
Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

author:Reading the inscription in the sea

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Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished


As the work of Chang'e-6 after its return to Earth has slowly unfolded, the heat about it has not stopped at all, whether it is good or "bad voices" have frequently emerged.

Not only that, but the United States even "smeared and questioned" the achievements of Chang'e-6, and those fans who love Musk also chose to stand by the "side" of the United States.

So, what's going on here?

The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked in the article, please be aware.
Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

Information sources: The lunar samples of the Chang'e-6 mission have been handed over

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

China's lunar exploration program has made new achievements

If there is one of the most exciting things this year, it must be Chang'e-6, the success of which is another major milestone in China's lunar exploration program.

Launched by a Long March 5 Yao-8 carrier rocket from the Wenchang Cosmodrome on May 3 this year, Chang'e-6 aims to achieve the first soft landing on the far side of the moon and collect lunar soil samples to return to Earth.

This is of great scientific significance for mankind to explore the moon and understand the formation and evolution of the moon, and the successful launch of the Chang'e-6 probe once again demonstrates the rapid development and remarkable achievements of China's space industry.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

From the exploration of Chang'e-1 around the moon in 2007, to the soft landing of Chang'e-3 on the moon in 2013, and then to the first soft landing of Chang'e-4 on the far side of the moon in 2019, China's lunar exploration program has been advancing step by step and has made a series of major breakthroughs.

Each of the Chang'e girls' missions has been technologically innovative, and they have achieved leapfrog development from the front of the moon to the far side of the moon, from simple orbiting to complex landing sampling.

The success of the Chang'e-6 mission not only marks another major progress in China's lunar exploration program, but also writes a new chapter in the history of human lunar exploration.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

By taking samples from the far side of the Moon and bringing them back to Earth, scientists will have the opportunity to deeply analyze the material composition of the lunar soil and reveal the geological evolution history of the Moon, which will greatly enrich our understanding of the Earth's satellites.

At the same time, the scientific exploration data of Chang'e-6 will also be shared with the international lunar scientific research data, providing valuable research data for scientists around the world and promoting the development of human lunar and deep space exploration.

While we were cheering for the complete success of Chang'e-6, there were some untimely voices coming out...

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

Information sources: Senior US military officials have also speculated that China is "developing military capabilities in the space field at an alarming speed", and China has repeatedly stated its position

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

The American media sour grape mentality has sparked controversy

The successful launch of Chang'e-6 should have been a major event worthy of celebration by the world's scientific and aerospace communities, but some US media were full of negative emotions about the incident.

Their reports were skeptical, belittling, and even smearing, which sparked widespread controversy in the international community.

In these US media reports, they avoided mentioning the scientific significance and technical value of the Chang'e-6 mission, and instead focused on China's political system and ideology.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

Some media have suggested that China's lunar exploration mission may have a military purpose, they see us as a challenge to the U.S.-dominated international order, and not only that, but there are also media outlets that China is only imitating the United States and that there is no technological innovation.

Behind these remarks, they reflect the deep-rooted ideological bias and anxiety about China's rise in some US media.

As a matter of fact, China's space industry has always adhered to the principle of peaceful use of space, and every step of the lunar exploration program is transparent and open, and we are subject to the supervision of the international community.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

In addition, the mission goal of Chang'e-6 is clear, we are to carry out scientific exploration of the moon and contribute Chinese wisdom to mankind's understanding of the moon and exploration of the universe.

The politicization and militarization of scientific exploration missions is a serious misinterpretation and smear by the United States of China's space industry, and even more, some American media have used the success of Chang'e-6 to ridicule Musk's Mars immigration plan.

They questioned that China's probes had successfully landed on the far side of the moon, and that Musk's Mars immigration plan was still on paper, and it was still unknown whether it could be realized.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

This comparison of Chinese and American space missions lacks objectivity and fairness, and lunar exploration and fire exploration are two different fields, each with its own specific technical difficulties and challenges, and cannot be simply compared.

Not only that, but some fans who love Musk talk about it on the Internet, praise the United States' lunar exploration technology, and tout their "manned moon landing".

