
Before lung cancer comes, you can know by sleeping? Doctor: People with lung cancer, these are the 3 signs of sleep

author:Dr. Liang popularized science
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"When you sleep at night and feel tightness in your chest, cough from time to time, or even have difficulty breathing, don't think it's just fatigue or a cold. In fact, these may be the lungs sending distress signals. The doctor's loud voice came over the radio, breaking Aunt Li's musings.

Aunt Li is an ordinary housewife who lives in Haidian District, Beijing. She swept the floor with a broom while pricking up her ears to listen carefully to the health knowledge section on the radio. Aunt Li's husband, Uncle Zhang, is a retired professor who likes to study books and has a strong interest in health issues. The two often discussed this health knowledge together, and became "health consultants" in the neighborhood.

Before lung cancer comes, you can know by sleeping? Doctor: People with lung cancer, these are the 3 signs of sleep

"Hey, did you hear that, this doctor said that you can tell if you have lung cancer when you sleep." Aunt Li excitedly shouted to Uncle Zhang, who was studying in the study.

Uncle Zhang put down the book and walked to the living room, "Oh, of course I heard it, this is a health lecture that we listen to every day, and what we talk about today is really fresh." ”

The doctor continued, "Lung cancer patients often experience three distinct signs when they sleep: first, frequent coughing at night; second, chest pain; Third, shortness of breath or difficulty. Everyone should pay attention to it, and if these symptoms occur for a long time, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time. ”

Aunt Li stopped what she was doing and fell into deep thought. She remembered her neighbor, Uncle Wang, who had been saying that he always coughed when he slept, and his chest hurt badly. This made her heart tighten, "Could it be that Uncle Wang really has a problem?" ”

Before lung cancer comes, you can know by sleeping? Doctor: People with lung cancer, these are the 3 signs of sleep

Doctors are also talking about specific medical knowledge, "Studies have shown that lung cancer is one of the most common and fatal cancers in the world. In particular, long-term smokers and people who are exposed to harmful gases are more likely to develop lung cancer. Early detection and treatment have an important impact on the survival rate of patients. ”

Hearing this, Aunt Li's curiosity became stronger and stronger, and she decided to talk to Uncle Wang to see if she could help. So, she hurriedly packed up her chores and went straight to the neighbor's house.

Uncle Wang is a retired construction worker who has worked hard all his life and smoked a lot when he was young. Recently, he has been feeling unwell, but he always feels that he is too old to pay much attention to it. Aunt Li knocked on the door and said enthusiastically, "Uncle Wang, how are you doing lately?" I heard that you always cough when you sleep at night? ”

Before lung cancer comes, you can know by sleeping? Doctor: People with lung cancer, these are the 3 signs of sleep

Uncle Wang smiled bitterly, "Oh, I'm old, I have a lot of problems, it's really not good to sleep at night, I always cough, and my chest hurts." ”

Aunt Li hurriedly told Uncle Wang what she heard today, "Uncle, you can't be careless about this symptom, I just heard from the doctor that these may be early signs of lung cancer, you have to go to the hospital for a check-up." ”

Although Uncle Wang was a little worried in his heart, he was still a little hesitant, "Oh, it's not like it, just cough, and it costs money to go to the hospital for examination." ”

Aunt Li was anxious, "Uncle, money is a trivial matter, health is important!" I'll go with you, and we'll go to the hospital now. ”

At Aunt Li's insistence, Uncle Wang finally agreed to go to the hospital for an examination. A week later, the results of the examination came out, and Uncle Wang was indeed diagnosed with lung cancer, but fortunately it was early. The doctor said that with timely treatment, Uncle Wang's condition has a good chance of being controlled.

Before lung cancer comes, you can know by sleeping? Doctor: People with lung cancer, these are the 3 signs of sleep

After the news spread, the neighbors admired Aunt Li and her health knowledge. Everyone asked Aunt Li for health knowledge, and Aunt Li was happy to share the medical knowledge she heard on the radio.

In a follow-up episode, the doctor explained in detail why these symptoms are associated with lung cancer, "The early symptoms of lung cancer are often not obvious, but as the tumor grows, it can irritate and compress the surrounding tissues, causing a nighttime cough, chest pain, and difficulty breathing. These symptoms occur because the airways are more likely to be blocked at night when the body is lying flat, and the pressure of the tumor is more obvious. ”

In addition, doctors also emphasized the importance of preventing lung cancer. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as quitting smoking, eating a balanced diet, exercising moderately, etc., can reduce the risk of lung cancer.

Before lung cancer comes, you can know by sleeping? Doctor: People with lung cancer, these are the 3 signs of sleep

Regular lung screening, such as low-dose computed tomography (LD CT), can also help detect lung cancer early, providing more opportunities for treatment.

All in all, understanding the symptoms of lung cancer and its causes is essential to increase public awareness and alertness about the disease. It is only through timely diagnosis and treatment, as well as proactive preventive measures, that we can better address the serious health challenge of lung cancer.

The doctor also recounted several cases to illustrate the problem. A 50-year-old man who has been a long-term smoker started with an occasional nocturnal cough that progressed to a nightly cough with unbearable chest pain. Lung cancer was eventually diagnosed, but because it was detected late, it was difficult to treat and the prognosis was poor. Another case is a 40-year-old woman who does not smoke but has been working in a chemical plant for a long time and has cough and difficulty breathing at night.

Before lung cancer comes, you can know by sleeping? Doctor: People with lung cancer, these are the 3 signs of sleep

To give you a better understanding, the doctor also cites some data, "According to global cancer statistics, the five-year survival rate for lung cancer can reach more than 50% in the early stages, but in the advanced stages, the survival rate drops sharply to less than 10%. Therefore, early detection and intervention are key. ”

Through the spread of this knowledge, Aunt Li not only helped Uncle Wang, but also made the neighbors around her also start to pay attention to their own health problems. She has become a veritable health ambassador in the community, busy answering her neighbors' health questions every day.

One day, Uncle Zhang suddenly asked Aunt Li, "You said that we have heard so much health knowledge, can we really prevent diseases?" ”

Aunt Li replied with a smile, "Of course, health knowledge is like a compass that can help us avoid dangerous areas." As the doctor said, knowing your physical condition and seeking medical attention in time when you find abnormalities is a hundred times better than remediating it afterwards. ”

Before lung cancer comes, you can know by sleeping? Doctor: People with lung cancer, these are the 3 signs of sleep

At the end, the doctor asks a thought-provoking question on the show, "We breathe every day, but do you pay serious attention to every breath?" These seemingly ordinary little things are actually a barometer of health. ”

This question made Aunt Li and Uncle Zhang fall into deep thought. Aunt Li replied, "We have to learn to pay attention to our bodies and understand every little change. Only in this way can we take timely measures to stay healthy before the disease strikes. ”

Through this experience, Aunt Li deeply realized that health is a priceless wealth that needs to be guarded with our hearts. She is determined to continue to learn more about health and help more people stay away from diseases and live happily ever after.

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[1] Wang Juan. Analysis of risk factors and nursing countermeasures for complications after robot-assisted radical lung cancer resection in patients with early-stage lung cancer, Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2024-06-25

Before lung cancer comes, you can know by sleeping? Doctor: People with lung cancer, these are the 3 signs of sleep