
"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

author:There is a murmuring wind in the summer
"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

Text/Editor: Xia Youfeng

"I'm a major general! Who are you to arrest me? ”

In 2013, in a high-end residential area in Beijing, a man in a crisp military uniform was swept up by a group of plainclothes people, handcuffed to a "silver bracelet" and taken away.

Many people nearby who witnessed what happened wondered, didn't this arrested person say that he was a young man, how could he be arrested?

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

However, no matter how the man struggled and quibbled, and how confused the onlookers were, the man was finally handcuffed.

It turned out that the real identity of this "major general" who was infinitely beautiful in front of people was actually a junior high school student named Dong Xianwei, who was just a miscellaneous worker in a restaurant

But no one could have imagined that it was such a person, who had carefully woven lies and deception for a full 15 years, and even the person next to him did not know the truth.

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

Dong Xianwei, born in 1958 in rural Tianjin, has no big skills, "flamboyant tongue" and "fear of hardship" are his biggest characteristics.

He is not the material for studying, and at the same time he hates learning, so after graduating from junior high school, he dropped out of school to work in the family farm, but he can't bear this kind of hardship when he cultivates the land.

Dong Xianwei, who is unwilling to face the loess with his back to the sky all his life, often fantasizes that he can get rich overnight and live a life of a superior person.

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

Later, he heard from the people in the village that he could make a lot of money by going out to work, so Dong Xianwei left his hometown and went to the big city.

However, reality soon dealt him a heavy blow, Dong Xianwei, who had no education and no skills, could only do some dirty and tiring physical work on the construction site.

The hard work and meager income made Dong Xianwei irritable, and he was extremely eager to find a shortcut to "lie down and get money".

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

It is precisely because of this idea that Dong Xianwei was targeted, and he was easily deceived into a pyramid scheme.

Although the essence of MLM organizations is deception, the brainwashing of those fanciful "success studies" has deeply attracted Dong Xianwei.

He saw that behind the glamour of those "successful people", there were huge "business opportunities".

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

Just as Dong Xianwei was preparing to "do a big job", the pyramid scheme organization he belonged to was arrested by the police in one fell swoop, and his "dream of making a fortune" was shattered before it set sail.

But fortunately, Dong Xianwei was in for a short time, and the criminal acts in front of the pyramid scheme organization could not be pulled on him, and he was released after being locked up for a few days.

However, after leaving the pyramid marketing organization, Dong Xianwei did not "change the evil and return to the right", but used the "packaging" and "brainwashing" routines of the pyramid scheme to perfection.

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

Until one day, when Dong Xianwei was working in a hotel, he met two soldiers by chance, looking at them wearing military uniforms and talking extraordinary, and the people around him cast admiring eyes, Dong Xianwei's mind suddenly flashed a thought.

If you can become a soldier yourself, wouldn't it be easy to gain wealth by taking advantage of people's respect and trust in soldiers?

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

This thought was like a magic spell, lingering in Dong Xianwei's mind. He began to observe the words and deeds of the soldiers, secretly imitating their demeanor and tone.

He also used illegal means to obtain fake military uniforms and documents, renamed himself "Dong Dawei," and fabricated the identity of "political commissar of a certain office of the Beijing Military Region" and "military rank of colonel."

In order to make himself look more presentable, Dong Xianwei also recruited a few younger brothers, obeyed him, before and after the saddle, he had to salute him when he went out, and called him "chief", full of style.

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play
"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

And Dong Xianwei knows that it is not enough to rely on "military uniforms" and "certificates", and he must have a set of stories and characters to improve his identity.

So, he began to fabricate his experience of "being born and dying" and "making great achievements" in the army, and he almost believed it himself.

And he also collects military information through various channels, packaging it as so-called "inside information" to confuse those who aspire to cling to the powerful.

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

In this way, Dong Xianwei began his "military career".

In the name of helping people become soldiers, go to school, and change jobs, he swaggered and deceived everywhere, patting his chest and saying that he was in charge of conscription, and that he could directly transfer to the military after graduation with a quota of 200,000 yuan for the internal quota of a military academy.

In order to give their children a good future, some parents have emptied their family funds and sent their hard-earned savings into Dong Xianwei's pocket.

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

In 2003, Dong Xianwei transferred the "fraud position" to Beijing.

