
Fennel is a cerebral hemorrhage "powder keg"? The doctor reminds: take care of the cerebrovascular system, and try to stay away from 4 objects

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Lao Zhang, you are the rhythm of a cerebral hemorrhage!"

When Dr. Li's words exploded in Lao Zhang's ears, Lao Zhang was so frightened that he almost jumped out of the hospital bed. What's going on? The story starts at the beginning.

Lao Zhang, 58 years old this year, is an old teacher, and enjoys the days of lying flat at home after retirement. He's a person, he likes to lie in bed when he's free, and he stays on it for most of the day.

On this day, Lao Zhang was lying on the bed as usual, fasting for a long time, and his head was dizzy for a while.

Thinking about getting up to solve the hungry stomach, as soon as he stood up, his eyes were dark, and his whole body fell directly to the ground.

When he woke up, he found himself lying in a hospital bed, and his wife, Aunt Zhang, was looking at him anxiously.

Fennel is a cerebral hemorrhage "powder keg"? The doctor reminds: take care of the cerebrovascular system, and try to stay away from 4 objects

Lao Zhang rubbed his head, which was still buzzing, and couldn't help but feel a little scared in his heart. This incident made him deeply aware that his health problems had reached a point that could not be ignored.

Lao Zhang's family doctor, Dr. Li, sighed while examining: "Lao Zhang, your blood pressure is frighteningly high, if you don't pay attention, you will really become a 'powder keg'." Lao Zhang was frightened when he heard this, and hurriedly asked, "Doctor Li, what the hell is going on?" ”

Dr. Li looked at Lao Zhang seriously and said, "Your cerebral blood vessel is like a water pipe, if you don't pay attention to maintenance for a long time, there will be more and more 'garbage' in it, and it will easily explode, resulting in cerebral hemorrhage."

Especially some things, you have to stay away from them, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable. ”

Dr. Li's words made Lao Zhang completely alert, and he decided to listen to Dr. Li's advice, after all, life matters.

So, Dr. Li explained to Lao Zhang in detail what things are "powder kegs for cerebral hemorrhage".

Number one: high-salt foods. Dr Lee pointed out that the effect of high-salt foods on blood pressure should not be underestimated.

Fennel is a cerebral hemorrhage "powder keg"? The doctor reminds: take care of the cerebrovascular system, and try to stay away from 4 objects

Excessive salt intake can lead to an increase in sodium ions in the body, which can increase blood volume and vascular resistance, and eventually lead to high blood pressure.

For Lao Zhang, this is undoubtedly a serious problem. Lao Zhang usually likes to eat salty, especially pickled vegetables and salted fish.

Dr. Lee warned him that if he didn't control his salt intake as soon as possible, cerebrovascular problems would come to his door sooner or later.

The second thing: greasy food. Saturated fatty acids and cholesterol in fatty foods can build up on the walls of blood vessels, forming atherosclerosis and increasing the risk of cerebral hemorrhage.

Lao Zhang listened to the drum in his heart, he usually likes to eat fried food, especially fried chicken legs, which is simply his favorite. Dr. Li advised him to eat less greasy food and more light food, which is good for his health.

The third kind: fennel, a common spice and medicinal plant, but if ingested in excess or allergic to it, it can cause some adverse effects, especially for people with cerebral hemorrhages.

Fennel may increase the risk of bleeding due to its anticoagulant effect, which may pose a risk to the health of people with cerebral hemorrhage.

Therefore, it should be consumed in moderation in the diet and used with caution under medical advice.

Fennel is a cerebral hemorrhage "powder keg"? The doctor reminds: take care of the cerebrovascular system, and try to stay away from 4 objects

Fourth: Processed foods. Dr Lee mentioned that processed foods often contain a lot of additives, preservatives, and unhealthy fats, which can cause damage to blood vessels.

Lao Zhang usually likes to eat some processed foods, such as instant noodles and ham sausages, which is convenient. Dr. Lee told him that eating as little as possible and eating more fresh food is better for his body.

After listening to Dr. Li's explanation, Lao Zhang secretly made up his mind that he must stay away from these "powder kegs of cerebral hemorrhage" in the future and protect his cerebrovascular well.

Dr. Li went on to talk about a few real-life cases, which further strengthened Lao Zhang's determination.

Dr. Li said that there was a patient Lao Liu, who was about the same age as Lao Zhang, who usually liked to eat salty, greasy food and drank alcohol.

