
Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

author:There is a murmuring wind in the summer
Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

Text/Editor: Xia Youfeng

The previous turmoil has not stopped, and recently Brother Xiao Yang, the "first brother with goods", has been in trouble again.

And this fake incident is even bigger than the thunderous plum vegetable button meat at the 315 party last time, because this time it was revealed that the fake sold in Brother Xiaoyang's live broadcast room was Moutai.

Could it be that after Gazi and Panzi, another well-known anchor is going to be planted on "fake wine"?

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face
Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

The reason for the incident is very simple, in a live broadcast of Brother Xiao Yang, fans are rushing to buy "low-priced" Moutai, and the barrage of "Thank you Lao Tie" and "YYDS" is constantly scrolling on the screen of the live broadcast room.

Mr. Zhang is also one of them, he did not hesitate to place an order, 70,000 yuan for 24 bottles of Moutai, this is his long-awaited large order.

After all, in Brother Xiao Yang's live broadcast room, he has always believed that "you can buy with confidence, and you can use with confidence".

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

However, this trust collapsed the moment the goods were received.

13 bottles are suspected of "pulling out the head refill", 7 bottles are suspiciously sprayed, and the naked "fake Moutai" made Mr. Zhang angry, he never thought that he would "step on thunder" in Brother Xiaoyang's live broadcast room.

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

When he contacted customer service, he got all kinds of perfunctory and prevarication, and in desperation, Mr. Zhang could only seek third-party identification.

And the appraisal results finally confirmed his guess: this batch of Moutai is indeed a fake of "selling dog meat on the head of a sheep".

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

Mr. Zhang's experience is not an isolated case, as the incident continues to ferment, more and more "victims" surface, and the "fake Moutai" incident in Xiao Yang's live broadcast room quickly appeared on the hot search, and public opinion was in an uproar.

Subsequently, Brother Xiao Yang claimed that he was absolutely not selling fake wine, and also questioned that Mr. Zhang was a "black fan", and specially came to spread rumors and frame him.

But Brother Xiao Yang probably never dreamed that his words were chiseled, in exchange for "asking for a hammer and getting a hammer".

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face
Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

Because of this incident, some netizens made a bottle of "Moutai" and took it to Moutai for identification, but the staff didn't take the bottle of fake wine, so they looked up and down, and then said: "The wine is real." ”

This time undoubtedly added fuel to the fire of the whole incident, what Brother Xiao Yang said in the live broadcast room: "The third party is not credible, you must trust the authority", which can be described as a slap in the face.

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

Immediately afterwards, the turning point of the incident appeared after the intervention of Moutai officials, and the authoritative appraisal results confirmed the existence of fake wine, and Xiao Yang had to bow his head and was forced to withdraw the product.

This incident also tore open the glamorous surface of the live streaming industry, exposing the tip of the iceberg of fake sales.

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face
Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

Live streaming, an emerging way of shopping, quickly captured the hearts of a large number of consumers with real-time interaction, price advantages and anchor endorsements.

However, compared with traditional e-commerce platforms, consumers often rely too much on the personal charm and recommendations of anchors in the live streaming model, while ignoring the understanding of the product itself, which leads to information asymmetry.

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

Merchants take advantage of this by using the anchor as a "traffic password" and packaging the product as a "high-quality and inexpensive" hit to induce consumers to consume impulsively.

In the Xiao Yang incident, many fans relaxed their vigilance out of trust in "Xiao Yang", and finally fell into the trap of "fake Moutai".

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

"No profit can not be early", the chain of interests behind the sale of counterfeits is the root of this farce.

In the live streaming industry, anchors, MCN institutions, merchants, and platforms, every link is interlocking, and in order to maximize profits, some unscrupulous businesses take risks and extend their black hands to live streaming.

They take advantage of the anchor's traffic and tempt them with high pit fees and commissions to "launder the fakes" and put them on the shelves.

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

In order to pursue short-term interests, some anchors are very loose in the review of the authenticity of product quality, and even take the initiative to participate in it, and jointly direct a "fake sale" drama.

In the Xiao Yang brother incident, it is not ruled out that the Three Sheep Company relaxed the selection criteria in pursuit of profits and gave the "green light" to the fakes, which also aroused public doubts and concerns.

If even the top anchors can't guarantee the quality of their products, how can the rights and interests of consumers be protected?

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

There are frequent chaos in the sale of fake goods in live broadcasts, and the lack of supervision is to blame.

Although the relevant departments have continuously strengthened supervision in recent years, in the face of emerging new situations and new problems, the current laws, regulations and regulatory measures still lag behind.

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

As the "first responsible person" for live streaming, the platform should have assumed regulatory responsibility.

However, for the sake of traffic and revenue, some platforms do not strictly review the qualifications of merchants, do not crack down on counterfeit sales enough, and even condone counterfeit sales for the sake of profit, which undoubtedly fuels the arrogance of counterfeit sales.

In the Xiao Yang incident, the lack of supervision of the platform is also one of the important reasons, if the platform can detect and stop the sale of counterfeits in time, it may be able to avoid the occurrence of this turmoil.

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

Brother Xiaoyang's "fake Moutai" incident sounded the alarm for the majority of consumers.

Live shopping with goods, always be rational, do not be carried away by "low prices", choose regular channels to buy goods, carefully check product information and merchant qualifications, and avoid blindly believing in the anchor's recommendations.

At the same time, it is necessary to enhance the awareness of rights protection, collect evidence in a timely manner once problems are discovered, actively protect rights, and use legal weapons to protect their legitimate rights and interests.

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

This turmoil has also prompted the live streaming industry to reflect deeply.

Rebuilding trust and standardizing development is the only way for the healthy development of the live streaming industry.

As a public figure, anchors should enhance their sense of self-discipline, assume social responsibility, put an end to false propaganda and counterfeit sales, and win the trust of consumers with practical actions.

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

MCN institutions should also strengthen the management and training of anchors, guide anchors to establish correct values, and put product quality in the first place.

Platforms should shoulder their due responsibilities, strengthen supervision, improve platform rules, establish a sound after-sales service mechanism, and create a safe and secure shopping environment for consumers.

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

Live streaming is a new product of the Internet era, and its development prospects are still broad.

It is believed that with the joint efforts of platforms, anchors, consumers and other parties, the live streaming industry will overcome difficulties and embark on the road of standardized development, bringing consumers a better shopping experience and truly realizing "genuine goods".

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face


Zhengguan News: "Selling fake Moutai in the live broadcast room? Crazy Brother Yang does not recognize the third-party appraisal results》

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face
Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face
Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face "Tens of millions of Internet celebrities bought fake Moutai in the live broadcast room? Latest Responses》

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face
Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face
Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face

China Net Finance: "Moutai Group Responds Late at Night to "Self-Made Moutai Is Identified as True", Admitting Loopholes in Management

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face
Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face
Ask for a hammer and get a hammer! Brother Xiao Yang bit to death and refused to admit cheating, and the official of Moutai Group personally slapped him in the face