cost overruns are making the gap between the United States and China widen.

At present, the United States is very panicked, and at present, space resources follow the principle of first-come, first-served, China's strength is beyond doubt, and more and more US allies choose to cooperate with China, which makes the United States, which has always wanted to promote "hegemonism" in the world, feel an unprecedented panic, otherwise it would not try its best to hinder China's development, but the current situation is no longer up to the United States to decide.

3. Before it could react, China's aerospace industry announced a new plan

While the United States was still trying to find a way to ask for lunar soil from China, China announced the next step of its deep space exploration plan, which was a bright spot throughout.

According to official sources, in the coming period, China will take action from the following two aspects.

On the one hand, lunar exploration, while studying the soil on the back of the moon, we will continue to develop Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8, the former is mainly used to survey the environment and resources of the lunar polar region; The latter will be used to verify the technology of in-situ utilization of lunar resources, and in the future, it will jointly build a lunar scientific research station with like-minded international counterparts to uncover more secrets of the moon.

On the other hand, planetary exploration, which is expected to complete four exploration missions in 10 to 15 years, Tianwen-1 has completed the first Mars exploration mission, followed by Tianwen-2, which will explore near-Earth asteroids; Tianwen-3 is mainly used for Mars sampling, while Tianwen-4 is responsible for the exploration of the Jupiter system.

When I woke up, China announced another big event, and the United States suddenly reacted: this time it was going to lose

(Tianwen No. 1)

The development of Tianwen-3 and Tianwen-4 is continuing, and Tianwen-2 is expected to be launched in 2025.

In addition, a series of projects, such as heavy launch vehicles, are still progressing steadily.

While the United States is still obsessed with hyping up the "Sino-US competition", China has already set its sights on space farther and is constantly working hard to unravel the mysteries of space. The Chinese know one thing very well, it is useless to argue, only a strong enough strength is the confidence, and when the opponent finds that he can no longer catch up, I am afraid that he will shut up.

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