
After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

author:Reading the inscription in the sea

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After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?


In recent years, China's naval strength has developed like a rocket, and the speed is called rapid, so the pace of our progress has also attracted the strong attention of the United States.

In particular, with the launch of the 10th Type 055 10,000-ton destroyer, everyone began to compare us with the naval strength of the United States.

So, who is higher and lower in strength between us and the U.S. Navy today?

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After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

Information sources: Two Type 052D guided missile destroyers were launched in Dalian

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

The current state and advantages of the development of destroyers of the Chinese Navy

In recent years, the development of destroyers in the Chinese Navy has advanced by leaps and bounds, and the Type 055 10,000-ton destroyer is known as the "Aegis of the East".

On the other hand, more than 20 Type 052D missile destroyers have been commissioned or launched.

This number is already in the forefront of the world, and more importantly, these destroyers are generally newly built in the past decade, they represent the latest technological level, and have obvious late-mover advantages.

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

Taking the Type 055 as an example, it is not only the largest destroyer in Asia in terms of tonnage since World War II, with a full load displacement of 12,000 tons, but also equipped with advanced radar, communications, command and electronic warfare systems, with powerful firepower, which can be called a "maritime all-rounder".

At the same time, the Chinese Navy also has more than 40 054 series frigates, although they are smaller in tonnage, they can share a variety of tasks such as patrol, escort, anti-submarine and so on, which greatly relieves the pressure on destroyers and allows them to focus on more important missions.

It is even more worth mentioning that the construction of the second batch of Type 055 destroyers has begun.

Information sources: 15th Anniversary of Navy Escort! Let's count the ships you are familiar with have been to the → of the Gulf of Aden

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?
After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

In the future, the number of Type 055 destroyers will reach double digits, and the construction speed of Type 052D destroyers is also very amazing, with an average of three destroyers launched per year, and it will not take long for the total number of advanced destroyers in the Chinese Navy to exceed the 100 mark.

Today, China is becoming a veritable "destroyer power", and these rapid changes are not only numerical growth but also qualitative leaps.

They have witnessed the modernization process of China's navy, and at the same time, it also indicates the rise of a strong navy, under the protection of this navy, China's maritime interests will be more effectively safeguarded, and China's dream of becoming a maritime power will surely become a reality.

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

Information sources:

Anhui Net: 6 days and 5 nights! The Navy conducts long-endurance training across day and night

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

The advancement and technological advantages of the Type 055 destroyer

Among the many cutting-edge destroyers, the Type 055 is undoubtedly the brightest star, it is not only a ship, but also an offshore platform that integrates various cutting-edge technologies.

Its birth marks that the Chinese Navy has entered the ranks of the world's first-class navies.

The sophistication of the Type 055 is first reflected in its huge tonnage, with a load displacement of 12,000 tons, which is the largest in Asia since World War II.

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

Such tonnage not only means a more powerful load capacity, but also better adaptability to harsh sea conditions and a longer range, it can be said that with 055, the combat radius of the Chinese Navy has been greatly extended.

But the advantages of the Type 055 go far beyond that, and the various electronic devices it carries represent the highest level in the world today.

The advanced phased array radar has a wide detection range and strong anti-jamming ability; The advanced communication and command system can realize real-time sharing of global information.

Not only that, the advanced electronic warfare system can protect the safety of the ship in the complex electromagnetic environment, these devices are like the eyes, ears and brain of the ship, they give the Type 055 the ability of "clairvoyance" and "downwind ear".

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

In terms of firepower, the Type 055 is even better, it is equipped with a vertical launch system of more than 110 cells, which can launch many types of missiles, including anti-ship missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, anti-submarine missiles, etc.

In particular, it is also the world's first destroyer to be equipped with YJ-21 anti-ship ballistic missiles.

The range of this missile is more than 1,000 kilometers, which is much beyond the range of traditional anti-ship missiles, so that the Type 055 has the ability to carry out long-range precision strikes against sea targets.

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

This not only means that it has a longer endurance, but also means that more power can be used for weapon systems, greatly improving the combat capability of the ship.

In general, the Type 055 integrates the most advanced ship technology in the world today, and can be called a "super destroyer".

Its service has undoubtedly greatly enhanced the overall strength of the Chinese Navy, and with such an all-rounder, the Chinese Navy will have more powerful capabilities in both coastal defense and far-sea protection.

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

More importantly, the construction of the Type 055 reflects China's great progress in the field of military science and technology, and every component and system of it embodies the painstaking efforts of countless scientific researchers.

Its success is a microcosm of China's military-industrial strength, which proves that China is fully capable of independently developing world-class weapons and equipment.

It is foreseeable that with the entry into service of more Type 055, the strength of the Chinese Navy will be further improved, which is not only the growth of military strength, but also the embodiment of the country's comprehensive strength.

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

Information sources:

China Youth Network: CNN said that "China has built the world's largest navy", what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

Comparison of the quantity and quality of destroyers of the Chinese and American navies

When we look to the other side of the Pacific Ocean, we have to mention one name: the US Navy.

As the most powerful naval force in the world, the U.S. Navy has always been the benchmark and catch-up object of the navies of various countries, so with the rapid development of the Chinese Navy, especially the commissioning of the Type 055 destroyer, how much has the gap between the navies of China and the United States narrowed?

