
In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks

author:There is a murmuring wind in the summer

Text/Editor: Erjiu

"People who are too poor, it is a kind of kindness not to have children, but it is sad to give birth? …”

In 2020, Niu Zhongnan, who died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 24, may be a bloody example of this sentence.

He was one of the youngest promising graduate students of Xi'an Jiaotong University, and his future was bright, but no one expected that he would die of illness without warning.

In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks

And from the onset of illness to death, only 5 days passed, and the family really couldn't figure it out:

My son has always been in good health, why did he suddenly suffer from a serious illness such as a cerebral hemorrhage?

It wasn't until he was sorting through the relics that his father discovered the truth in his bank card balance.

In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks

*(The information in this article is from official media, and it is repeated at the end)

At that moment, Niu Zhanghua seemed to have been drained of all his strength, and instantly fell to the ground and cried bitterly, calling him "harmed" his son.

recalled that on the day he learned of his son's accident, he was working at the construction site, but suddenly received two heartbreaking phone calls:

One called him to tell him that his son had fainted in the school lab; Then, before he could react, another call came.

In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks

This time, the people in the hospital solemnly informed the family that the patient's life was in danger and that time was running out.

Suddenly, Niu Zhanghua only felt that the world was spinning, and he didn't even have time to think about the authenticity of the call, so he immediately took his wife to Xi'an.

The son Niu Zhongnan is a graduate student at Xi'an Jiaotong University, and the old couple is working as a farmer in Liaocheng, Shandong, and the family lives a "poor" life.

In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks

But the people in the village are very envious of the Niu family, and the neighbors all praise the old couple for raising a good son, and they must be blessed in their old age!

At this time, the old couple also felt very honored, they pinned all their hopes on their son, as long as they thought of him, they were full of energy.

But now, their "spiritual pillar" has fallen, and even after the two of them rushed to the hospital for a day, Niu Zhongnan is still rescuing.

In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks

For five days, the old couple went from being confused, worried, and then panicked at the beginning, and finally turned into despair.

Niu Zhongnan died at the age of 24 due to ineffective rescue.

When the doctor announced the news of their son's death, Niu Zhanghua and his wife's grief completely broke down, but what made them even more emotionally broken was the cause of their son's death:

In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks

It is due to long-term malnutrition and overwork, resulting in intracranial accumulation, which leads to cerebral hemorrhage.

At the beginning of the rescue operation, the doctor found that Niu Zhongnan had formed a brain herniation, and he originally had a congenital malformation blood vessel in his brain.

If he paid attention to maintenance the day after tomorrow, it might not cause a tragedy, but he was hungry, tired, and stayed up late for a long time...... As a result, the hernia accumulates, the intracranial pressure is too heavy, and eventually the brain is hemorrhaged.

In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks

His death, generally speaking, is "starvation" and "exhaustion" in the folk sense.

It is hard to imagine that there will be such a tragic case in the 21st century, and Niu Zhanghua and his wife are even more unbelievable, why would such a strong young man be malnourished?

Niu Zhongnan is destined to be unable to answer his parents, the deceased has passed away, and the old couple can only take care of his funeral with questions and grief.

In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks

However, when he was packing up his son's belongings, a diary and 5 bank cards that he stumbled upon made Niu Zhanghua completely crazy.

Of my son's 5 bank cards, 4 of them were all empty, and only one card had 22 yuan in it.

The old father looked at the double-digit balance, and the whole person collapsed, it turned out that Niu Zhongnan had been deceiving his family all these years.

In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks

In fact, he has always felt guilty about choosing to go to graduate school because he also has a younger brother who is in junior high school.

Knowing that the conditions at home were difficult, he did not work as soon as possible to make money, but continued to study, Niu Zhongnan felt that he had increased the pressure on his parents.

In order not to cause a greater financial burden on his parents, he always lied to his family that he had money, got a lot of scholarships, and had a part-time income;

In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks

In this way, his parents were not allowed to give him living expenses, and even many times, he would send money home.

The parents believed it to be true, and every time they really stopped the remittance hand under his shirk, and did not notice at all, the tiredness hidden under the laughter of the eldest son.

This kind of inside information made all the teachers and classmates burst into tears instantly, and they had all seen how much effort Niu Zhongnan put in to make money and save money:

In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks

His college classmates said that they had never seen someone as hard as Niu Zhongnan, and everyone else only started experimenting in his sophomore year, but he started to engage in scientific research scholarships in his freshman year;

His graduate sister also said that Niu Zhongnan put too much pressure on him, and every time he saw him, he was doing experiments, because he was experienced and capable, and everyone called him "Academician Niu".

According to the teacher's understanding, Niu Zhongnan often forgets to sleep and eat in order to study, and even if he eats, most of them are just steamed bread and vegetables, and there is no meat at all.

In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks

Sometimes he buys a meal, and even eats it in two or three meals, and he is reluctant to throw away the food when it is broken, and he always has diarrhea for it, and his usual clothes are also extremely frugal.

At that time, everyone didn't understand, thinking that he was extremely searching, but now that he has learned the real reason, the sourness in everyone's hearts is indescribable.

Niu Zhongnan put all the pressure on himself, he saved money from himself, he didn't eat if he didn't starve, he didn't spend if he didn't die, how to save money and how to live......

In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks

The end result was an untimely death.

Everyone said that he was stupid and drilled into the horns, but more of them were still regretful, and Niu Zhanghua was even more grief-stricken, unable to accept that his beloved son died in this predicament.

He couldn't help but think: If he could have more skills and earn more money, would his son not die?

In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks

No one can answer this question, and no one will be willing to answer, everyone knows that Niu Zhongnan's death is no wonder to his family, but love is often indebted.

After all the dust settled, the honest Niu Zhanghua and his wife returned the more than 100,000 yuan donated by the teachers and students of the school.

In order to prevent their beloved son from completely disappearing from the world, the old couple selflessly donated their son's liver, two kidneys, and two corneas.

In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks

This is not only the wish of parents, but also Niu Zhongnan's own wish.

Perhaps a long time ago, Niu Zhongnan had expected that his situation was not very optimistic, so he gave a note in his diary in advance.

No one knows what kind of heartbreak Niu Zhanghua and his wife felt when they saw that instruction.

In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks

Their eldest son has not enjoyed any blessings in his life, he has been precocious and sensible since he was a child, and when he grows up, he is even more filial to his parents and helps his siblings.

But he only forgot to be kind to himself.

May there be no pain in heaven, no money pressure, and may the departed rest in peace.


[1] Global Network "Tears! A 24-year-old graduate student saved 5 people and ...... in this way":

[2] CCTV "A 24-year-old graduate student in Shen County, Liaocheng, Shandong Province passed away and donated five organs":

[3] Qilu Evening News "Liaocheng Students Passed Away to Donate Organs, Paying Tribute to Their Loving Parents!" 》:

In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks
In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks
In 2020, when the 24-year-old graduate student passed away, Cary had only 22 yuan left, and his father returned to the construction site 10 days later to move bricks