
"New China's first national gift" cloisonne "Dove of Peace Disc" was unveiled at the China Arts and Crafts Museum

author:The state is a media think tank

Original title: "The First National Gift of New China" was successfully restored, and the cloisonne "Dove of Peace Disc" was unveiled at the China Arts and Crafts Museum

Recently, news came from Beijing Enamel Factory: through the ingenuity of the famous art educator and designer Chang Shana and the master craftsman, the cloisonné "Dove of Peace Disc", known as "the first national gift of New China", was successfully restored and exhibited at the China Arts and Crafts Museum (China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum).

"New China's first national gift" cloisonne "Dove of Peace Disc" was unveiled at the China Arts and Crafts Museum

"Blossoming Dunhuang - Chang Shana's 80 Years of Art and Design Exhibition" was recently held in Beijing, and the exhibition for the first time comprehensively presented the fruitful achievements of Mr. Chang Shana's art and design work in the past 80 years, using Dunhuang's cultural wealth to shape the national image of the Republic, as well as the inheritance and development of Chinese traditional culture. At the exhibition site of the China Arts and Crafts Museum, the cloisonne "Dove of Peace Disc", cloisonne table lamp, peace dove silk scarf and other "New China's first national gifts" have become "Internet celebrity exhibits" that enthusiastic audiences from all over the country take photos and check in every day.

"New China's first national gift" cloisonne "Dove of Peace Disc" was unveiled at the China Arts and Crafts Museum

It is understood that the new cloisonne "Dove of Peace Disc" in accordance with the Tsinghua University Art Museum collection of the original one-to-one restoration, in addition, Chang Shana teacher also led the master team to carefully restore the design drawings, carefully select the best copper, carefully develop the enamel glaze, which not only retains the original art of the work, but also has a comprehensive improvement in the glaze color accurate restoration, exquisite filigree, point blue smudge layer treatment, fine polishing and pure gold plating and other processes, creating the latest level of cloisonne in the new era.

"New China's first national gift" cloisonne "Dove of Peace Disc" was unveiled at the China Arts and Crafts Museum

Teacher Chang Shana and Master Yi Fucheng, the former chairman of Beijing Enamel Factory, studied and designed

The birth of the cloisonné "Dove of Peace Disc", the "first national gift of New China", originated from the "Asia and Pacific Regional Peace Conference", the first international conference of New China held in Beijing in October 1952. Lin Huiyin asked Chang Shana, who had just returned from studying in the United States and practiced a "child's skill" in Dunhuang murals since she was a child, to find design inspiration from Dunhuang culture, so the cloisonné "Dove of Peace Disc" was born, and the Soviet ballet dancer Ulanova said: "This is the most beautiful gift of New China!" Mr. Guo Moruo called it "the first national gift of New China".

The cloisonné "Dove of Peace Large Disc" has a diameter of about 38 cm and a height of about 53 cm including the base. On the black background, six peace doves hold flower branches, and the flower branch posture naturally floats with the flight of the pigeon, full of interest; Dunhuang entwined flowers have strong colors, rich and gorgeous, implying the longevity of the Chinese civilization. The work condenses the thousand-year-old Dunhuang culture and expresses the feelings of the Chinese people who pray for world peace, national harmony, family harmony, and career harmony. The composition of the work is novel, the colors are bright, the materials are exquisite, and the production is exquisite, which is pleasing to the eye.

"New China's first national gift" cloisonne "Dove of Peace Disc" was unveiled at the China Arts and Crafts Museum

Chang Shana, born in 1931 in Lyon, France, is 94 years old this year. She is the designer of "New China's Image Design Experience" and "New China's First National Gift", a famous art educator and designer, the winner of the "Lifetime Achievement Artist" of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the former president of the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts, the former vice chairman of the China Artists Association, the honorary chairman of the China Arts and Crafts Society, the art director of the large-scale program "New Year" of the 2024 China Radio and Television Spring Festival Gala, and the special consultant of "From Beijing to Paris - Sino-French Artists Olympic Chinese Art Exhibition", and is known as the eternal "Dunhuang girl". ”。

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