He took a fancy to Beijing's special status as the capital and people's superstition about "Beijing relations", believing that it was easier to gain trust and find more "prey" here.

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

Mr. Dong rented a high-end office building in Beijing, packaged it as a "company" and hired some employees to pretend to be "successful people."

He often goes to high-end places, and he is generous, and his conversation reveals "mystery" and "authority".

With his well-built "personality" and "network", Dong Xianwei soon became popular in Beijing's wealthy circles.

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

In the process of being abducted and deceived in this pit, Dong Xianwei not only cheated money, but also "cheated sex".

He relied on the identity of an "officer" fabricated in disguise to pursue a young and beautiful woman, but can he register his marriage as a person whose identity has been fake from beginning to end?

The answer, of course, was to continue to forge it, and he made a fake marriage certificate, and when he saw the flaws, he said that it was issued by the army, which was different from the outside.

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

After marriage, Dong Xianwei and his wife had a daughter, however, he did not restrain his behavior because of this, but used his wife and daughter as a tool for his own wealth.

Use their social connections to make up more and more realistic lies to deceive more people.

Halfway through, he also raised his rank and promoted him to major general, and as soon as people outside saw him "promoted", there were even more people who came to stammer, and even more came to entrust him with things.

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

Many people wondered, how could he sustain such a clumsy lie for 15 years, and those who gave him money to do things but didn't succeed won't sue him?

In fact, this is related to the fact that some people dare not call the police or tell their families after being defrauded, and they are afraid of losing face.

Others are afraid of Dong Xianwei's status as a "fake major general", and they are afraid that they will be retaliated against after reporting, so they break their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs.

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

Of course, some people don't care about losing face and are not afraid of retaliation, so they directly approached Dong Xianwei to ask for an explanation.

Dong Xianwei is also very powerful, he can say that the dead are alive with one mouth, and the "Tai Chi" with one hand is even more tricky for the people who come to the door.

One moment he shirked and said, "The military policy has changed, we have to wait," and the next time he said, "This year's quota is full, and we have to wait for next year."

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

However, paper can't contain the fire after all, and as time goes by, Dong Xianwei's flaws become more and more, and his lies begin to be gradually exposed.

Until 2012, a company opened and asked Dong Xianwei to cut the ribbon, but Dong Xianwei had never participated in such activities before, because it was expressly forbidden by the army.

But in the end, Dong Xianwei still attended the ribbon-cutting event with a fluke mentality, there was no way, the company gave too much.

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

Someone posted a photo of Dong Xianwei's participation in the event on the Internet, which attracted the attention of the police, and then when the police asked the Beijing Military Region for verification, they found that "there was no such person," so they targeted him.

The police immediately set up a special team to investigate, and after a large number of visits and investigations and evidence collection, the police finally determined Dong Xianwei's true identity and the facts of the crime.

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

In 2013, after the police had evidence of Dong Xianwei's crime, they decided to close the net and arrest him.

In order not to startle the snake, the police formulated a thorough arrest plan, and finally arrested Dong Xianwei at his home in a high-end community.

When he was arrested, he was still wearing a military uniform, shouting about his military rank, and in the face of interrogation, he even said conclusively: "Because I am real, I can be so good", obviously deceived himself.

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

But in the face of ironclad evidence, Dong Xianwei's psychological defense line still completely collapsed, and he confessed to the crimes he committed.

In 2014, Dong Xianwei was sentenced to 14 years in prison for fraud, because his property was not enough to pay off the losses of the defrauded, so all his personal property was confiscated, and even the car and house were auctioned off to pay off the debt.

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play

Dong Xianwei changed from an ordinary rural youth to a despicable liar step by step, and finally went to prison, which is embarrassing.

His story is also a wake-up call to people: pie will not fall from the sky, and we must be down-to-earth at all times and realize the value of life through legitimate channels.

At the same time, we should also be vigilant, beware of being deceived, and do not be deceived by those false "halos" and "temptations".

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play


CCTV: "CCTV Exposed the Fake "Major General" to Deceive for 15 Years, Claiming to Pay 200,000 to Go to Military Academy"

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play
"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play
"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play "The Appearance of the Fake General: Falsely Claiming the Son-in-law of the Central Leader to Fraud Over 3.8 Million"

"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play
"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play
"Fake Major General" Dong Dawei: Pretending to be an officer for 15 years, he deceived 3.8 million to marry two wives, and was arrested for being too deep in the play