
The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

author:Reading the inscription in the sea

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The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!


As we all know, today's China's aerospace development has not only attracted the attention of our own people, but also attracted the eyes of many foreigners.

In recent years, China's aerospace industry has developed very rapidly, especially in the area of satellite technology, as early as six years ago, the mainland's military "reconnaissance satellite" technology surpassed that of the United States, and now it is leading the world.

So, how did we manage to overtake the United States? What kind of strength does this "reconnaissance satellite" have?

The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked in the article, please be aware.
The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

Information sources:

Jintai Consulting: Li Deren, an academician from Jiangyan, Taizhou, polishes China's "eye in the sky": people can't waste their lives and make contributions to the country and the family

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

From scratch, to achieve a historic breakthrough

As the saying goes, "everything is difficult at the beginning", and China's remote sensing satellite technology has also been developed from scratch step by step.

In this process, Academician Li Deren, a dual academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, has devoted his whole life to the mainland's satellite remote sensing cause.

Under his leadership, the mainland's remote sensing satellite technology has developed by leaps and bounds, and now we have not only caught up with and surpassed developed countries such as Britain and the United States, but also created one "Chinese miracle" after another.

Looking back at history, the development of China's military reconnaissance satellites can be traced back to 1975, when the mainland successfully launched the first returnable remote sensing satellite, marking the beginning of China's military reconnaissance satellites.

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

Information sources:

State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission: [1975] China's first successful recovery of satellites

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

In the following decades, China's military reconnaissance satellite technology continued to make breakthroughs and progress, and since the beginning of the 21 st century, it has made a series of major achievements, realizing the capability of high-resolution earth observation.

Today, the mainland has established a series of remote sensing satellite systems, forming an all-weather, all-round high-precision observation system for the whole world.

The high-resolution, multi-band, and multi-mode three-dimensional observation capability has given China's military reconnaissance satellites a "sharp eye."

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

In addition, we have not only achieved leapfrog development in military reconnaissance satellites, but also commercial remote sensing satellites represented by the "Jilin-1" satellite have also reached the world-class level.

The rapid progress of the Gaofen series of satellites has laid a solid foundation for the rise of commercial satellites.

Looking to the future, China's remote sensing satellite industry has unlimited prospects, and it is reported that Changguang Satellite Company plans to achieve an in-orbit network of 138 "Jilin-1" satellites by 2025.
The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

At that time, we will be able to revisit any region of the world within 10 minutes around the clock.

From the first retrievable remote sensing satellite to today's "Jilin-1" satellite constellation, from following to running and then to leading, the rapid development of China's remote sensing satellite technology has witnessed the glorious history of the mainland's aerospace industry.

All this is inseparable from the continuous struggle of several generations of astronauts, and even more inseparable from the selfless dedication of scientists represented by Academician Li Deren.

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

Information sources: Jane's Defense Weekly said that the GF-11 satellite has made the gap between Chinese and US reconnaissance satellites disappear

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

High-resolution, all-weather, precise positioning

In modern warfare, information is life, and whoever has the information will have the initiative in the war, and the reconnaissance satellite is precisely a sharp weapon for obtaining information.

Compared with ground reconnaissance, satellite reconnaissance has unique advantages, first of all, it is fast, and reconnaissance satellites in low-earth orbit can reach speeds of tens of thousands of kilometers per hour, and can circle the earth in one and a half hours.

The second is that it covers a wide area, overlooking the earth from an altitude of several hundred kilometers, and can take in thousands of miles of rivers and mountains at a glance; furthermore, satellite reconnaissance is not limited by terrain and national borders, and neither the mountains nor the vast sea can escape its "magic eye."

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

The PLA's reconnaissance satellites are a combination of many advantages and can be called the world's first-class.

It has been learned that after years of development, the mainland's high-resolution remote sensing satellite system has formed a complete system, and the resolution of the GF-11 satellite has reached 0.1 meters, which is on a par with the most advanced "keyhole" reconnaissance satellite in the United States.

This means that the PLA's reconnaissance satellites can clearly capture the details of ground targets, and even a tank or fighter plane cannot escape its "clairvoyance."

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

Not only that, in addition to high resolution, PLA reconnaissance satellites also have the characteristics of all-weather and all-weather hours.

Whether it is night or day, or rain and haze will not affect its work, where there is wind and grass, it will be immediately discovered.

What's more, the mainland's remote sensing satellites are also capable of continuously tracking targets.

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

Information sources: Chinese satellites can see aircraft carriers 36,000 kilometers away The United States is worried that the fleet is locked

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

According to reports, as early as 2017, the mainland's satellites were able to see all the world's aircraft carriers from a distance of 36,000 kilometers.

It is conceivable that when the PLA needs to carry out key monitoring of a certain area, the reconnaissance satellite will become a pair of "eyes" that do not sleep 24 hours a day, always paying attention to the target's every move.

In addition to the surveillance of sea targets, the PLA's reconnaissance satellites are equally capable of locating and tracking ground targets.

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

It has been learned that the Continental Army's reconnaissance satellites can accurately locate important military facilities such as airports and military ports, and provide reliable intelligence for future strikes.

With such a pair of "sharp eyes" as reconnaissance satellites, the PLA will be able to strengthen its wings on the battlefield in the future, and we will be able to have a clear idea of what to do and strategize, whether it is pre-police alerting or command and dispatch.

It can be said that a powerful reconnaissance satellite capability is an important guarantee for the PLA to achieve information-based and intelligent operations, and it is also bound to play an indispensable role in future wars.

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

Information sources:

Chinese Academy of Sciences: Li Deren: Above the sky, polish the "Oriental Eye"

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

The last to come, the speed of China is amazing

In the race for military reconnaissance satellites, China and the United States, the two space powers, have always been the main contenders, and the United States, as a space power, began to develop military reconnaissance satellites during the Cold War.

