
Urgent reminder: The elderly over 65 years old, do not swim in the water easily, 4 consequences are afraid that they will not be able to bear

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Do you know, old friends? Summer is coming, everyone likes to go swimming, but for seniors over 65 years old, it is very dangerous to go into the water to swim! ”

The doctor's sonorous voice came over the radio, interrupting Uncle Wang, who was sweeping the floor in the kitchen.

Uncle Wang, 66 years old, was a primary school teacher before retiring. Since his retirement, he has lived a leisurely life, but his only annoyance is the problem of old cold legs.

When he heard the doctor's warning on the radio, he thought to himself, "I'm old, and it doesn't matter if I don't swim, but why is swimming dangerous?" ”

The doctor continued: "Elderly people over the age of 65 gradually deteriorate, and the function of vital organs such as the heart and lungs is not as strong as when they were younger.

Swimming is demanding on the heart and lungs, and if you don't warm up and prepare adequately, it can lead to cardiac arrest, drowning and other serious consequences. ”

Urgent reminder: The elderly over 65 years old, do not swim in the water easily, 4 consequences are afraid that they will not be able to bear

Uncle Wang stopped the broom in his hand and listened carefully, drumming a little in his heart. He usually occasionally goes to the swimming pool in the community to soak in the water, thinking that this can not only exercise his body, but also relieve fatigue.

But when he heard the doctor say this, he realized that he really hadn't thought about these issues.

"In addition, older people who swim in the water are also prone to muscle cramps."

The doctor continued, "Because the elasticity and flexibility of the muscles in the elderly are declining, and some people have problems such as cold legs and arthritis, they are more likely to cramp in cold water.

Once cramping occurs, it can lead to drowning if not handled properly. ”

Uncle Wang frowned, remembering the scene of seeing Lao Li cramping in the pool a few days ago, and his heart suddenly cooled.

Lao Li is also an old neighbor in the community, 68 years old this year, he suddenly hugged his leg in the pool that day, his face was pale, but fortunately there were several young people next to him to help in time, so a tragedy was averted.

The doctor's words are not finished: "The third risk is that the skin of the elderly is more fragile, and long-term immersion in swimming pool water is prone to skin infections.

Urgent reminder: The elderly over 65 years old, do not swim in the water easily, 4 consequences are afraid that they will not be able to bear

Especially in public swimming pools, it is difficult to guarantee that the water quality is absolutely clean, and once infected, it is very troublesome to treat. ”

This sentence evoked Uncle Wang's memories again. He remembered that Aunt Chen in the community had itchy skin after swimming last month, and only after checking in the hospital did she know that she had a skin fungal infection.

Aunt Chen usually loves to be clean, and her home is spotlessly clean, but she still contracted a skin disease because of the water quality problem in the swimming pool, and she tossed for a while.

"The fourth risk is that if the elderly swim in the water, if they are not in good physical condition, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and other underlying diseases, the low temperature environment and physical exertion in the water will aggravate these diseases and even induce acute diseases," the doctor concluded.

Therefore, all elderly friends must carefully consider that although swimming is a good thing, it is also necessary to do what you can and not take risks. ”

After listening to this, Uncle Wang's heart went up and down. He knew that he had high blood pressure, and he usually had to take medicine to control it, and although it was hot in the summer, it really didn't seem like a good idea to go into the water and swim.

Thinking about it, he decided to take more walks and do gentle gymnastics in the future to avoid these potential risks.

Just when Uncle Wang was seriously reflecting, the doctor on the radio told a real case: "I have a patient, surnamed Liu, who is 70 years old this year.

Uncle Liu likes to swim after retirement, and once he felt that the weather was hot, so he went to the pool.

Urgent reminder: The elderly over 65 years old, do not swim in the water easily, 4 consequences are afraid that they will not be able to bear

However, within a few minutes of swimming, he felt severe pain in his chest, and after being rushed to the hospital, he was diagnosed with myocardial infarction.

Afterwards, he himself said that he was completely unaware that his physical condition was no longer suitable for high-intensity exercise. ”

Uncle Wang was frightened when he heard this, and quickly put the broom away, sat down and carefully recalled the changes in his body over the years. It seems that the older you get, the more careful you have to be, and you can't be as willful as when you were young.

At this time, Uncle Wang's wife, Aunt Zhang, came over with a cup of hot tea, saw him sitting there in a daze, and asked with concern, "Old Wang, what's wrong?" Listening to the radio so intriguingly? ”

Uncle Wang sighed and repeated what the doctor had just said. After listening to this, Aunt Zhang nodded and said, "You're right, we are old and our health is not as good as before." Look at my old waist, it usually hurts a little bit. In the future, let's swim less and do more safe exercise. ”

Therefore, the two elderly people decided to swim less and do more exercises suitable for the elderly, such as tai chi, walking, square dancing, etc., which can not only exercise their bodies, but also will not be too risky.

However, the problem came again, and Uncle Wang couldn't help but ask Aunt Zhang: "You said that we changed it like this, is it really safe?" Isn't there any other sport that has potential risks? ”

Urgent reminder: The elderly over 65 years old, do not swim in the water easily, 4 consequences are afraid that they will not be able to bear

Aunt Zhang thought for a while and said, "Of course, exercise is risky, but the key is to choose the right exercise method for you according to your physical condition." ”

It's true that different exercises have different risks and benefits, and it's all about balance. For seniors, choosing the right way to exercise not only helps to strengthen the body, but also avoids unnecessary injuries.

For example, Tai Chi, as a traditional Chinese exercise, not only exercises the flexibility and balance of the body, but also does not cause excessive burden on the heart and lung function, so it is one of the first choices for many elderly people.

In addition, walking is a very simple and effective form of exercise. Walking for 30 minutes a day can not only exercise the heart and lungs, but also promote blood circulation and lower blood pressure. Studies have shown that walking consistently can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

However, it should be noted that although square dancing seems simple, if the movements are not standardized, or the venue is uneven, it is also easy to lead to accidents such as falls. Therefore, when the elderly dance in the square, they should choose the right venue and pay attention to the standardization of the movements.

When it comes to exercising for seniors, the key is to do what you can, choose the right way to exercise, and be mindful of potential risks. Exercise is important, but it's even more important to stay safe and healthy.

Urgent reminder: The elderly over 65 years old, do not swim in the water easily, 4 consequences are afraid that they will not be able to bear

I hope that every elderly friend can protect their body and live a healthy and happy life in their old age while enjoying sports.

Seniors have many other options besides swimming when choosing the right exercise for them.

Walking is a simple and effective form of exercise that can be done in a park or in an indoor corridor that not only helps strengthen the heart and lungs, but also promotes bone health.

Yoga and Tai Chi, on the other hand, focus on flexibility and balance, which are suitable for helping the elderly maintain flexibility and stability.

In addition, cycling and light aerobic exercise, such as dancing, can also elevate mood and social activities, adding fun to life.

Choosing the right exercise program not only improves physical health, but also improves the quality of life for older adults.

The key is to stick to a moderate amount of exercise and choose an exercise style that is suitable for your health under the guidance of your doctor.

Through these activities, seniors can enjoy the dual benefits of physical and mental health, maintaining an active and happy lifestyle.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Shao Zhihong. Study on the Effect of Swimming on Bone Mineral Density in the Elderly, Chinese Journal of Gerontology, 1995-04-20

Urgent reminder: The elderly over 65 years old, do not swim in the water easily, 4 consequences are afraid that they will not be able to bear

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