I have to say that this kind of behavior of "stepping on one and holding one" is shameful.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

However, there are also some foreign netizens who "stand" on our side, and they directly use the achievements of Chang'e-6 to satirize the Apollo moon landing program of the United States.

They pointed out that today, when modern science and technology are highly developed, China still needs to make tremendous efforts to achieve a soft landing on the far side of the moon, while the United States, half a century ago, without modern computer and material technology, claimed to have achieved a manned landing on the moon, and its authenticity is doubtful.

Although the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing program has not yet been determined, some US media have taken advantage of the topic to sneer at China's lunar exploration mission, which is undoubtedly self-deprecating.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

In the face of all kinds of negative reports in the US media, a rational voice in the international community pointed out that these media are allowing the "sour grapes mentality" to dominate their positions.

A country's scientific and technological progress should be congratulated and respected, not subjected to malicious speculation and groundless accusations, and the attitude of some US media toward China's lunar exploration mission reflects their narrow nationalist sentiments and ideological biases.

This is a manifestation of going against the spirit of science and the common interests of mankind.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

Information sources:

Global Times: Experts from many countries spoke highly of the major scientific breakthrough achieved by the Chang'e-6 lunar exploration mission

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

The international community speaks highly of China's space achievements

In the face of negative reports on the Chang'e-6 mission by some US media, people of insight in the international community have come forward to complain about China's space achievements.

On major social media platforms, netizens from all over the world expressed warm congratulations and high praise for the successful launch of Chang'e-6, believing that it is a major progress in China's aerospace and even human space exploration.

Many foreign netizens pointed out in their comments that China's lunar exploration mission is the embodiment of the scientific spirit and innovative power, and it is also an important contribution to the treasure house of knowledge of all mankind.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

They praised the courage and wisdom of China's astronauts for forging ahead for mankind to explore the unknown territory of the universe.

In stark contrast to the malicious speculation of some US media, the international community has fully affirmed the scientific value of China's lunar exploration mission.

Many netizens said that Chang'e-6's exploration of the far side of the moon will help mankind gain an in-depth understanding of the moon's geological structure, material composition and formation and evolution history, which is of great significance for revealing the origin and development of the earth and the moon.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished
A science enthusiast from South America commented: "China's lunar exploration data will become a valuable resource for scientists around the world. This is an indispensable part of the great process of human exploration of the mysteries of nature. ”

Some foreign netizens even bluntly pointed out that the negative reports of certain US media on China's lunar exploration mission are out of a kind of "sour grapes mentality," which reflects their anxiety and uneasiness about the rapid development of China's space industry.

In fact, the international space community has spoken highly of the achievements of China's lunar exploration program, and well-known scientists and experts from some space powers have also expressed great interest and support for the Chang'e-6 mission.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

Musk, a well-known American aerospace entrepreneur, has repeatedly publicly stated that he is deeply impressed by China's aerospace achievements, and he believes that China has made remarkable progress in a short period of time, which reflects the strong driving force of China's scientific and technological innovation.

Although Musk had doubts about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing that year, he fully affirmed the achievements of China's lunar exploration program.

On the other hand, Chinese officials have always maintained an objective and rational attitude towards the authenticity of the U.S. Apollo moon landing program.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

Continental aerospace experts have made a detailed analysis of some suspicious points in the photos and videos of the Apollo program and have given reasonable scientific explanations.

Chang'e-2 clearly photographed the wreckage of the Apollo lunar lander in lunar orbit, which also confirmed the authenticity of the lunar landing from one side.

Chinese astronauts said: We respect history and science, and we appreciate the contributions made by the United States in the process of landing mankind on the moon.
Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

At the same time, China also has its own goals and plans for lunar exploration, and China hopes to carry out exchanges with space agencies of various countries with an open and cooperative attitude to jointly promote the cause of human space exploration.

The international community's extensive support and high praise for China's lunar exploration program reflects an objective fact: the peaceful use of space and the exploration of the mysteries of the universe are the common cause of all mankind, which requires all countries to work together and advance it.