China's military reconnaissance satellites started relatively late, but the speed of development is astonishing, and in just a few decades, we have achieved a magnificent turn from following to running side-by-side and then to leading.

In June this year, the news that Academician Li Deren, a famous scientist in the mainland, won the 2023 National Highest Science and Technology Award, once again aroused people's attention and heated discussions about China's remote sensing satellite technology.

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

As a leading figure in the field of remote sensing satellites in China, Academician Li Deren has made outstanding contributions to the development of reconnaissance satellites for the Continental Army.

He once revealed that the resolution of the mainland's remote sensing satellites has reached 0.1 meters, and we have not only caught up with and surpassed similar US satellites, but have also been able to directly "lock" the position of the US aircraft carrier from space.

This news is undoubtedly a bombshell, you must know that the United States military reconnaissance satellite technology has always been regarded as the world's leading, and China can surpass in key indicators, which is really exciting.

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

As a matter of fact, in recent years, the competition between China and the United States in the field of military reconnaissance satellites has become more and more intense, and the United States, relying on its strong economic and technological strength, has continuously launched new reconnaissance satellites in an effort to maintain its dominant position.

However, China's catch-up momentum is also rapid, and through independent innovation and technological research, the performance of the mainland's military reconnaissance satellites has been continuously improved, and new breakthroughs have been made in the areas of spatial resolution and spectral resolution.

Taking high-resolution satellites as an example, the US "keyhole" series of satellites was once hailed as the world's most advanced military reconnaissance satellite, with a resolution of up to 0.1 meters.

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

However, the mainland's GF-11 satellite has not only equaled the United States in terms of resolution, but also surpassed it in some aspects.

Not only that, in addition to resolution, China and the United States are also fiercely competing in terms of the number of satellites and networking capabilities, and the United States, by virtue of its first-mover advantage, currently has a larger number of military reconnaissance satellites in orbit and a more complete network.

However, China's speed of catching up is also astonishing, and by constantly launching new satellites, the mainland is speeding up the improvement of its military reconnaissance satellite system, and the number of satellites and its networking capabilities are constantly improving.

It is foreseeable that with the continuous progress of China's aerospace industry, the Continental Army's capability of using reconnaissance satellites will continue to increase, and the gap between us and the United States will be further narrowed at present, and it is even expected to surpass it in more fields.

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

A key tool for the right to information

In modern warfare, information has become the fifth-dimensional battlefield space after land, sea, air, and space, and whoever can grasp the information initiative will be able to take the lead on the battlefield, and reconnaissance satellites are precisely the key weapon for seizing the right to control information.

According to reports, the mainland's "Jilin-1" remote sensing satellite successfully tracked and photographed the flight footage of the US F-22 stealth fighter for several seconds.

You must know that the F-22 is the most advanced stealth fighter of the US military, known as "the first in the world", but in the face of the "sharp eyes" of China's reconnaissance satellites, no matter how advanced the stealth technology is, there is nowhere to hide.

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

This feat not only demonstrates the extraordinary capabilities of China's reconnaissance satellites, but also indicates that reconnaissance satellites will play an increasingly important role in future wars.

As a matter of fact, the application of reconnaissance satellites in the military field is nothing new, and reconnaissance satellites involve almost every link of operations, from battlefield situational awareness to precise target positioning to evaluation of strike effects.

In particular, against the background of the current information-based warfare, the real-time, accurate, and comprehensive intelligence information provided by reconnaissance satellites has become an important basis for command decision-making.

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

For the PLA, having a strong reconnaissance satellite capability means that it can better control the battlefield situation and carry out strikes more accurately on the future battlefield.

On the one hand, reconnaissance satellites can provide the PLA with all-weather and all-weather battlefield surveillance, and neither the opponent's troop movements nor the activities of important targets can escape the satellite's "clairvoyance," and the PLA can adjust its deployment in a timely manner and strike first.

On the other hand, reconnaissance satellites can also provide reliable intelligence support for the PLA's precision strikes, and through the interpretation of satellite images, the PLA can accurately locate targets, optimize strike plans, and greatly improve the damage effect of weapons.

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

More importantly, in a complex electromagnetic environment, satellite reconnaissance can provide a stable and reliable channel for obtaining intelligence, and when traditional reconnaissance means such as radar and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are interfered with, satellites can still continue to work to ensure the smooth flow of the intelligence chain.

It can be said that the powerful capability of reconnaissance satellites has become an indispensable weapon for the modern military, and whoever can make better use of reconnaissance satellites on the informationized battlefield in the future will be more likely to win the initiative in war.

For China, the development of reconnaissance satellites is not only to enhance its military strength, but also to safeguard its national security and strategic interests.

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

In the current complex and volatile international situation, possessing a powerful space surveillance and reconnaissance capability is of great importance to safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Therefore, speeding up the development of reconnaissance satellites and enhancing space information support capabilities have become important tasks in the construction of the PLA in the new era.

It is believed that in the near future, China's reconnaissance satellites will certainly be able to make greater contributions to safeguarding world peace and promoting human progress.

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!


From scratch, from following to running alongside, and then to leading, the development process of China's military reconnaissance satellites is a history of innovation, struggle, and transcendence.

Today, China's reconnaissance satellites have become a powerful weapon for safeguarding national security and seizing information supremacy, and they are bound to play an increasingly important role in the future informationized battlefield.

We have reason to believe that under the strong leadership of the party and the unremitting efforts of the vast number of astronauts, China's space industry will be able to achieve greater brilliance and contribute more to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

The People's Liberation Army's "reconnaissance satellite" is the first in the world! It overtook the United States 6 years ago, and now it is still leading!

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