
Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

author:Reading the inscription in the sea

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Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?


On June 25, when Chang'e-6 successfully landed in the predetermined area of the Siziwang Banner in Inner Mongolia, our hanging hearts finally fell, after all, she was carrying a precious "treasure".

However, when everyone was happy for the return of Chang'e-6, many people found that most of the ground support teams at the scene at that time were Japanese cars.

Why is that? Could it be that the performance of our domestic cars cannot compete with Japanese cars?

The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked in the article, please be aware.
Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

Information sources: "In this traditional market of Japanese cars, Chinese and Japanese car companies are showing a posture of resistance"

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

The historical origins of Japanese cars in China's official car market

In China's official car market, the reputation of Japanese cars can be said to be deep-rooted, and it is not difficult to find that Japanese cars have a long history of dominance in this field.

In the 90s of the last century, when China's official car market was still in its infancy, Japanese cars had begun to enter in a big way, with reliable quality and excellent cost performance, Toyota Crown, Nissan Teana and other models quickly became the main force in the official car market.

These models are not only comfortable, but also easy to maintain and have an abundant supply of spare parts, which makes them highly reliable.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

In the 21st century, with the rise of SUV models, Japanese cars have once again seized the opportunity, and hard-core off-road vehicles such as Toyota Prado and Land Patrol have quickly occupied an important position in the official car market with their excellent passability and reliability.

Especially in some remote areas, these models have almost become the standard for official travel, and the reason for this is that the success of Japanese cars in the official car market is inseparable from their excellent product strength.

First of all, Japanese cars are known for their reliability, with a low failure rate of vehicles, and they are able to drive normally even in bad road conditions, and secondly, Japanese cars have good durability, long service life of vehicles, and low maintenance costs.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

Finally, Japanese cars are easy to maintain, and there is an abundant supply of spare parts, so that even if there is a breakdown, it can be repaired in a timely manner.

Toyota Prado, for example, has a simple and reliable mechanical structure, and it has fewer electronic components in the car, making it easy to repair even in remote areas.

At the same time, the Prado can also be equipped with multiple auxiliary fuel tanks, which greatly improves the vehicle's range, making it ideal for long-distance travel.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

It is with these advantages that Japanese cars have gained a firm foothold in China's official car market.

Over the years, they have won the trust of users with their reliable, durable, and easy-to-maintain image, and even today, in the face of the impact of domestic cars, Japanese cars still occupy half of the official car market.

Of course, this does not mean that Japanese cars can rest easy, as the technical level of domestic cars continues to improve, their advantages in performance and reliability are gradually shrinking.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

The advantages of Japanese cars in the Chang'e-6 moon landing support team

In the Chang'e-6 lunar support team, we once again witnessed the advantages of Japanese cars.

Prado, Land Patrol, Pajero and other models are like a group of diligent and durable old cattle, working silently on the vast Gobi Desert, providing a solid backing for the lunar mission.

Netizens commented that this kind of support vehicle needs to have absolute reliability, durability and easy maintenance.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

In harsh environments, vehicles must be able to work continuously and stably, and any single breakdown may affect the progress of the entire mission, and Japanese cars, especially Toyota Prado and Land Patrol, have won everyone's trust with their excellent watches in these aspects.

In fact, the performance of Toyota Prado and Land Patrol in extreme environments such as deserts and Gobi has been highly praised.

Even when working for long periods of time in hot, dusty environments, they are able to maintain good performance and rarely fail.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

In addition to reliability and ease of service, the Prado and Land Patrol have a significant advantage, which is their excellent range.

When carrying out lunar support missions, vehicles often need to work in the field for long periods of time, so this raises the problem of replenishment, while the Prado and Land Patrol can be equipped with multiple auxiliary fuel tanks, which greatly increases the fuel reserves.

Even in the case of low-grade gasoline, they can travel for long periods of time without worrying about breaking down, which makes the Prado and Land Patrol ideal for lunar support missions.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

They are like mobile "base camps", providing reliable transportation for the staff, but also providing a guarantee for the transportation of various equipment, and under the escort of these vehicles, the Chang'e-6 lunar mission was successfully completed.

Of course, we also see that in this lunar support convoy, there are more and more domestic cars.

New energy hard-core off-road vehicles like Yangwang U8 have shown good strength, and their performance in terms of power and endurance is not inferior to that of Japanese cars.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

However, in terms of overall reliability and ease of serviceability, domestic cars still need more time to prove themselves, after all, performing tasks in extreme environments has very high requirements for vehicles.

Any small problem can affect the progress of the entire task, so in critical tasks, people tend to prefer products that are already familiar with performance.

This is also the reason why Japanese cars still dominate the Chang'e-6 lunar support fleet, but this "dominance" will also be replaced by the gradual rise of domestic cars.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

Information sources:

Hualong Net: Epic scene! Look up to the U8 team to welcome the return of Chang'e-6

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

The performance and challenges of domestic vehicles in the moon landing support fleet

On the occasion of the triumphant return of Chang'e-6, we are pleased to see that more and more domestic cars are in the lunar support team, although the number of these "little fresh meat" is not much, but with its excellent appearance and performance has attracted the attention of countless people.