The smear and attack on China's space achievements by some US media out of ideological bias is destined to go against the trend of history and will be spurned by the international community.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

Information sources:

The Paper: The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

The truth about the U.S. moon landing has sparked heated discussions around the world

The successful launch of Chang'e-6 not only triggered widespread praise from the international community for China's space achievements, but also once again pushed the U.S. Apollo moon landing program to the forefront of public opinion.

For more than half a century, there have been various doubts and controversies about whether the United States has actually achieved a manned landing on the moon, and as China's lunar exploration program continues to progress, these doubts seem to be getting louder.

The authenticity of the U.S. Apollo moon landing program was questioned for several reasons: First, under the technical conditions at that time, it was extremely difficult to achieve a manned landing on the moon, which involved major breakthroughs in many key fields such as rockets, spacecraft, and spacesuits.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

And the fact that the United States has announced the completion of a mission to the moon in just a few years is questionable.

Second, there are some doubts and loopholes in the photos and video materials of the Apollo program, such as the inconsistent direction of the shadows behind the astronauts and the fluttering of the national flag in a vacuum, which raises doubts about the authenticity of the moon landing images.

In addition, the motivation for the decision of the United States, which abruptly terminated the manned mission to the moon after the end of the Apollo program in favor of the space shuttle and space station, has also been questioned.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

Some conspiracy theorists believe that the U.S. moon landing was an elaborate hoax motivated by the political imperatives of the Cold War-era struggle with the Soviet Union for space supremacy.

It is even more believed that the astronauts who landed on the moon performed in Hollywood studios.

Although U.S. officials have denied these doubts and offered some explanations, the controversy has never stopped, with some theoretical physicists and space experts asking questions by analyzing details in photos and videos of the moon landing.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

They believed that under the technological level at that time, it was impossible for the United States to overcome all the difficulties of a manned landing on the moon in a short period of time, and there were great doubts about its authenticity.

With the continuous advancement of China's lunar exploration program, especially the soft landing of Chang'e-4 and Chang'e-6 on the far side of the moon, the topic of the truth about the US lunar landing has once again aroused heated discussions around the world.

Some foreign netizens compared the lunar exploration missions of China and the United States, questioning whether it was true that the United States claimed to have achieved a manned landing on the moon half a century ago.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

They believe that even with modern science and technology, landing on the moon is by no means an easy task, and the US mission to the moon back then is more like a "hoax".

However, we must look at this issue with an objective and rational attitude, and although there are some doubts about the US lunar landing program, there is no conclusive evidence that it is a fraud.

On the contrary, some evidence, such as the wreckage of the lunar lander and lunar soil samples, still supports the authenticity of the moon landing, and as a scientific power, we should analyze and verify every detail with scientific methods and attitudes, rather than making conclusions or judgments lightly.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

It is undeniable that the United States has made great efforts in the Apollo moon landing program and has made a series of major technological breakthroughs, which have had a profound impact on the cause of human space exploration.

Even if there are still doubts about the truth of the moon landing, we should respect history, respect the spirit of exploration and scientific contributions of our predecessors, and for Chinese astronauts, we should look to the future.

Through a series of lunar exploration missions such as the Chang'e project, China is steadily advancing the development of the space industry at its own pace, and our goal is to use space for peaceful purposes, explore the mysteries of the universe, and contribute to mankind's understanding of nature and the improvement of life.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished


The success of Chang'e-6 marks another solid step forward in China's lunar exploration program, which not only demonstrates the vigorous development of China's space industry, but also triggers a new round of reflection and discussion on the process of human lunar exploration.

The negative reports of some US media on the Chang'e-6 mission reflect their anxiety and anxiety about China's space achievements, but the mainstream voice of the international community still speaks highly of and sincerely congratulates China's lunar exploration program.

No matter what the truth about the US moon landing is, China's astronauts will continue to uphold the concept of peaceful use of space and steadily promote the development of the space industry at their own pace.

Fawn over foreign things! In order to weaken the influence of Chang'e 6, Musk fans brag about American technology, and their hearts can be punished

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