
The temperature is rising, coronary heart patients pay attention: 4 details have to be prevented, don't let carelessness ruin you

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Attention, attention, everyone! As the temperature rises, patients with coronary heart disease must pay special attention to the details of their lives, and the slightest carelessness can lead to serious consequences.

Especially middle-aged and elderly friends, you can have a long snack! The voice of the doctor Zhang Dapeng came from the radio, and Aunt Chen was listening while sweeping the floor.

Aunt Chen is in her 60s this year and was a Chinese teacher at the school before she retired.

Since her retirement, she likes to listen to the radio at home, especially those health lectures, after all, her wife Uncle Wang had surgery for coronary heart disease a few years ago, and she has a little high blood pressure, so it never hurts to listen to some health knowledge.

"Everyone should pay attention to the fact that hot weather will cause the body's blood vessels to dilate and blood pressure to drop, but the heart rate will increase, increasing the burden on the heart.

For patients with coronary heart disease, if they are not careful, it is easy to have accidents. Dr. Zhang's voice continued. Aunt Chen stopped the broom in her hand and listened carefully.

The temperature is rising, coronary heart patients pay attention: 4 details have to be prevented, don't let carelessness ruin you

Dr. Zhang also explained a lot of details: "For example, don't think that drinking more water is okay when it is hot, in fact, drinking a lot of water will increase the burden on the heart, especially ice water, which is a big taboo."

Aunt Chen nodded as she listened, thinking that these details were really important. She had heard that direct air conditioning could cause blood vessels to constrict, affecting the flow of blood.

In addition, clothing should not be too thick, nor should it be greedy, but moderate. In terms of diet, it is advisable to eat less greasy and spicy foods, and it is advisable to choose light foods.

Uncle Wang is 70 years old this year, he was an electrician before he retired, and he usually likes to drink some beer. Aunt Chen thought about these details, and she really had to talk to her wife.

After dinner, Aunt Chen told Uncle Wang about the health knowledge on the radio. Uncle Wang frowned as he listened: "Well, I'll listen to you in the future, pay more attention." ”

The next morning, Aunt Chen turned on the radio again, and this time Dr. Zhang was talking about specific cases.

For example, there is an old Li Tou, who is over 70 years old, went to play mahjong one day and drank a lot of cold beer, but he had a heart attack on the way home and was too late when he was sent to the hospital.

The temperature is rising, coronary heart patients pay attention: 4 details have to be prevented, don't let carelessness ruin you

There is also an old Zhao Tou, when it is hot, the air conditioner is always turned on to the maximum, but because of the sharp constriction of blood vessels, resulting in angina, he had to be sent to the hospital urgently.

These cases made Aunt Chen feel close to each other, and quickly asked Uncle Wang to pay attention to these details.

Over the next few days, Aunt Chen applied Dr. Zhang's advice to every aspect of her life.

When I got up in the morning, I made a glass of warm water for Uncle Wang and told him to drink it slowly; At noon, I made a light lunch, and I specially added some green leafy vegetables; In the afternoon, let Uncle Wang sit on the balcony to blow the natural breeze and avoid the direct blowing of the air conditioner.

Although Uncle Wang complained a little, he also knew that it was for his own good, so he silently accepted these arrangements.

"Still," Dr. Chang continued, "don't be overly nervous, just be modest."

For example, moderate exercise is still necessary, but pay attention to time and intensity. Go out for a walk in the morning and evening when it is cool, avoid the high temperature in the middle of the day, and adjust the amount of exercise according to your physical condition. ”

Aunt Chen took note of these details again and began to plan to take Uncle Wang to the park for a walk every morning and evening.

Speaking of which, it is worth taking a closer look at why high temperatures have such a big impact on patients with coronary heart disease.

The temperature is rising, coronary heart patients pay attention: 4 details have to be prevented, don't let carelessness ruin you

First of all, the increase in temperature will lead to a large loss of water in the body, and the blood viscosity will increase, which will make it easy to form blood clots.

