
The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

author:Robinson's Diary

Robinson's diary

Editor丨Robinson's diary

There are many countries in the world, each country has its own different customs, such as the country we are talking about today, regardless of men, women and children, do not wear pants when they go out.

We have the impression that this kind of thing is simply unbelievable, but they think that it is a very normal thing, on the contrary, when there are tourists who go to play, they will be happy that the other party respects the customs of their country.

So where is this country?

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

All the content of the text statement has reliable information sources, and it is repeated at the end of the article.

The crisis behind beauty

In the azure waters of the Pacific Ocean lies the Kingdom of Tonga, a fascinating country of 173 small islands.

Although the island nation has a land area of only 747 square kilometers, it has a vast maritime exclusive economic zone.

In 2022, Tonga's population was around 100,000, constituting a unique cultural landscape for this small island nation.

However, behind this seemingly tranquil tropical paradise lies a serious economic dilemma.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

At the end of 2018, Tonga's debt to China was about $117 million, a huge burden for a small island nation.

What's even more striking is that if this debt were to be averaged over every Tongan, each person would need to bear a debt of about 8,000 yuan.

The impact of this high debt on Tonga is profound, not only affecting the country's finances, but also putting pressure on the lives of ordinary people, which in turn affects the country's long-term development.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

In 2018, Hurricane Kita wreaked havoc on Tonga, destroying 40% of buildings in the capital Nuku'alofa.

Soon after, an undersea volcanic eruption brought a new disaster to the small country, causing the submarine cable to be cut and making international rescue efforts extremely difficult.

It is precisely because of this that Tonga owes such a huge amount of money, but Tonga has not given up hope.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

The government is actively seeking solutions for economic recovery, with tourism development becoming a key strategy.

The government hopes to boost economic growth, create jobs, and reduce its dependence on external aid by developing tourism.

It is also for this reason that Tonga is seen by the outside world and remembered for its "special" culture.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

Everyone is naked, wearing only grass skirts

Interestingly, in Tonga, skirts are not exclusive to women, and you will see burly men also confidently walking the streets in straw skirts.

This gender-neutral clothing culture often brings a kind of culture shock to first-time visitors to Tonga.

However, what is really surprising is the size of the Tongans.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

Here, "fat is beautiful" is not an empty phrase, but an aesthetic concept deeply rooted in culture.

You will see many large Tongans who wear grass skirts and unabashedly show off their plump figures.

In Tonga, obesity is not a shame, but a symbol of abundance and happiness.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

Imagine a Tongan woman who may weigh more than 100 kilograms, wearing a brightly colored grass skirt, walking confidently down the street.

Her body shape is fuller against the background of the grass skirt, but it does not affect her elegant stride in the slightest.

Such a sight may be unimaginable for many tourists, and may even cause some discomfort.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

Equally striking are the men of Tonga, who are equally proud of their obesity and the appearance in their grass skirts may surprise some tourists.

Imagine a group of burly Tongan men, dressed in knee-length grass skirts, playing volleyball on the beach. This unique visual impact will definitely become an unforgettable memory for many visitors.

This unique aesthetic concept and dress culture is in stark contrast to the slender body that is generally admired in modern society.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

For many tourists, seeing such a sight for the first time can be shocking or uncomfortable.

But it's this cultural difference that makes Tonga such an attractive tourist destination.

However, we need to look at this cultural difference with openness and respect. The aesthetic concept and way of dressing of Tongans is the embodiment of their centuries-old cultural traditions. Not only does it showcase the diversity of human cultures, but it also reminds us that standards of beauty are not the same.

In addition, Tonga has its own tourism characteristics.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

A different travel experience

The most striking thing is the unique experience of "Dancing with the Whales".

From July to October, humpback whales breed in Tonga's waters, and visitors have the opportunity to take a boat ride and get a guided look at these sea giants up close.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

Under certain conditions, visitors can even jump into the sea and swim with gentle whales.

This intimate experience with nature is not only visually stunning, but also a baptism of the soul.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

Tonga's beaches are equally enchanting, with white sand and crystal clear waters, combined with lush tropical vegetation, making for a perfect picture of the island.

The beaches here are not only suitable for leisurely sunbathing, but also ideal for various water sports.

Activities such as snorkeling, surfing, and sailing allow visitors to enjoy the charm of the ocean to the fullest.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

Another highlight of Tonga's tourism is the cultural experience, where visitors can enjoy the exuberant traditional dances of Tongans, experience beautifully crafted handicrafts and taste unique local cuisine.

For the more adventurous, Tonga's volcanic islands are a destination not to be missed.

The active volcano here is not only spectacular, but also allows visitors to experience the power of nature up close.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

However, tourists also need to be careful to respect local customs while enjoying the beautiful scenery of Tonga.

For example, it is polite to be quiet during a meal, and being too loud may be seen as disrespectful.

This cultural difference is precisely the charm of Tonga tourism, which allows visitors to not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also gain insight into a unique culture.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

Visa-free policy, opening a new chapter in tourism

In recent years, the Tongan government has made a landmark decision: to implement a visa-free policy for Chinese citizens.

This initiative not only reflects the deep friendship between the two countries, but also injects new vitality into the development of Tonga's tourism industry.

The implementation of the visa-free policy stems from China's support and assistance to Tonga over the years, and in return, Tonga has opened its doors to Chinese tourists in order to promote tourism and people-to-people exchanges.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

Since the implementation of the visa-free policy, Tonga's tourism industry has shown a booming trend.

The number of tourists from China has increased significantly, bringing considerable economic benefits to Tonga.

These tourists not only bring income to local hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions, but also promote exchanges between Tonga and China in the fields of culture, education and other fields.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

More importantly, the successful implementation of this policy has had a positive impact on Tonga's overall development.

The boom in tourism has led to the development of related industries, creating more jobs and improving the living standards of local residents.

At the same time, in order to meet the growing demand for tourism, the Tongan government has increased investment in infrastructure construction and improved public services such as transportation and communications, which not only benefit tourists, but also improve the quality of life of local residents.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

It is important to note that Tonga is not satisfied with the status quo and is constantly striving to improve and uplift.

The government is actively promoting the sustainable development of the tourism industry, attracting tourists while also focusing on preserving the local natural environment and cultural traditions.

In terms of cultural preservation, Tonga is striving to balance modern development with the preservation of traditional culture.

They encourage local artists to create and support the transmission of traditional handicrafts, allowing visitors to experience Tonga's culture while enjoying modern facilities.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

In addition, Tonga is also constantly improving the tourism service system, they have strengthened the training of tourism practitioners to improve the quality of services; More diversified tourism products, such as eco-tourism, cultural experience tours, etc., have been developed to meet the needs of different tourists.

Tonga has changed over time, and what was once a "hidden paradise" is becoming a tourist hotspot in the South Pacific.

However, Tonga has not lost its unique charm and is showing the world its natural beauty and cultural soul in a more open and inclusive manner.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

As Tonga continues to progress and develop, it is believed that more tourists will be attracted to this pearl of the Pacific in the future.

The story of Tonga is being written in an exciting way.

It is not only a tourist destination, but also a testimony to the friendship between China and Tonga, and a successful example of a small country seeking development.

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

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[1]-Baidu Encyclopedia (Tonga)

The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"
[2] - The Paper 2022.1.18
The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"
[3]-China Youth Network, February 25, 2022
The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"
[4] - Guangming Daily 2019.8.11
The only country in the world that does not wear pants, men and women of all ages are the same, and going out is simply "spicy eyes"

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