
Astound! What is the secret behind the crazy rush of the post-90s generation?

author:Sentry 911

Are you still worried about high housing prices in big cities? As everyone knows, a quiet "house grabbing fever" is being staged in the county! Those "old and broken" who were once uncared for have now become fragrant and sweet? ! What are the hidden secrets behind the post-90s and post-00s scrambling to buy these houses? Follow the reporter to investigate in-depth and uncover the truth of this amazing "house rush tide"!

1. Unexpected buyers: the post-90s generation has become the main force of "old and small".

"I finally have my own nest, although it is 'old and broken', it is my home!" 26-year-old Xiao Zhang excitedly posted on social media about the house he had just bought. This set of old communities located in a county in Hubei Province has a total price of only 32,000 yuan, but it has made her realize her dream of "having a house".

Zhang is not alone. The reporter's investigation found that in recent years, more and more post-90s and post-00s generations have begun to focus on second-hand old houses in the county. Among them, there are "empty nest youth" who want to escape from their original families, "mature singles" who want to start again due to marital problems, and "runaways" who want to get rid of the involution of big cities......

Why do these young people choose old houses in the county? The reporter interviewed a number of buyers and summarized the following reasons:

  1. Ultra-low threshold: The total price of old houses in the county is low, and you can buy them in full without even taking out a loan
  2. Independent space: Have your own "castle", no need to send people under the fence
  3. Low cost of living: The county has a low level of consumption and low pressure
  4. Telecommuting is on the rise: Many people can settle down in their county towns while keeping their jobs in big cities

2. Amazing contrast: is it difficult to stop the charm of "old and small" when the price reduction of new houses is difficult?

However, the reporter's investigation also found a surprising phenomenon: although the price of new houses in the county continues to fall, some "old and small" are still attractive.

Mr. Mo, a real estate agent in a county in Hubei, told reporters: "Last year, our store sold about 10 sets of elderly second-hand houses, accounting for less than 10%. But interestingly, the buyers of these houses are almost all young people, who value the low total price and the unique living experience. "

Behind this phenomenon, it reflects the new pursuit of the younger generation in terms of lifestyle:

  1. Small but beautiful: do not pursue large apartments, pay more attention to space utilization efficiency
  2. Personalization: Old houses can be freely transformed to create a unique style
  3. Community atmosphere: Old neighborhoods tend to be more human and social
  4. Literary and artistic fan: Some old houses have their own "retro style", which is deeply loved by literary and artistic youth

3. Hidden worries and opportunities: What is the future of the county's "old and small"?

Although there are some positive signs, the prospects for the county town to be "old and dilapidated" are still not optimistic. According to a number of industry insiders, these houses face a number of challenges:

  1. Aging of the house: high maintenance costs and large safety hazards
  2. Backward supporting facilities: education, medical and other resources are transferred to the new area
  3. Population loss: The permanent population of the county continues to decrease
  4. Policy uncertainty: Will there be large-scale demolition and reconstruction in the future?

However, there are also opportunities in the midst of crises. Yan Yuejin, research director of the E-House Research Institute, said: "We can consider transforming these old houses into characteristic blocks, such as food streets, cultural and creative parks, etc., to revitalize the stock of resources."

In addition, some places have begun to try:

  1. Transforming B&Bs: Attracting urban tourists to experience the slow life
  2. Development of co-working space: Provide low-cost space for entrepreneurs returning to their hometowns
  3. Create a "silver community": to meet the needs of the elderly

Fourth, would you consider buying the county "old and small"?

After reading this report, do you have a new understanding of the "old and small" in the county? Would you consider buying a house like this? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section!

  1. If you had to choose, would you buy a new house in the county or would you be "old and dilapidated"?
  2. What do you think is the biggest value of the county's "old and dilapidated"?
  3. What are your good ideas for revitalizing these old housing resources?
Astound! What is the secret behind the crazy rush of the post-90s generation?
Astound! What is the secret behind the crazy rush of the post-90s generation?
Astound! What is the secret behind the crazy rush of the post-90s generation?