
DNF Mobile Game: 128 Strength Higher Than Yourself! Baby Xuxu met an opponent, not because of the level 3 guild

author:DNF Xiaoxian

Everyone knows that since Baby Xuxu's gravity is complete, his equipment has also graduated! Although his anti-magic value is a little low, and he didn't enter the first 100, he has the strongest damage under the combination of gravity 5, Nick's Tooth + Queen Necklace + Bone Ring.

Baby Xuxu has met an opponent

DNF Mobile Game: 128 Strength Higher Than Yourself! Baby Xuxu met an opponent, not because of the level 3 guild

However, when I checked the world lord ranking and clicked on the personal information of a red-eyed player, Baby Xuxu met an opponent, this red-eyed name is 3Y Wild Battle, which is almost the same as Baby Xuxu, but it is only 2 points lower than his own anti-magic value, which is also very surprising to Baby Xuxu.

DNF Mobile Game: 128 Strength Higher Than Yourself! Baby Xuxu met an opponent, not because of the level 3 guild

When checking the attribute value, Baby Xu Xu was also dumbfounded, and his strength was actually 128 higher than himself, and then Xu Xu also quickly checked his details, and found that his details were basically the same as his own. So the question is, what causes him to be more powerful than Xu Xu?

2 major reasons for the status quo

DNF Mobile Game: 128 Strength Higher Than Yourself! Baby Xuxu met an opponent, not because of the level 3 guild

First of all, the first reason is the bracelet gap, Baby Xuxu is wearing +26 power Hanika's Fang, but he is wearing a +87 strength of the Evil Skeleton Bracelet, and the bracelet power alone is 61 points higher than him.

But to be honest, although the crystal hand of the Remnant Virtue is taller, in terms of damage, it is definitely not as good as Hanika's Tooth, which has 7% bleeding damage, maybe this local tyrant didn't grab this equipment.

DNF Mobile Game: 128 Strength Higher Than Yourself! Baby Xuxu met an opponent, not because of the level 3 guild

The second reason is the medal gap, Baby Xuxu is wearing a longhorn medal with 12 attack power, but this red-eyed medallion is a simple and bold medal with +44 strength and 55 strength.

For this purple medal, at present, only the regiment can be turned out, and it cannot be made, This is a place that makes Baby Xuxu very uncomfortable, and it will be very uncomfortable if it can't be violent.

3 details are not as good as Xuxu baby

DNF Mobile Game: 128 Strength Higher Than Yourself! Baby Xuxu met an opponent, not because of the level 3 guild

So some people will definitely ask, isn't this 160 points of strength for baby Duo Xuxu, how is it only 128 points? In fact, this red eye is inferior to himself in 3 places, one is the entry of the leg guard, Xu Xu's baby is a double 15 strength, and the other party is a double hit. The second medal hit 62 power, and his hit was 55 power. The third is the weapon badge, one is 45, and the other is 50. Calculate the difference of exactly 128 strength.

Not a level 3 guild reason

DNF Mobile Game: 128 Strength Higher Than Yourself! Baby Xuxu met an opponent, not because of the level 3 guild

For the gap of 128 strength, at the beginning, there were many players who said that the other party added a level 3 guild, and Baby Xu Xu was also thinking about how the guild was promoted to level 3, after all, his guild has 120 people who have 118 sign-ins every day, even if the other party signs in full-time, there are 2 more people, and it is impossible to have 3 times more experience.

For guilds that can be promoted to level 3, there are indeed at present, but they are all brushed, and the principle is that one in and one out, and the experience is brushed up by signing in. However, this method is risky, if there are too many reports, then the guild level will revert back to level 1, but this red eye with a high strength of 128 did not join the level 3 guild.

DNF Mobile Game: 128 Strength Higher Than Yourself! Baby Xuxu met an opponent, not because of the level 3 guild

【Personal Summary】

In general, this red eye called 3Y crazy slash can have 128 more strength than Xuxu baby, mainly the skeleton bracelet, and the merit of the medal, which has nothing to do with the level 3 guild, the so-called people outside the world, there is a sky outside the sky, Xu Xubao baby has also met an opponent, if the other party buys Hanika's tooth, in the other details are improved, not to mention that the strength is higher than Xuxu baby, and the damage will be higher than Xuxu baby.