
He wants to get back together after the disconnection, how to judge his sincerity?

author:Good wishes to you

The reunion after disconnection always makes people feel complicated. The quarrels and misunderstandings in the past have gradually faded away under the wash of time, leaving behind the thoughts of each other and the inseparable emotions. When that familiar him appears in your world again, with the will to reunite, your heart may ripple, but you will also hesitate: is his reunion sincere or impulsive?

He wants to get back together after the disconnection, how to judge his sincerity?

First, look at his attitude. People who really want to get back together must have a sincere attitude. He will reach out to you and care about you, rather than only thinking about you when he's bored. He will respect your decision and give you enough space and time to think about it instead of rushing it. He will take every issue between you seriously, not evasive or perfunctory.

Second, look at his actions. Action is the best way to test your sincerity. If he genuinely wants to get back together with you, he will act on it, not just pay lip service. He will work hard to correct his previous mistakes and work hard for your relationship. He will take the initiative to take responsibility instead of pushing the problem on you. He will prove his determination and sincerity with practical actions.

He wants to get back together after the disconnection, how to judge his sincerity?

Again, look at his changes. Change is another important measure of sincerity. If he really wants to get back together with you, he will change for you. He cares about your feelings and respects your opinions, rather than going his own way. He will work hard to improve himself and create better conditions for your relationship. He will become a better version of himself for you.

Finally, look at how you feel. Your feelings are the key to judging his sincerity. If he genuinely wants to get back together with you, you will find that your mood becomes lighter and more pleasant, and your life is full of hope and anticipation. You will feel his care and love, and you will feel that he really wants to be with you. And if you are troubled, distressed, or upset, then his sincerity is questionable.

He wants to get back together after the disconnection, how to judge his sincerity?

Reuniting after disconnection requires courage and determination. And judging his sincerity takes time and patience. Don't rush into a decision, give yourself some time to observe and think. Trust your instincts and trust that your feelings will tell you the answer. If he genuinely wants to get back together with you, then his actions and changes will speak for themselves. And if you find that his sincerity is not what you want, then please be brave enough to let go and find the happiness that truly belongs to you.