Quantitatively, the US Navy currently has almost a hundred destroyers and cruisers, which is undoubtedly a very large number, but if we stretch the timeline a little longer, we will find some interesting changes.

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?
By the end of 2020, the number of combat ships in the Chinese Navy may have exceeded that of the United States by more than 60 years, and the US military top brass also lamented: "In just 20 years, the size of China's naval 'combat force' has more than tripled." ”

The gap is narrowing at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

More importantly, the vast majority of the newly built destroyers of the Chinese Navy are advanced models such as Type 052D and Type 055, which are not only large in number, but also very high in quality.

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

In the case of Type 052D, its technical level is equivalent to the American Burke Class IIA, while the Type 055 completely surpasses the Burke Class III.

In contrast, the US Navy, while also building new destroyers, is progressing relatively slowly.

Although the tonnage of the new model like the DDG-1000 is large, due to the high cost and single purpose, only a few ships were eventually built, and it became more of a technology demonstration project.

If we expand our horizons to the world, we will find that there are only a handful of destroyers that can compete with the Type 055.

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

Russia's Kirov-class nuclear-powered cruisers and Glorious-class cruisers, although the tonnage is not small, they are mostly built in the last century, and the technology has fallen significantly behind, with a gap of at least 20-30 years compared to Type 055.

Although Japan's Maya-class and South Korea's King Sejong-class destroyers are also of the 10,000-ton class, they focus more on air defense and anti-missile, and there is still a certain gap with the Type 055 in anti-ship and ground attack capabilities.

Taken together, the Chinese Navy currently has dozens of advanced destroyers, including Type 055 and Type 052D.

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

Although this number is less than the 64 Burke-class destroyers of the US Navy, the gap has been greatly narrowed, not to mention that 21 of the 64 Burke-class destroyers in the United States have been in service for many years and are expected to be decommissioned in the next two years.

By that time, the number of destroyers between China and the United States may be tied.

Of course, the quantity is not everything, but in terms of quality, the Chinese Navy also showed a huge advantage.

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

This is due to the strong shipbuilding industry, the speed of construction of destroyers in China is very fast, and the annual production of Type 052D has reached 3, far exceeding that of the United States.

This means that for a long time to come, the number of advanced destroyers in the Chinese Navy will grow at a faster rate, and the gap with the United States will be further narrowed.

In contrast, the navies of Russia and Japan, although they also have a certain number of large surface ships, have already opened up a gap with China and the United States in terms of quantity and quality.

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

The main direction of development of the Russian Navy is underwater forces, the pace of construction of surface ships is very slow, and the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force, although it has 36 destroyers, a considerable number of them have been in service for many years and need to be replaced.

In general, by comparing the number and quality of destroyers of the Chinese and American navies, we can clearly see that the Chinese Navy is closing the gap with the US Navy at an alarming rate.

This change is not only a change in military strength, but also a manifestation of comprehensive national strength.

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

Information sources:

Guangming Net: "Shipbuilding capacity has shrunk significantly"! For the issue of naval shipbuilding, the United States is "begging for help" everywhere

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

The impact and outlook of narrowing the gap between Chinese and US naval forces

The narrowing of the gap between the Chinese and US navies is undoubtedly an event of great strategic significance, which not only affects the military layout of the two countries, but also affects the geopolitical pattern of the entire Asia-Pacific region and even the world.

For China, the increase in naval strength means a significant increase in its ability to defend its maritime rights and interests.

For a long time in the past, due to the relative weakness of its naval forces, China has tended to be in a passive position in dealing with some sea-related issues.

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

But now, with the development of aircraft carrier formations and the commissioning of advanced destroyers such as Type 055, China already has a powerful far-sea combat force, which will become a solid backing for safeguarding national sovereignty and protecting overseas interests.

The Chinese Navy will also play a more active role in regional affairs.

Whether participating in joint exercises or carrying out humanitarian relief, a strong navy will provide China with more options and possibilities.

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

Through naval diplomacy, China will be able to build mutual trust and friendship with more countries and contribute to maintaining regional peace and stability.

For the United States, the rise of the Chinese Navy is undoubtedly a huge challenge, and for the past few decades, the US Navy has enjoyed an absolute dominant position, but now this advantage is gradually shrinking.

Although the U.S. Navy is still the most powerful navy in the world, it is no longer a force that can dominate the seas at will, and in the Asia-Pacific region, the United States has to face an increasingly powerful competitor and has to think more carefully about its strategic deployments.

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?

From a broader perspective, the narrowing of the gap between the Chinese and US navies will have a far-reaching impact on the world pattern.

It means that the strategic balance in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large is changing, a new balance of power is taking shape, and a more diverse and balanced world is coming.

In this process, China and the United States, as the world's two largest economies and military powers, will play a crucial role.

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?


Through the analysis of the narrowing gap between the Chinese and US navies, we can see that this is an event of great strategic significance, which indicates that the world pattern is undergoing profound changes and that a new era is coming.

The rise of China's navy provides a new choice for the world, and also provides a new possibility for building a community with a shared future for mankind.

With the commissioning of more new ships and the continuous improvement of its comprehensive strength, the Chinese Navy will surely make great strides forward on the road of safeguarding world peace and promoting common development, and make greater contributions to the bright future of mankind.

After the 10 055 ships are put into service, how much can the gap between the Chinese and American navies be shortened?
