
The People's Liberation Army encircled the platform 270 degrees, where did it go to 60 degrees? The real protagonist hasn't officially debuted yet


According to a circular issued by Taiwan's regional defense department, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has recently been carrying out very frequent activities in the Taiwan Strait, with 35 sorties of military planes and seven warships appearing in the northern, central, southern, and eastern directions in one day, forming a 270-degree encirclement of Taiwan, so that the alarm bell of the missile unit on Taiwan Island rang from morning to night.

The People's Liberation Army encircled the platform 270 degrees, where did it go to 60 degrees? The real protagonist hasn't officially debuted yet

It is normal for the People's Liberation Army (PLA) to carry out patrols around Taiwan at every turn, because after all, launching military operations against Taiwan involves a series of problems. For example, after we have launched the first round of missiles, how can the Air Force attack important military facilities? Another example is what the PLA is mainly responsible for during the lockdown of Taiwan. Finally, if there is interference by foreign military forces, how we should deal with it is something that needs to be studied and rehearsed, not just talk, because the current high-intensity training of the navy and air force is all for the sake of that moment in the future.

But one thing is estimated that everyone will be very strange, since the PLA has surrounded Taiwan, why not all of them are fenced off, and where are the 60 degrees? As far as the schematic diagram of the activities released by the defense department of the Taiwan region is concerned, the part of the gap faces the Pacific Ocean, so in my opinion, it may not be simple to deliberately lack a piece of this signal, perhaps waiting for the real protagonist Fujian ship.

The People's Liberation Army encircled the platform 270 degrees, where did it go to 60 degrees? The real protagonist hasn't officially debuted yet

As far as Chinese mainland is concerned, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, the biggest obstacle to cross-strait reunification will certainly not be the Taiwan military, but the US Seventh Fleet. Audiences who are familiar with history should know that from the time New China was first established to the outbreak of the Taiwan Strait crisis in 1997, the Seventh Fleet intervened again and again, causing us to miss opportunities for reunification again and again. Obviously, if it wants to succeed in achieving reunification through non-peaceful means, the PLA will have to deal with the fierce Seventh Fleet.

It is a matter of pride that the Chinese Navy has finally caught up with the US Navy after decades of lying on the batter. For a long time, the US aircraft carrier group has had the myth of "invincible", but the Chinese Navy has the confidence to break the myth.

The People's Liberation Army encircled the platform 270 degrees, where did it go to 60 degrees? The real protagonist hasn't officially debuted yet

In 2019, the South China Sea Fleet acquired China's first aircraft carrier, the Shandong, and it is undeniable that this aircraft carrier, which was born from the Varyag, still has a certain gap in performance compared with these aircraft carriers in service with the US military. However, just three years later, China launched the Fujian Type 003 aircraft carrier, opening up a new era for the development of China's aircraft carriers.

At present, the Fujian has completed several rounds of sea trials, and when all the outfitting work is completed, it will officially become a member of the Chinese Navy. At that time, the real protagonist of the military exercise around Taiwan may be able to officially appear, and the superiority of the US Seventh Fleet will also be completely wiped out. Of course, in order to further reduce the cost in the process of reunification, even if the Fujian warship appears as the leading role, we still must not slack off, and we still have a long way to go in preparing for a military struggle against Taiwan.

The People's Liberation Army encircled the platform 270 degrees, where did it go to 60 degrees? The real protagonist hasn't officially debuted yet