
The scorching heat is unbearable, warn gout patients: 4 things must not be sloppy, don't regret when you have a seizure

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"You are injured, it may be slower to recover." The doctor sighed helplessly while treating Uncle Zhang's wounds. When Uncle Zhang heard this, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked, "Doctor, is this wound a big problem?" ”

Uncle Zhang, over 50 years old, is a retired bank clerk who is keen to ride after retirement. Today's sudden rainstorm caused him to slip while riding, and he scraped a large piece of skin on his leg. He rushed to the hospital to treat the wound, but he did not expect that the doctor found other problems during the examination.

After careful examination, the doctor frowned slightly and continued, "How are you doing with your recent gout attack?" ”

The scorching heat is unbearable, warn gout patients: 4 things must not be sloppy, don't regret when you have a seizure

Uncle Zhang was stunned for a moment, thought about it, and did have some faint pain in his ankle recently, so he nodded and admitted. Seeing this, the doctor said solemnly: "In the hot weather, there are four things that gout patients must not be sloppy, don't wait for the attack to regret it." ”

When Uncle Zhang heard this, he immediately became interested, and hurriedly asked, "Doctor, what four things can't be sloppy?" ”

The doctor put down the medical record folder in his hand and began to explain in detail: "First, gout patients cannot ignore hydration. If you sweat a lot in summer and lose water in your body quickly, if you don't hydrate in time, it will lead to an increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood, which can easily cause a gout attack. ”

Uncle Zhang nodded while listening, thinking: It seems that you have to drink more water in the future, and you can't let yourself be thirsty.

The doctor continued: "Second, gout patients cannot eat seafood and high-purine foods at will. In summer, beer and seafood are everyone's favorites at barbecue stalls, but these foods are high in purines, and excessive intake will cause uric acid levels to rise rapidly, inducing gout. ”

The scorching heat is unbearable, warn gout patients: 4 things must not be sloppy, don't regret when you have a seizure

Uncle Zhang was completely attracted at this time, it turned out that his summer eating habits had such a big hidden danger.

The doctor went on to say, "Thirdly, gout patients should not be exposed to high temperatures for long periods of time. High temperatures can accelerate the loss of water in the body, leading to the precipitation of uric acid crystals, which can lead to gout. Therefore, gout patients should try to avoid spending time outdoors for a long time in summer, especially when the sun is strong. ”

Uncle Zhang slapped his thigh and praised again and again: "This is really an important reminder, you have to pay attention to it in the future!" ”

Seeing that he was so focused, the doctor continued, "Fourth, gout patients cannot ignore medication management. Many gout patients feel that their symptoms have been reduced, so they stop or reduce the medicine without authorization, which will lead to recurrence or even aggravation of the disease. Therefore, it is important to take your medication on time as prescribed. ”

Uncle Zhang nodded and decided to strictly follow the doctor's advice to manage his condition from today onwards. Seeing this, the doctor cited a few specific cases to strengthen Uncle Zhang's cognition.

The scorching heat is unbearable, warn gout patients: 4 things must not be sloppy, don't regret when you have a seizure

"There is a patient who is about the same age as you and is also a gout patient. Because I didn't pay attention to hydration in the summer, I often forgot to drink water, and as a result, my uric acid level increased dramatically, and my gout attacks became very frequent, and I finally had to be hospitalized. ”

Uncle Zhang was shocked when he heard this, and quickly wrote down the doctor's advice. Seeing this, the doctor told a more typical case.

"There is also an old gentleman who likes to eat seafood and drink beer in the summer, but as a result, he has a severe gout attack and even has difficulty walking. After our persuasion, he slowly controlled his diet and reduced the intake of high-purine foods, and his gout attack was relieved. ”

Uncle Zhang sighed: "It seems that this gout really needs to be paid attention to from every detail of life." ”

The doctor nodded and said, "Yes, gout not only needs to be treated with medication, but also needs to be controlled through the management of daily living habits. Hydration, for example, is very important. A large amount of data shows that adequate water intake can help flush out excess uric acid from the body and reduce the chance of gout attacks. ”

The scorching heat is unbearable, warn gout patients: 4 things must not be sloppy, don't regret when you have a seizure

Uncle Zhang sighed a lot, left the hospital gratefully, and immediately began to adjust his living habits according to the doctor's advice after returning home. Over time, he found that his physical condition had indeed improved and that the frequency of gout attacks had decreased significantly.

However, the story doesn't end there. Uncle Zhang was at the community center one day and found that there were many elderly people who had similar gout problems. He decided to share his experiences and doctors' recommendations at community events.

"Dear old friends, gout patients must pay attention to four things in summer: do not neglect hydration, do not eat high-purine foods at will, do not expose to high temperatures for a long time, and do not neglect drug management. I didn't pay attention to these issues before, and as a result, I had a terrible gout attack. The doctor told me that gout patients must keep these four 'don'ts' in mind. You must pay attention! ”

Old friends in the community listened with relish and said they wanted to go home and tell their children. Uncle Zhang felt extremely relieved and felt that his experience had not only helped him, but also helped more people.

So, here's a question: In addition to paying attention to these four things in daily life, what other ways can gout patients help control their condition?

People with gout can take the following steps in their daily lives to help manage their condition:

Maintain a healthy diet: In addition to avoiding high-purine foods, you should also eat a balanced diet with more fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products, and reduce your intake of red meat and animal offal.

Moderate exercise: Moderate exercise can help improve the body's metabolic function, but avoid strenuous exercise to avoid increasing the burden on the joints.

The scorching heat is unbearable, warn gout patients: 4 things must not be sloppy, don't regret when you have a seizure

Maintain an ideal weight: Obesity increases the risk of gout attacks, so it is important to maintain a healthy weight through proper diet and exercise.

Quit smoking and limit alcohol: Both smoking and alcohol consumption can affect uric acid metabolism, so you should try to quit smoking and limit your alcohol intake, especially beer.

Monitor uric acid levels regularly: Go to the hospital regularly for uric acid testing to understand your uric acid levels and adjust your diet and medication regimen in time.

Maintain a good state of mind: Stress and mood swings can also affect gout attacks, and maintaining a good state of mind can help you better manage your condition.

Through the above methods, combined with the four things reminded by doctors, gout patients can control their condition more comprehensively and effectively, reduce the frequency of gout attacks, and improve their quality of life.

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[1] Chen Huanyue. Effect of Jing Medicine Characteristic Patch Combined with Dietary Intervention on Pain in Patients with Gouty Arthritis, Hebei Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2024-06-28

The scorching heat is unbearable, warn gout patients: 4 things must not be sloppy, don't regret when you have a seizure