As a result, one day, Lao Liu suddenly had a splitting headache while watching TV at home, and then fainted to the ground, and his family hurried

Take him to the hospital. After examination, it was found that Lao Liu had a cerebral hemorrhage, and the condition was very serious.

Although after emergency surgery and a long period of recovery, Lao Liu finally picked up a life, but he also suffered sequelae, and half of his body could not move.

Fennel is a cerebral hemorrhage "powder keg"? The doctor reminds: take care of the cerebrovascular system, and try to stay away from 4 objects

This story made Lao Zhang feel very close to it, and he decided that he must take it as a warning.

Dr Lee went on to say that research data has shown that people on a long-term high-salt diet have twice the risk of cerebral hemorrhage.

This data surprised Lao Zhang. He always thought that it didn't matter if he ate salty, but he didn't expect the consequences to be so serious.

Dr. Li suggested that his daily salt intake should be controlled to less than 5 grams, and that he should eat less pickled foods and more fresh vegetables and fruits, which would help control his blood pressure.

Lao Zhang nodded again and again when he heard this, feeling that he really didn't understand health before.

Dr. Li also told him that patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to monitoring their blood pressure, maintaining a happy mood, exercising properly, and avoiding overwork, which are all important measures to protect the cerebrovascular system.

Dr. Li's words made Lao Zhang completely wake up, and he decided to start developing healthy living habits from today onwards and no longer be the disobedient "Lao Zhang".

A few months later, Lao Zhang's life changed a lot. He got up early every day for a walk, his diet became lighter, he no longer touched fried foods and pickles, and he gave up drinking.

Fennel is a cerebral hemorrhage "powder keg"? The doctor reminds: take care of the cerebrovascular system, and try to stay away from 4 objects

Monitor your blood pressure on time every day to keep your mood happy, and you look a lot more energetic.

Mr. Zhang's change is not only gratifying to his family, but also to Dr. Li. Dr. Li said, "Lao Zhang, you are in good physical condition now, if you continue to maintain it, cerebrovascular problems should not find you again." ”

Lao Zhang felt relieved after hearing this, and finally he could not worry about the "powder keg" of cerebral hemorrhage.

However, new problems have also arisen. Lao Zhang began to think, in addition to these dietary problems, what other factors will affect the health of cerebrovascular diseases?

Dr. Li told Lao Zhang that in addition to diet, there are many other factors that affect the health of cerebrovascular diseases. For example, long-term mental stress, lack of exercise, irregular work and rest, etc., will cause a burden on the cerebral blood vessels.

Lao Zhang listened very carefully, and he asked Dr. Li, "How much does mental stress affect the cerebrovascular system?" ”

"When you are stressed, your body secretes a lot of stress hormones, which cause blood vessels to constrict and increase blood pressure, which increases the risk of cerebral haemorrhage," Dr Lee explains.

Fennel is a cerebral hemorrhage "powder keg"? The doctor reminds: take care of the cerebrovascular system, and try to stay away from 4 objects

Studies have shown that people with long-term mental stress are 40% more likely to suffer from cerebrovascular diseases than the general population. Therefore, maintaining a happy mood and relaxing appropriately is an important way to protect cerebrovascular diseases. ”

Lao Zhang nodded thoughtfully, he decided that he would learn to relax in the future and no longer put too much pressure on himself.

As a result, Lao Zhang began to participate in some interest classes, such as tai chi and calligraphy classes, which not only enriched his retirement life, but also made him more cheerful. Lao Zhang also went out to travel with old friends to broaden his horizons and relax.

A few months later, Lao Zhang's physical condition was getting better and better, and his spirit was more pleasant. He found that not only did he no longer experience dizziness, but his whole complexion was much better.

Dr. Li was very relieved to see the changes in Lao Zhang. He said: "Lao Zhang, your current lifestyle is very healthy, if you continue to maintain it, your cerebrovascular problems will definitely not appear again." ”

Lao Zhang smiled and nodded, he knew that he had finally found the right way to live and stayed away from those "powder kegs of cerebral hemorrhage".

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[1] Zeng Hong. Potential risk assessment of cerebral hemorrhage induced by H-type hypertension, Application of Modern Medicines in China, 2021-04-25

Fennel is a cerebral hemorrhage "powder keg"? The doctor reminds: take care of the cerebrovascular system, and try to stay away from 4 objects

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