This is undoubtedly a red flag for people with coronary heart disease. When a blood clot blocks a coronary artery, it can lead to myocardial infarction.

In addition, in order to keep the body temperature stable, the blood vessels in the skin dilate and the blood circulation accelerates, which increases the burden on the heart. And the heart of a patient with coronary heart disease exists on its own

Excessive heart strain can lead to cardiac insufficiency and even heart failure.

In addition, excessive sweating can lead to electrolyte imbalances, especially the loss of elements such as potassium and sodium, which can affect the normal function of the heart muscle and increase the risk of arrhythmias.

To make it easier for you to understand, let's take a look at a set of data: according to the latest research data, the risk of cardiovascular events in patients with coronary heart disease increases by 20% compared with normal temperatures in hot weather.

Among them, the probability of sudden myocardial infarction increased by 15%, and the probability of angina attack increased by 10%.

These data undoubtedly remind us that the threat of rising temperatures to patients with coronary heart disease is real and cannot be ignored.

Let's talk about another case. There was an old lady surnamed Liu, seventy years old, usually quite tough, but this summer was very hot, one day at noon, the old lady felt thirsty, poured a few large glasses of ice water, but not long after, I felt a sharp pain in my heart and fell to the ground.

The temperature is rising, coronary heart patients pay attention: 4 details have to be prevented, don't let carelessness ruin you

The family quickly called the emergency number and sent it to the hospital for an investigation, only to know that it was an acute myocardial infarction. The doctor said that it was fortunate that he was sent to the hospital in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

So, what should patients with coronary heart disease do in hot weather? Here are a few points for your reference:

1. Drink water in moderation: Drink between 1500-2000ml a day, do not drink a lot of water at one time, especially avoid ice water.

2. Eat a reasonable diet: Eat a light diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, reduce the intake of greasy and spicy foods, and ensure balanced nutrition.

3. Moderate exercise: Choose a cool time in the morning and evening to do moderate exercise, such as walking, jogging, etc., but avoid strenuous exercise.

4. Keep it cool: Try to avoid going out during high temperature periods, keep ventilation indoors, don't blow directly when using the air conditioner, and control the temperature between 26-28 degrees.

5. Monitor health: Measure blood pressure and heart rate regularly, seek medical attention in time if you have uncomfortable symptoms, and take medication on time according to the doctor's instructions.

Aunt Chen followed these suggestions and took good care of Uncle Wang. Although Uncle Wang sometimes thinks that these rules are too much, his heart is also warm when he sees his wife so attentive.

At this point in the story, you may ask, in addition to the above precautions in hot weather, are there any other details that we often ignore but are equally important?

The temperature is rising, coronary heart patients pay attention: 4 details have to be prevented, don't let carelessness ruin you

Yes, it's to maintain mental health. Mental health can also affect heart health, especially in hot weather, people's mood is easy to fluctuate, and patients with coronary heart disease should pay more attention to maintaining a stable mood and avoiding emotional agitation.

Studies have shown that mood swings can lead to sympathetic nerve excitation, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, increased heart burden, and induced cardiovascular events.

So, how exactly do you maintain your mental health?

1. Proper relaxation: You can relax your mind by listening to music, reading books, doing tai chi, etc., to avoid long-term tension and anxiety.

2. Regular work and rest: ensure adequate sleep, do not stay up late, and develop good work and rest habits.

3. Communication: Communicate with family and friends, confide in your inner pressure, and seek psychological support.

4. Positive and optimistic: Maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, think more about the good when looking at problems, and avoid the accumulation of negative emotions.

5. Seek help: If you feel too much psychological pressure, you can seek the help of a professional psychologist for psychological counseling.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Bao Chengming. Relationship between echomyocardial work and nuclear myocardial imaging parameters and left ventricular remodeling of coronary heart disease and their combined predictive performance, Clinical Misdiagnosis and Mistreatment, 2024-06-27

The temperature is rising, coronary heart patients pay attention: 4 details have to be prevented, don't let carelessness ruin you