
How to read his mind? A way to tell if a person has a crush on you

author:Good wishes to you

Love, the most complex emotion in the world, fascinates and drives people crazy. Sometimes, do you think that reading a person's mind is more difficult than solving a complex math problem? Don't worry, let me tell you how to tell if someone has a crush on you.

How to read his mind? A way to tell if a person has a crush on you

First, look into his eyes. The eyes are the windows to the soul, and that's true. If he has a crush on you, his eyes will betray him. You will find that his gaze is always on you, and sometimes, you will inadvertently catch him looking at you, and when you look over, he will shyly avoid it. That's what his heart is telling you that he has interest in you.

Second, observe his body language. Body language is the truest expression of the kind that we may not even be aware of ourselves. If he has a crush on you, his body will unconsciously lean towards you, his feet will point towards you, and his body will be slightly towards you. These are all things that his body is telling you that he has a crush on you.

Then, look at his behavior. If he has a crush on you, he will find every opportunity to get close to you, talk to you, ask you for help, and even hang out with you. He will be very concerned about you, about your life, about your mood, and even about your family. He will remember your preferences, remember your habits, remember everything about you. These are all things that his actions are telling you that he has a crush on you.

How to read his mind? A way to tell if a person has a crush on you

Again, listen to his words. If he has a crush on you, his words will be full of praise and praise for you. He will often say things that make you happy and do things that make you happy. He will mention you a lot and talk about you often. These are his words telling you that he has a crush on you.

Finally, look at his reaction. If he has a crush on you, he will react to your every move. When you are happy, he will be happier than you; When you are sad, he will be more sad than you. Every little gesture you make, every little expression, will attract his attention. These are his reactions to tell you that he has a crush on you.

How to read his mind? A way to tell if a person has a crush on you

If you find that he has any of the above, then congratulations, he has a crush on you. However, love is a game of two people, and you also have to respond by letting him know your heart. Love requires courage and action, don't let love be missed in waiting.