
Between lovers, only after doing these two things can it be regarded as true love

author:Flying Fish Heart

Text/Flying Fish

Between lovers, only after doing these two things can it be regarded as true love

There is a saying, "My dear, having your true heart is the greatest happiness in my life." No matter how the world changes, you are the only and most loved by me. "

True love for someone, only each other, before meeting each other, never thought about getting married, after meeting each other, there will be no one else.

True love is hard to find, it is a special fate, and it is also the yearning for beautiful love.

Lovers are fortunate to be together, but how do you know if the other party is true love? Then it depends on whether the two people have done these two things when they are together.

Therefore, between lovers, only after these two things can it be regarded as true love.

Between lovers, only after doing these two things can it be regarded as true love

1. Carefully plan for the future.

If two people are together, if they only want to be happy and sweet for a while, then it is not true love.

To truly love someone is to really want to be with each other for a lifetime, and to plan each other into their own future.

If you have been with someone for a few years, but the other party always avoids talking about marriage, or always finds excuses and perfunctory, does not want to be honest with you, and does not want to talk about marriage with you, always tells you, now is not the time, you still have a successful career, you have not made money, you have not succeeded, etc.

In fact, true love for someone is not like this to tell you so much, but if you want to be together, she will take the initiative to propose to you, discuss life with you, plan the future with you, ask your opinions, know how to consider you, and will not let you wait too long.

remembered that Feng Xixi in "North and South" has been with Li Xiang for ten years, and every time Feng Xixi said when he would get married, Li Xiang would find a perfunctory job.

Between lovers, only after doing these two things can it be regarded as true love

Feng Xixi took care of him by his side for ten years, he was good, after graduating from the doctorate, he went abroad directly, without taking Feng Xixi with him, and then soon after going abroad, he proposed to break up, this is not true love.

It turns out that in the past ten years, Li Xiang has just used Feng Xixi as a spare tire, and when he has succeeded, he feels that an ordinary girl like Feng Xixi is not worthy of him.

However, after Feng Xixi was broken up, a boy appeared next to her, who was very good to her, not only able to tolerate her, understand her, but also take care of her, and more importantly, he was very strong in practical action, doing whatever he said, giving people a full sense of security.

In the end, Feng Xixi accepted the boy's heart, and the boy proposed to her, and the two planned the future together and ran the restaurant together, so the two people are true love.

Zhang Xiaoxian said: "Time can understand love, prove love, and overthrow love." ”

Therefore, true love and not true love are really obvious and can be seen at a glance.

Between lovers, only after doing these two things can it be regarded as true love

Second, there are things to face together.

Between lovers, living together, no matter what happens, they can face it together, then it must be true love.

In "The Story of Rose", Rose met Fu Jiaming and fell in love at first sight.

When Rose knew that Fu Jiaming was not in good health, and even if there was not much time left, Rose did not leave him because of this, but faced it with him, helped him realize his dreams, and accompanied him to the end of his life, this is true love.

The relationship between Su Gengsheng and Huang Zhenhua is also true love.

When Huang Zhenhua knew Su Su's past, he did not dislike it, nor did he break up with her because of this, but chose to tolerate her, feel sorry for her, understand her, and cherish her more.

When Su Gengsheng decided to denounce his stepfather, Huang Zhenhua also agreed, supported her, and faced it with her, and would not let her face the wicked alone, and always be her strongest backing, giving her support and warmth, which is also true love.

Between lovers, only after doing these two things can it be regarded as true love

When Huang Zhenhua's career encountered a bottleneck, Su Gengsheng could make money, so he generously supported the family, and did not put a lot of pressure on Huang Zhenhua, and he was able to understand him and help him find a way, which is also true love.

Therefore, two people who are in true love can face things together, as Mr. Yang Jiang said: "Love needs to go through vicissitudes before it can become indestructible." ”

Many lovers, when they encounter something, they parted ways, or chose to protect themselves, or simply gave up and left, which is not true love.

Between lovers, if it is true love, they will be together through thick and thin, no matter what happens, they will be by each other's side, face together, and move towards a better future together, two people will pay each other together, support each other, and make progress together, so as to find true happiness.

Between lovers, only after doing these two things can it be regarded as true love