Among them, the most eye-catching is the Yangwang U8, as a pure electric hard-core off-road vehicle, Yangwang U8 has shown extraordinary strength in this mission.

Not only does it have excellent power performance, but it also has a long cruising range, so it can continue to work even in harsh environments.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

Not only that, but more importantly, the U8 also has the function of "emergency floating", so it provides people with additional safety in treacherous terrain.

In fact, looking up to the U8 to be among the lunar support team, itself represents the country's high recognition of its performance, you know, the lunar support mission has very high requirements for the vehicle, any small problem may affect the progress of the entire mission.

Looking up to U8 to become a member of the support team through layers of selection, it is enough to prove its excellent strength.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?
Therefore, netizens were all proud to see this scene, and some commented: "Looking up to the addition of U8, I see the hope of domestic cars." ”

However, we must also be soberly aware that domestic cars still face considerable challenges if they want to occupy a dominant position in the lunar support fleet.

First of all, in terms of quantity, domestic cars are still the "supporting role" of Japanese cars, in this mission, although the U8 performed well, but only 8, in comparison, the number of Toyota Prado and Land Patrol is much more.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

What's more, the durability and ease of maintenance of the vehicle are crucial when performing official duties in remote areas, and in this regard, Prado and Land Patrol have accumulated a reputation for many years.

In contrast, looking up to the U8 as a new energy vehicle, it still needs more practical tests in these aspects.

In addition, price is also a factor that cannot be ignored, looking up to the U8 as a high-end new energy off-road vehicle, its price is inevitably higher than that of the Prado and Land Patrol, which may affect their choice for the budget of the public service.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

Of course, this does not mean that domestic cars have no chance in the lunar support mission, on the contrary, the excellent performance of the U8 has shown us the great potential of domestic cars.

With the continuous progress of technology, we have reason to believe that the gap between domestic cars in terms of reliability and durability will become smaller and smaller.

At the same time, we should also see that the country's support for domestic cars is getting stronger and stronger, and it can be seen from looking up to the U8 to be selected for the moon landing support team that the country has a higher recognition of the performance and reliability of domestic cars.

In the future, with the continuous improvement of domestic vehicles in terms of performance and reliability, their role in the lunar support mission will become more and more important.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

Challenges and opportunities for domestic cars in the market

In the Chang'e-6 lunar landing support team, although the figure of domestic cars is not prominent enough, their appearance has shown us the huge potential of domestic cars in the official car market.

However, we must also be soberly aware that domestic cars still face many challenges if they want to make a breakthrough in this market.

First of all, in terms of reliability and durability, there is still a certain gap between domestic cars and Japanese cars. Especially in harsh environments in remote areas, this gap can be magnified.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

Vehicles often need to work continuously for long periods of time in these areas, facing challenges such as high temperatures, dust, and bumps, and Japanese cars excel in these environments thanks to the reliability advantages accumulated over many years.

In contrast, domestic cars have relatively little experience in this area.

Secondly, the after-sales service network and spare parts supply chain of domestic cars are not perfect enough, and in remote areas, the timeliness of repair and maintenance is crucial.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

If the vehicle breaks down, it needs to be able to quickly obtain repair services and the required spare parts, and at present, domestic cars still have shortcomings in this regard.

Compared with Japanese cars, the after-sales service network of domestic cars is not extensive enough, and the response speed of the spare parts supply chain needs to be improved, which leads to the higher cost of repair and maintenance of domestic cars, which affects their competitiveness in the official car market.

However, we should also see that the opportunities faced by domestic cars in the official car market are also huge.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

Looking up to the U8 and other models to be selected for the moon landing support team is the country's high recognition of the technical level of domestic cars, which will greatly enhance the influence of domestic cars in the official car market.

It proves to everyone that domestic cars already have the strength to take on important tasks.

At the same time, it also provides an excellent platform for domestic car companies to show their strength.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?

By participating in the lunar support mission, domestic vehicles can prove their reliability and durability in the most demanding environments, and every successful mission will become the best proof of the strength of domestic vehicles.

This kind of strength display, will greatly enhance the reputation and recognition of domestic cars in the official car market, I believe that through continuous efforts, domestic cars will be able to make greater breakthroughs in the official car market.

When more and more domestic cars appear in important tasks, when they win the trust of users with reliable and durable performance, the influence of domestic cars in the official car market will continue to increase.

At that time, we will witness the magnificent transformation of domestic cars from "followers" to "leaders".

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?


Through the analysis of the Chang'e-6 lunar landing support fleet, we can see the deep accumulation of Japanese cars in China's official car market, and also see the opportunities and challenges faced by domestic cars in this market.

It is believed that through continuous efforts, domestic cars will be able to catch up with Japanese cars in terms of reliability and durability, and win the trust of more important tasks.

When more and more domestic cars appear in missions like Chang'e 6, when they prove their strength with outstanding performance, the status of domestic cars in the official car market will be greatly improved.

I believe that in the future, domestic cars will be able to break out of their own world.

Why is the ground support fleet of Chang'e 6 still more than Toyota Prado and Land Patrol Japanese cars?
