
After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

author:Cheng Yixian
All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources of information and is detailed at the end of the article

≺ Preamble≻

Every year in the college entrance examination season, thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge, and the score becomes the "only criterion" for judging candidates.

Whether to stay in the province or to study in other provinces, this is the hurdle that the vast majority of candidates must face, and there is a big gap between the two in terms of admission difficulty, educational resources, living environment, etc.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

When the results are announced, the candidates stand at the crossroads of their lives and face an important choice: whether to stay in the province to continue their studies, or bravely go to another country and chase a broader world?

This seemingly simple choice, but there are many complex factors hidden behind it, so what is the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces?

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

≺ Factors to consider ≻

When choosing a school, distance is often a factor that cannot be ignored, the biggest advantage of close distance is that you can go back at any time when you are homesick, this "near" is not only geographically close, but also emotional sustenance.

Of course, there are also some students who are very eager to get out of the house and want to see the outside world and experience a different life.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

But after careful consideration, what if a person encounters any difficulties when he is far away, and what if he is sick and his family is not around? These are all factors worth considering.

Students who go to university in other provinces can only go home during the long vacation, and the round-trip bus fare is also very high, so going to school in other provinces means facing more difficulties and challenges.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

Because of the distance, contact with family members is not so frequent, and this sense of loneliness and homesickness inevitably makes students feel helpless and lost in a foreign land.

However, in order to break free from the control of their families, some students went to other provinces to go to university, because their families were too strict, thinking that they could finally not be bound by their families, so they simply enrolled in a far away university.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

But as time went on, the original novelty had long since faded, and I gradually began to feel homesick.

Not only can they not go home often, but there are also differences in some local cultures, and everything has to be re-adapted when they first arrive in other places, for example, southerners like to eat rice, northerners eat more pasta, some southerners will eat rice rolls in the morning, and northerners are more inclined to steamed porridge.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

In addition to dietary differences, of course, there are also climate differences, such as southerners going to college in the north, who may need to adapt to dry indoor environments and relatively low temperatures.

Northerners who go to school in the south may need to adapt to the humid and sultry environment and have an understanding of the local living conditions.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

There is also the problem of dialect, I can't understand the local dialect when I go out, I feel very lonely in an instant, and if the local students in the dormitory chat speak in dialect, I can't interject and feel that I can't fit in, will I regret my original choice at that time?

However, the process is also a valuable experience that can broaden the horizon.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

You must be cautious when filling in the college entrance examination volunteers, and you must make a decision after careful consideration with your family.

Once it is determined, it can be said that there is "no turning back", as the so-called "children travel thousands of miles to worry about mothers", for parents, of course, they hope that their children are in the province, if it is some relatively small cities, it is recommended to go out to broaden their horizons if the grades allow.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

≺ The gap between the province and other provinces ≻

For every student, the college entrance examination is not only a college entrance examination, but also an important watershed in the fate of life.

For example, even if a candidate in a certain province is 50 points less, he can easily be admitted, but this is the "dream" school of candidates in another province.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

Schools in different provinces and cities will definitely take care of candidates in the province, so there is a difference in the score line between those outside the province and within the province.

However, for some of the more popular colleges and universities in other provinces, the difficulty of admission is often very high, because the number of places in these colleges and universities is limited, the competition is very fierce, and the score line remains high.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

Between colleges and universities in this province and other provinces, it is not only the difference of an admission letter, but also the difference in educational resources.

After all, first-tier cities are better than second- and third-tier cities in terms of education and economic development, so if you can reach the level of 985 colleges and universities, it will be more developed to study in first-tier cities.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

Those students from economically developed cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen do not need to apply elsewhere when choosing a university, after all, the local resources are sufficient, and it is relatively close to home, which is still more convenient.

There are several categories of students who are not suitable for university in other provinces.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

The first is the more introverted students, because some extroverted students can quickly make good friends no matter where they go to college, and their outspoken personality is more popular, but if they are more introverted, it may take a long time to fit in.

The second type is medical students, because many hospitals are more willing to train their own people, so many students basically train in the direct or affiliated hospitals of their own universities after graduation.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

If the student's grades are not very high, it is not recommended to apply for other provinces, but the province has a score protection policy for candidates in the local area, and these students will have more advantages to apply for local schools.

Students who go to university in other provinces must first learn to live independently, "alone in a foreign land as a stranger", without the protection of home and the love of their parents, they have to rely on themselves for everything, which can also lay the foundation for their future careers.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

If you are more dependent on your parents, it is recommended to study in a university in the province, after all, if you study across provinces, you may not be able to adapt to university life, so that a series of problems will arise.

Whether you go to university outside the province or in the province, the first task is to study hard, and college is a transitional stage before entering the society, so you must make good use of university life so that you can better adapt to social life in the future.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

≺ Conclusion ≻

When choosing a university in the province or outside the province, you must consider all aspects, don't make an impulsive choice as soon as your brain is hot, and don't let your future self pay for your current mistakes.

No matter which path has pros and cons, the most important thing is to make a choice that suits you according to your actual situation.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

Information sources:

1. China Education Online: June 27, 2024, "Where do people don't like to go out of the province to study at university, is it better to go to other provinces or stay in this province?" ”

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step
2. Danzhou Municipal People's Government: July 10, 2023, "How to choose a city for the college entrance examination?" ”
After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step