
Is cress a "strong enemy" of high uric acid? Doctor's advice: If you want your kidneys to be good and your body is smooth, eat more of these 3 things

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"You've been fasting for a long time, your blood sugar is too low, no wonder you faint." Doctor Li said earnestly.

It is said that on this day, Lao Wang is enjoying a rare lazy sleep. Lao Wang, over fifty years old, is the owner of a time-honored dumpling restaurant, and after a busy life, he is finally looking forward to the weekend.

But who knows, when I slept in the sun, my stomach was already rumbling with hunger. As soon as Lao Wang turned over and got up, his eyes suddenly turned black, his feet were weak, and he fell to the ground.

This scared him a lot, and it took him a long time before he slowly stood up. Thinking that he was not young at this age, Lao Wang began to worry about his health.

So, Lao Wang decided to go to the hospital to have a look. At this look, he found that not only did his blood sugar be low, but his uric acid was also high, which scared him.

Is cress a "strong enemy" of high uric acid? Doctor's advice: If you want your kidneys to be good and your body is smooth, eat more of these 3 things

Doctor Li looked at Lao Wang's physical examination report, sighed, and said, "Lao Wang, your high uric acid is not a trivial problem, you have to pay attention." "

"High uric acid? So what should I do? Lao Wang hurriedly asked.

Dr. Li touched his chin and said with a smile: "If you want to lower uric acid, you can't rely on medicine alone, you have to start with diet."

For example, eat more cress, this thing is a strong opponent of high uric acid! In addition, there are two things that you need to eat. "

Lao Wang heard it in a fog, but he made up his mind to study the problem of high uric acid.

When he got home, he immediately looked up information on the Internet, and didn't forget to call his old friend Lao Zhang, who was a health expert.

After some understanding, Lao Wang has a deeper understanding of uric acid, and also knows that cress, barley and black fungus have a miraculous effect on lowering uric acid.

First of all, let's talk about this cress, Lao Wang found that this thing is a treasure in traditional Chinese medicine. Cress is cold in nature, sweet in taste, and has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and swelling.

Is cress a "strong enemy" of high uric acid? Doctor's advice: If you want your kidneys to be good and your body is smooth, eat more of these 3 things

Modern medical research has shown that the apigenin in cress has obvious anti-inflammatory effects, which can inhibit the production of uric acid and promote uric acid excretion.

Lao Wang read several papers and found that experiments have shown that long-term consumption of cress can significantly reduce serum uric acid levels and improve the symptoms of hyperuricemia patients.

Lao Wang couldn't help but sigh, this cress is really a good thing! So, he decided to make more water celery at home and eat it every day to prevent uric acid from taking advantage of it.

Next up is barley. Barley, this thing is also a treasure, Lao Wang heard from Lao Zhang that barley has the effect of strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, clearing heat and draining pus.

Lao Wang went to check it again and found that the coix seed polysaccharide in barley has a significant uric acid-lowering effect, and barley can also enhance immunity, promote metabolism, and have multiple benefits to the body.

Lao Wang thinks that this barley can not only lower uric acid, but also regulate the body, which is like killing two birds with one stone.

In order to verify the effect of barley, Lao Wang also asked Dr. Li. Dr. Li told him that there was a patient, Uncle Liu, whose uric acid was so high that he didn't get better after taking medicine every day.

Is cress a "strong enemy" of high uric acid? Doctor's advice: If you want your kidneys to be good and your body is smooth, eat more of these 3 things

Later, Uncle Liu listened to the doctor's advice and drank barley porridge every day, and within a month, the uric acid really dropped. Lao Wang was so moved by this that he decided to try it himself.

Finally, there is the black fungus. Lao Wang is no stranger to black fungus, he knows that black fungus has the effect of replenishing qi and blood, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, but he didn't expect that this black fungus is also helpful for lowering uric acid.

Black fungus is rich in dietary fiber and plant polysaccharides, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, discharge waste and toxins from the body, and also facilitate the excretion of uric acid.

Lao Wang found on the Internet that studies have shown that the polysaccharides in black fungus can effectively inhibit the synthesis of uric acid and improve the excretion rate of uric acid.

After hearing this, Lao Wang had a bottom in his heart. He decided to eat more cress, barley and black fungus from today onwards to try to lower uric acid.

Lao Wang's health plan began to be implemented. Every morning, when he gets up, he first drinks a bowl of barley porridge, and at noon and dinner, he eats more stir-fried vegetables with cress, plus a bowl of black fungus soup.

As the days passed, Lao Wang felt a lot more relaxed, his head was no longer dizzy, and his steps were steady. A few months later, he went to the hospital for a follow-up examination and found that the uric acid had dropped a lot.

Is cress a "strong enemy" of high uric acid? Doctor's advice: If you want your kidneys to be good and your body is smooth, eat more of these 3 things

Seeing the changes in Lao Wang, Dr. Li was also very happy and praised him for doing a good job. Only then did Lao Wang understand that health is not just as simple as taking medicine, but also paying attention to daily diet and living habits. In order to consolidate the effect, Lao Wang also insisted on exercising every day, taking a walk in the morning and evening, and developed a good living habit.

One day, Lao Wang and Lao Zhang were walking in the park and chatted about lowering uric acid.

After listening to Lao Wang's experience, Lao Zhang couldn't help but admire and said: "Lao Wang, you are a living model of health!" It seems that this cress, barley and black fungus are really good things. "

Lao Wang smiled and said, "This is thanks to Dr. Li's reminder!" However, I also found a problem, I don't know if these are the only things that are effective, or if there are other foods that can also lower uric acid? "

Lao Zhang nodded and said, "That's a good question, we can study it again when we go back." However, don't let up at this stage and keep it up. "

So, the two old friends continued to walk in the park and discuss the experience of health preservation.

Here, I have to ask a question: in addition to cress, barley and black fungus, what other foods are helpful for lowering uric acid?

Dr. Li also gave some suggestions for this problem. He pointed out that in addition to the above three foods, there are some foods that are equally beneficial for uric acid lowering.

Is cress a "strong enemy" of high uric acid? Doctor's advice: If you want your kidneys to be good and your body is smooth, eat more of these 3 things

For example, cherries and strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which can reduce uric acid levels; The dietary fiber in oats and brown rice also helps excrete uric acid; In addition, the catechins in green tea have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and are also helpful in lowering uric acid.

According to research data, uric acid levels are significantly lower in people who drink green tea for a long time than in people who do not drink green tea.

Experimental studies of cherries have shown that daily consumption of cherries can significantly reduce serum uric acid levels and reduce the frequency of gout attacks.

Dr. Li also mentioned that it is equally important to maintain good lifestyle habits. Moderate exercise, weight control, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, and eating less high-purine foods (such as animal offal, seafood, etc.) can effectively prevent and control high uric acid.

Through the understanding of these foods and living habits, Lao Wang has strengthened his belief in continuing to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

He understands that health is not just about coping with immediate problems, but also about a better life in the future.

So, Lao Wang and Lao Zhang continued to walk in the park, talking about health preservation and enjoying a healthy day.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Zhou Zihan. Research progress on the effect of ticagrelor on serum uric acid levels and its mechanism, Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular, 2024-06-25

Is cress a "strong enemy" of high uric acid? Doctor's advice: If you want your kidneys to be good and your body is smooth, eat more of these 3 things