
Legend of Blood: A brief analysis of the characteristics of the new 100 districts - the clone system

author:Brother Dao said that it was a legend
Legend of Blood: A brief analysis of the characteristics of the new 100 districts - the clone system

Yesterday, Lao Dao went to the new 100 district to see an hour and went offline.,The experience of the first day was also explained in the last post.,Anyway, there are still some differences with the old 100 district.。 The setting of selling things in the mall is a bit explosive, but Lao Dao feels that the latest setting of the new hundred districts is the doppelganger system, and listen to Lao Dao to decompose it for you.

Legend of Blood: A brief analysis of the characteristics of the new 100 districts - the clone system

The post about the introduction of the doppelganger system on the previous official website was quickly deleted, but there were many sharp-eyed players who kept the screenshots of the post at the time, and the initial introduction of the doppelganger system was indeed a bit outrageous, as shown in the figure above, as long as the player meets level 8, the doppelganger system can be used after the player meets level 8, and the so-called doppelganger system is that the player can get a certain amount of experience points in the specified time by consuming the corresponding legendary coins.

This can be directly set to spend money to buy a level, and the player has to wait a few hours for a while, after all, it can't be too direct. When many players saw this, they said that they couldn't play and quit playing. This mode is indeed similar to Tianguan, but it is more worry-free than Tianguan, because players can also go offline with their clones, just sit and wait for experience, and there is no need to manually operate others.

Legend of Blood: A brief analysis of the characteristics of the new 100 districts - the clone system

After the official opening of the area, the doppelganger system was retained, but it was modified, as shown in the picture above, the player's consumption of legendary coins became the consumption of gold coins, and gold coins are all available to players, in principle, even if you don't have a rice to accumulate through your own efforts. This is acceptable for any player.

Legend of Blood: A brief analysis of the characteristics of the new 100 districts - the clone system

The modification of the clone system reassures old players a lot, after all, an operating system similar to Tianguan is too BT for the retro version, and a large number of old players left when the old area updated Tianguan. Today's Xinbai District has done the right thing to change the consumption of the clone system in time. No wonder the manor has the most players, it turns out that everyone is hanging a clone here, it's really good to be able to upgrade without fighting monsters, but in the future, the cultivation of the level will continue to consume gold coins or consume legendary coins, and it is not certain that the old way is not sure. Moreover, this operation can also stimulate the gold coin transaction between players, and the efforts of casual players are also rewarding.

Legend of Blood: A brief analysis of the characteristics of the new 100 districts - the clone system

However, I was a little nervous when I saw a sentence in the introduction of the doppelganger's cultivation, as shown in the picture above, which reads: Other mysterious functions will gradually be opened. As the saying goes, I'm not afraid that the version is not retro, but I'm afraid of various updates. I don't know what the update road of the new 100 districts will be in the later stage, especially whether there will be a new model in the clone system, let's wait and see.

Legend of Blood: A brief analysis of the characteristics of the new 100 districts - the clone system